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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The 4th Horseman … er … Judge

Remember a couple of seasons ago, when American Idol had a couple of female “guest” judges for just a few episodes? What I recall most is the tension that seemed to be at the table, especially the uncomfortable vibes coming via Abdul Way.

Well, fans - get ready for more of that friction because for season 8 there is a brand new female judge who is in for the long haul.

Her name is Kara DioGuardi, she is a songwriter from New York, and the www is abuzz about her first day on the job and her career so far. She is described as being outspoken yet compassionate, two good qualities to have in an AI judge. (Hopefully she is coherent as well, and has more than three descriptives phrases.)

Show of hands if anyone is sensing an All About Eve moment? Or a Pauley/Norville déjà vu? Anyone? (Bueller?)

Perhaps it is not really a sign of the apocalypse but it certainly is a show-altering change. I personally can not wait for the show to start again, no matter how many new judges they add...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Idol Minus One

Chatter on the ‘net confirms that come season 8, Nigel Lythgoe will no longer be involved in the production aspects of American Idol. He will be concentrating on his other brain child So You Think You Can Dance (or as My Kid calls it "So You Think You Can Have a Seizure Onstage.") So the question is, come January, who will we blame for everything that sucks about the show? Well, it won’t be Nigel. :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

AI in NC

Unfortunately, we did not make it to Charlotte for the AI concert after all. :-(

Will have to live vicariously through the experiences of other fans who post on the forums and message boards.

Found the lovely pic of DC above... **SIGH** What can I say? That boy is so pretty!

Also found a cool group song video.

Come on January! American Idol withdrawal is not so fun...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I recorded the Teen Choice Awards 2008 just because The Davids were scheduled to appear as presenters. Of course, they were near the very end, so thank goodness for the fast-forward button on the remote.

American Idol won for Best Reality Show and David C. won Best Male Reality Show Star. Cook and Archie presented the Best Female Artist award to TC08 hostess Miley Cyrus. Their banter, as always, was equal parts goofy and adorable.

Other AI representation: Katharine McPhee and Jordin Sparks presented awards; Randy Jackson introduced Mariah Scarey (er … Carey.)

Jordin’s song with Chris Brown, “No Air” won a duo award, and Carrie Underwood was presented with a Red Carpet fashionista award.

None of the Idols were shown winning or accepting; it was all announced via voiceover.

The best part of the evening was seeing the boy who runs an anti-smoking campaign win a Real Life Hero award and $100,000 prize. (He is from Durham, NC which is right down the road from where I work.) This award was sponsored by

After watching this show, holy crap… I feel a hundred.

Oh well... what else is new...

For more info on the TC08 show, check this out...