Michael Johns and Carly Smithson
For the most part, Tuesday night’s performance episode was like a train wreck. Tonight is when the clean up crew comes in to sweep the debris from the tracks.
Ryan says that 24 million votes came in, which is approximately the same number as the dedicated viewing audience. You go Idol fans!
Tonight 9 people will get the ax and 3 will remain. This is a difficult format to get used to, and I find myself having to explain it to My Hubby and My Kid more than once. And trying to describe the Wild Card show later this season? It’s just too much work…
First we have filler fodder with Ryan/Judges banter. There are double entendres galore and really not necessary, but that’s just how it goes with Cowell & Seacrest sometimes.
Simon claims that he is impressed with Kara’s performance as a judge so far, which translates to “she can complete a coherent sentence and form words of more than one syllable.” It has been a nice change of pace so far.
Now it’s Group Song Time! The twelve do the Jason Mraz song “I’m Yours” because every time we turn our radio on, that song is playing. We all know this one and can sing along. My Kid says that they look like they are doing Ring Around the Rosie and she expects them to all fall down any minute. The singing is not bad, especially when they sing in trios. As far as choreography goes, the stand-outs during the Group Song are Stephen and Anoop. All of the brunette girls seem to cancel each other out in a weird way. By the end of the song it’s evident that this ditty is not meant to be sung by a group.
Recap of last night’s “raw” show… Jackie wanted a little less conversation and little more spandex please. Ricky had no bad rhyme with his song for us. Michael didn’t wanna be anything other than in the top 12. Stevie could not find any notes that belonged to her. Casey did every little thing wrong but was so pretty. Stephen rocked his way back to Cleveland. Brent returned to his country roots in Hicktown. Tatiana was saving all of her love for the guy with the “sound stick.” Anoop is the angel of UNC and NC BBQ. Ann Marie was a natural woman as opposed to processed. Alexis never loved a man the way that we all love her. Danny said the hero lies in all of us and we believe him.
Ryan chