Today is the silver wedding anniversary for My Hubby and me. Yep, 25 years which means that our marriage is older than most of the contestants on our favorite show. I feel kinda old but really good right now.
Nothing brings togetherness like watching “double elimination” night with the family. My Kid and Hubby and I all have different likes and dislikes this year. They are not digging Scott’s musical style and they are not as crazy about Lil as I am. We do agree on Megan though; that gal sounds ruff.
Also, they both believe that Adam has the championship in the bag already. I don’t agree with them there either because that over-the-top Axel Rose edge will get old soon. No matter how hard the judges prime and pimp him, I don’t predict a win. Final 3 for certain, but I am rooting for a gal to win this year. It’s a female’s turn to get the confetti – either Lil or Alexis would do.
But we are weeks and weeks away from finale time. Let’s focus on the now. Dashing Ryan tells us that 33 million votes were cast for the Top 13 and hopefully none went to the phone sex chat line. (Paula’s almost full frontal may make up for that tonight though.)
Tonight’s special guests are Kanye West and Kelly Clarkson. As far as we know they have nothing in common except the letter “K.”
They teased us last night about a Big Change that was coming and thankfully we get the news right away. After showing pictures of Tamyra Gray, Michael Johns, Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry, we’re told that sometimes contestants go home way too soon. (My Kid squeals at this segment; she is still angry about Chris’ departure.)
Now introducing: the “Judge Save” – if there is a “shock elimination” and the judges all agree, then they can choose to keep that singer on the show that week instead of sending them home. They get only one chance to save someone so they will need to use it wisely. Also, they have to use it before the Top 5.
Anyone here believe that this entire “save” thing was created just for Megan Joy Corkery? Call me cynical but I am willing to bet that the save card will be used on the “quirky” tattooed mom when the time comes.
Moving along... In the early seasons of AI, the contestants roomed together like one big happy family. They’re going back to that Big Brother format this year. We get to see the kids romp delightfully in a mansion that has a bowling alley, basketball court, multiple pools, and all the trimmings.
While we ponder on the new “save” rule and the cushy mansion digs, the top 13 sing a medley of Michael Jackson hits. We almost miss it but soon realize that these kids seem to be lip syncing. I thought that was a no-no. Maybe we are wrong but something is off; the sounds are not matching the sights and it’s weird. At least Gokey gets to prove that yes he’s got moves.
Review of MJ Night… the way Lil made us feel was like a winner. Michael was not alone on the oil rig. Alexis put dirty Diana in her sassy place. Rock fans will all give in to Allison “Clarkson.” The girls will remember the time before Kris had a bride. We will keep the faith for Scotty’s message. It’s only human nature to call Matt a Timberlake. Jasmine will be there for the Disney channel. Megan was not rockin’ the robin no matter how gorgeous. The judges told Anoop Dog to please beat it. Jorge can never say good-bye to bad mad love. It doesn’t matter if Adam is black or white or rainbow colored. Danny gave us pretty young tenderoni and sugar fly.
Ryan quizzes Michael, or as Seacrest calls him “Sarver,” about what the group’s been up to this week. Answer: busy. This segues into the first Ford faux-mercial of the season.
I know it’s cheesy, but I like these fake Ford commercials; they are usually done well. All of the ones from last year were entertaining except the one about bullfighting but we won’t go there.
Our current singers do “We Will Rock You” while their images are flashed on buildings in the city. A Ford rides down the street. It’s cool and I like it because I am a geek.
Dim the lights… it’s elimination time. Michael is safe. Allison is safe, yay! Jasmine goes to center stage.
After getting confused about what he’s supposed to do, Matt learns he is safe. For some reason, I like him more now because of this faux pas.
Ryan does a psych-out with Kris, but he is safe. Megan joins Jasmine on the stage. This should be a no-brainer, but blonde wins out over good singing; Megan is still in the running to make our ears bleed again.
Last night Kara advised Jasmine that she should have sung in a lower key and it sounds like she is doing that tonight. Too bad because her “I’ll Be there” sounds much better this way.
Jasmine does not cry until she finds out that the judges will not be using their one save card for her. It’s okay though because as My Kid says, “She’s got some graduating from high school to do.”
The exit song this year is Carrie Underwood’s remake of “Home Sweet Home” by Mötley Crue. Not two names that we’d ever see linked together, but it sounds really nice and the lyrics fit.
Up next to entertain us is Kanye West, a rap/hip-hop type artist so I am told. He’s doing a song called “Heartless” through a synthesizer. My Kid loves it and knows all the words, of which there are not many. Anyone who wears sunglasses inside is not nearly as cool as they think they are. I am bored so I go make popcorn. It looks like the judges have left the building also because their work station is overrun by youngsters.
Back to business, thank goodness. Scott is safe to tickle ivories once again. Alexis is safe, YAY!! Danny is safe, no surprise, although he seems to be shocked.
Anoop pulls a Kristy Lee Cook by starting to head for center stage without even being told to. I wonder if he’ll have time to write up a sticky note.
Adam is safe, duh. Jorge and Lil stand together and Lil is safe, YAY!!
Anoop and Jorge are the bottom two this round. Ryan teases them a bit and there are no fun hijinks from Nunez this time. We won’t know until later who is going home.
Kelly Clarkson – the Original American Idol – is back tonight to visit the show that launched her career. I like Kelly and most of her songs. Her latest single “My Life Would Suck Without You” sounds so much like “Since U Been Gone” that it’s easy to merge the two together seamlessly. Kelly flirts with Ryan for a bit, talks about her brand new album All I Ever Wanted, and then she rocks out live. My Kid and I agree (OMG! We agree!) that Allison Iraheta sounds like Kelly.
Now we’re back to Anoop and Jorge – who will stay and who will go? Jorge is heading back to Puerto Rico (no save card), and Anoop will get the chance to make up for “Beat It.”
As we hear Jorge perform his MJ song, we think it’s probably not a good idea to ever pick songs that have the word “good-bye” in them. Then we see his exit montage of random adorableness. What a sweetheart.
Quotes of the Evening:
Anoop (about the mansion): “People are going to get lost in here.”
Michael: “Working is the WORD.”
Next Tuesday the top 11 will perform Opry songs. Until then, let’s have some anniversary cake. Ta!
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