We are finally getting to the heart of the competition! Trite banter between Ryan and the judges must be endured as well as…more highlights and filler fodder of how the Top 24 got here. (I have one question about the quick clips…why was Mandisa in tears and who do I pummel??)
FINALLY…in order of appearance…
Mandisa – Class act all the way; she is absolutely gorgeous and proves that ya don’t have to be Barbie doll sized to be a sexy woman. She rocks it out with Heart’s “Never.” There are no words to express how much I love this woman. Judges agree… “hot,” “phenomenal,” “fantastic,” “you have thrown down the gauntlet to the other girls.” Mandisa is awesome from start to finish, head to toe; she has a great sense of humor, too.
Kellie – She’s adorable in her clip segment and plays the pity card, dedicating a song to her imprisoned dad. She sounds okay but a little too whiny on a Martina McBride song. Judges agree somewhat… “nerves in the air,” “unpretentious,” “you have the likeability factor.” Any comparisons between Kellie and Carrie should come to an end tonight – Carrie was quiet but Kellie is very chatty, in a cutsey-pie way.
Becky – Wow, she is pretty. I still think she (and her twin) look like Heather Locklear with brown hair. Her singing is kinda rough and howling-dog-bad at the end. Judges agree somewhat… “great looking girl,” “you have charm and stage presence,” “visually a 10 but the voice is a 6 ½,” “better than expected.” Becky’s so gorgeous, who cares if she can’t carry a tune in a bucket, right?
Ayla – She seems like a nice girl but sorry, I can’t get past her “something smells” expression, looking at Ryan like he just pooted or something. She does a great job on a song from the Disney flick Mulan. By the end of the song, I am really liking her. Judges agree…“showed vulnerability,” “hard worker,” “pleasantly surprised.” Ayla was good, but her chat with Ryan at the end leaves me thinking - pampered princess much?
Paris – She is absolutely adorable with a cute Minnie Mouse speaking voice. This little gal brought the house down with “Midnight Train to Georgia.” Bouncy, bubbly, young, with big beautiful eyes. Judges agree… “amazing,” “a little firecracker,” “a show-woman,” “incredibly confident.” Word to Randy - I don’t think we need to be reminded that Paris is from a musical family; she proves herself all on her own.
Stevie – The opera-trained gal; she’s so pretty but…What was that?? Some Josh Groban song. Hmmm. No clue what she meant to do here. Judges agree somewhat… “found myself daydreaming,” “very brave, ethereal,” “like a horrible Sunday lunch and a child getting up to sing out of tune.” Stevie looks sad, kinda lost, out of place. But as pretty as any of the gals on The O.C. TV show.
Brenna – Ugh, must we be reminded of how obnoxious she was in the Ho’wood round? Then she does a complete turnaround on her clip segment by talking sweet about her mom. In spite of that, the only good thing that came out of her being on stage was the banter with Ryan. (It was cute how he mimicked her posing.) Judges agree … “too safe,” “humble pie was needed,” “completely horrible,” “what you see in some ghastly hotel.” Brenna plays the diva card again. A waste, except the whole “muzzle” interchange between Paula and Simon was too funny!
Heather – We have not seen much of her yet, so I am guessing that she got into the Top 24 based on looks alone. She is cute in a Hooters/cheerleader kinda way. She is from NC and I want to like her. Oh gosh, who let her do the AI4 theme song?? Judges agree… “kinda boring,” “not a great performance,” “sang it like someone taking an elocution lesson.” Heather's saving grace is that she is a self-professed “AI stalker.” Paula reminds her of how pretty she is. Aw, like she needs it.
Melissa – Who the heck is this chick? She is another one who got no previous air time, which is not a good sign. Flashbacks show a lot of cleavage; she has a bod to die for, cute in a party girl kind of way. She massacres a Faith Hill song, though. My doggies are whining at the TV, it’s that bad. Judges disagree … “you worked it out,” “a shining moment,” “you were overshadowed but sang it well.” Huh? Whatever. Melissa complains about not having any previous airtime on the show; girl's got spunk.
Lisa – She is sweet, cute, good in a Star Search kind of way. She does a Jennifer Holliday song, which is way too old for her. Reminds me of a wind-up doll for some reason. Too polished, too perfect, if that is even possible. Judges totally disagree … “I’m impressed,” “you're a precious little gift,” “from start to finish you are a star,” “special, night to remember.” Something bugs me about Lisa; she reminds me of a “Stepford” AI contestant.
Kinnik – Another of the “where the heck did she come from?” gals; I don’t recall any back story on her. Absolutely gorgeous and great voice on a song I’ve never heard. She is lovely and sophisticated with a beautiful smile. Reminds me of Vonzell a little. Judges disagree somewhat ... “middle was rough,” “powerful,” “elegant and regal but a very cabaret performance.” Kinnik has a good sense of humor and is a classy lady.
Katharine – She is cute and bubbly but seems emotional in her flashbacks. Oh yeah, she’s the one whose mom is a scary vocal coach. (And why spell Katherine that way?) Anyhow, she does an old Barbra Streisand song... (Could that be the inspiration for the cutesy spelling?) Her voice is smooth and excellent. Commands the stage like a pro but seems older than her actual years while performing. Judges agree … “loved it,” “gave your all,” “owned the stage,” “the best tonight.” Katharine is so zany and has a sparkling personality; she’s a hoot!
Some general observations …
The Catty Comment Award goes to Ryan when he told Simon, “I would have worn a T-shirt under that sweater…”
I noticed that some of the contestants are carrying on the tradition of wearing their rattiest pair of jeans on stage. I do not understand that, but oh well… showing my age I guess.
When the performers are on stage, I think it’s interesting when the camera pans to the balcony where the other contestants are standing. Most of them are groovin’ and clapping to the beat, notably Kellie and Katharine. However, I noticed that Becky was kinda hid in the back and Brenna looked angry a couple of times.
Randy and his dawg pound still crack me up!
My predictions:
Who should go – Brenna because she has a very bad attitude - but for that reason only she will stick around. Becky because her singing was terrible - but she is gorgeous so she will stick around.
Who will go - I think Stevie will leave because no one understands her. And Melissa because no one has heard of her until now.
Bring on the men y’all! First though, a recap of the ladies last night, the good, the bad, the sweet, the mean. After some serious chit-chat between Ryan and the judges, we see highlights of how the guys got to the Top 24.
And now…in order of appearance…
Patrick – I don’t remember much about him from the show so far this year. He seems pleasant enough, reminds me of a high school band teacher. He sings a Melissa Etheridge song for some reason. I liked him much better in his highlights. He’s okay but comes across as a classically trained singer trying to be a rocker… which is kinda what’s happening. Judges agree somewhat… “you did your thing,” “kinda dug it,” “you should stick to what you do best,” “you were fidgety, uncomfortable.” Patrick is gracious and says he will stick to ballads.
David – He’s a cutie pie teen boy from the school of that Suncom guy. He painfully massacres “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and makes me actually miss John Stevens. Okay, maybe not. Judges agree somewhat… “terrible,” “like a high school play,” “you carried on who you are,” “you need to take yourself more seriously.” David looks shell-shocked but smiles while seeming to choke back tears. Brave guy.
Bucky – Here is yet another contestant that I do not remember seeing very much of in the previous rounds. He is very, very southern and looks okay depending on which angle the camera is pointing. He’s from NC so I want to like him... but he is ripping a Lynard Skynard song to shreds. My dogs are in pure pain. Judges disagree… “cool choice,” “you’re growing,” “very raw.” Geez, whatever. Ryan says Bucky is “unaffected and real” and makes a funny. Yankees everywhere are convinced that all southerners are stoo-peed.
Will – Some say Fred Savage from The Wonder Years but I say add some Peter Brady to that. This little teen guy is absolutely precious and very poised for one so young. Why he chose an old Jackson 5 song is beyond me. Hasn’t he watched the news in the past 10 years? He has a good voice, though, and moves well on stage. Judges agree somewhat… “I was entertained,” “adorable,” “very vintage,” “vocally utterly average.” Will looks heartbroken but recovers well. I like this kid a lot.
Sway – This is one of the guys who was stuck with the “devil beard twin” back in the Ho’wood round. He deserves a medal for that. Alas, his singing tonight is off the chart terrible, there are no words to describe. Is it just because I don’t like this style of music? That falsetto stuff, ugh. Judges disagree for the most part… “we got a hot one tonight!,” “truly amazing,” “pimpy 3rd rate copy of Earth Wind and Fire.” Sway looks like he wants to cut someone. Maybe it’s the gangsta hat?
Chris – He is one of my early favorites from previous rounds; he seems down to earth. Also, just noticed that he is sexy as heck, even though I don’t usually like the shaved head look. Another NC’er! Yay baby. Great rocker voice, good choice on a Bon Jovi classic. Subdued performance, but giving his all vocally. Judges agree… “really really good,” “very current,” “spot on, you are going to go all the way,” “now I’m hearing someone with potential.” Chris is … how do I put this delicately? Wildfire smoldering hot! With a great smile and fantastic voice.
Kevin – He’s the youngest contestant and looks like he escaped from the Beauty and the Geek show. Absolutely precious but he looks too young to be there. He does a power ballad that does not suit him; he’s just not convincing on a heartbreak song. I liked him better in previous rounds. Judges disagree somewhat… “that was the bomb man,” “you make me beam,” “that would appeal to anyone over the age of 90 who is hard of hearing.” Kevin takes it all in stride and is very mature. Until… Ryan sends him to the Kitty Pound pit to get his cheeks pinched by the girls. Cheesy and oh-so scripted.
Gedeon – This guy did not do himself any favors when he showed his arrogance during the last Ho’wood round. (And what is up with the name spelling?) He articulates his words strangely when he speaks but has a smile that would light up a room. He sings “Shout” and does okay with it. Kinda like what you’ve heard many times before, though. Judges disagree somewhat… “very unexpected,” “great surprise,” “marvelous,” “like I was watching the warm up for the Chippendales.” Gedeon smiles throughout trite judge banter. Cute kid.
Elliott – An Amish elf. That is what he reminds me of. But man oh man he can sing like an angel. He was also stuck with “devil beard twin” in the group round, bless his heart. I like his personality, and his banter with Ryan is cool. He sings a Stevie Wonder song and does a good job, practically perfect. Judges agree… “we got another hot one tonight!,” “brilliant,” “effortless,” “potentially the best male vocalist we’ve ever had.” Elliott is overjoyed and he so deserves it!
Bobby – Okay, he says he’s 19. Right and I am 27. (That was a funny joke for those who know me.) In the highlights, it shows Simon telling him he’s like a drunk. On stage, Bobby tortures then kills “Copacabana.” He’s just creepy and I can’t think of one good reason that he made it into the Top 24. Judges agree somewhat… “more on the entertaining side than vocal,” “very risky,” “complete nightmare.” Unless Bobby is smiling, he looks scary. Poor Ryan is caught in a bear hug.
Ace – This guy is gorgeous along the lines of Lowe/Pitt/Cruise. So very pretty, rosy cheeks… wait… he said he is singing “Father Figure” by George Michael???? WHY for the love of God?? Here is another one who never watches the news. Okay, so he sings an awful song very well. And his face is absolutely perfect, not a flaw. I need CPR looking at him! Judges somewhat agree… “you definitely are a star,” “those eyes – hello!,” “you have the X factor,” “brilliant choice of song.” I have to vehemently disagree about the song choice… Ace is only 26, so for him to be a “Father Figure” to someone is just way too creepy! But with that smile he will go far.
Taylor – I have waited all night to see my fave – the gray haired guy. He is funny and so very likeable. Highlights remind us of how delightful he is, with or without his harmonica. On stage, he does an Elton John song that I’ve never heard before. He is superb! My husband loves this song, and he is crazy over Taylor. Have not ever seen The Hubby get into AI as much as he is this year, and it’s because of Taylor! Judges agree… “you got it going on,” “I am one of your biggest fans,” “we saved the best for last,” “interesting.” Wait though… I would like Taylor a lot more if he would be quiet. He is a little chatty in a crazy way.
Some general observations …
I wish the contestants would learn to just BE SILENT during the judges’ critiques.
Randy sure likes to name drop, huh?
Anytime the camera pans to the Kitty Pound, you can tell who the “hams” are!
I noticed at least two digs at Constantine tonight. That is kinda tacky, even though I did not like him.
My predictions:
Who should go – Bobby because he was awful and scary. Bucky because he was awful and scary. Who will go – I think Bobby will leave simply because “America” is not going to vote for someone who looks that much like an Al Qaeda member. (Sorry but it had to be said.) And Gedeon because they ran that “I have it” speech again. We'll see ...
“The See Yas” Round One
It’s the first elimination and Ryan is getting serious, y’all! Boring banter with the judges… now is a good time to go make popcorn. Or take final bets on who is leaving tonight.
I will do my rankings of “fave to least fave” while we wait …
Gals: Mandisa, Paris, Katharine, Kinnik, Lisa, Ayla, Kellie, Stevie, Becky, Melissa, Heather, Brenna
Guys: Taylor, Chris, Elliott, Ace, Patrick, Will, Gedeon, Kevin, David, Bucky, Sway, Bobby
Time for the first group song of the season. The Top 24 sings “Take It Easy” and they do a fantastic job! It’s funny though, how this song is older than most of the contestants all put together.
Recapping…it’s cool how you can almost find a story in the song lyrics…
Simple kinda man Never never! Come to my window awright crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to love Well I’m wanted wanted dead or alive How far do I have to go to make you understand When the lights go down and the truth is all you see Who could ask for more at the Copa Copacabana, the hottest spot north of Havana Shakes all over like a jellyfish, I kinda like it, crazy little thing called love Leaving on a midnight train to Georgia, oh yeah If you really love me won’t you tell me You are the sunshine of my life He shall be Levon and he shall be a good man Why is my reflection someone I don’t know If you can, I don’t care I am changing To see you smile You say Everything you ask for Won’t you please let me back in your heart One last cry one last cry You know you make me want to, kick my heels up and shout Oh I…… I will be the one who loves you 'til the end of time
First the ladies…everyone looks really good, except Brenna who has a scary hairdo. Idle chatter. Just noticed that Paris is a little cocky and Heather just annoys me. Becky (of all people) seems sweet and unpretentious. Stevie looks annoyed to even be there.
First 3 up – Brenna, Becky, and Kinnik. Beautiful Becky is the first one to go. NEWSFLASH: Becky and her twin posed for racy Maxim photos last year. (Men all over America are on the internet trying to see if those pics are online!) The Beautiful Ones were also on the twins edition of Fear Factor. Sorry, but I just can’t see them eating bugs but oh well… ‘Bye Becky.
Next the guys…and more idle chatter. I like Elliott so much. Kevin’s voice does not match his face. They are both so cool tonight. Ryan changes the format a little and has only two guys come forward… Bobby and Sway. Leaving now is … Bobby. Thank goodness, except that we have to sit through his song again.
Two down, two to go…
Lisa looks tearful and scared for no reason. Brenna is safe, drats! Melissa and Heather are safe too. Stevie is sweet about leaving and seems a little bit relieved. Am really ready for the show to be over at this point.
Ryan has 6 of the guys come on stage, which is so lame. I know it’s TIIC that create this format but please. It’s between Bucky and Patrick. This is so obvious… no wait! Patrick is leaving. Patrick is leaving!!! No. Freakin’. Way. He is more of a gentleman about it than I am, because I am throwing stuff at my TV set.
Good thing I don’t do Vegas because I predicted wrong tonight. Well, 2 outta 4.
General observations …
Catty Comment Award: Ryan to Simon, “I definitely look up to the elderly…”
Aunt Pearl's word of advice - When performing, just because a number is in the song lyric, that does not mean that you have to hold up fingers to indicate what that number is.
I have a theory about elimination night: I think the kids are told ahead of time that they are going so that they can brace themselves. Just a theory...
One of my favorite movie quotes is from Ron (to Hermione) in Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone: “You’re a little scary sometimes. Brilliant… but scary.” This quotes reminds me of Simon!
Thank goodness that's over... but I can't wait for more. I am sick I tell you!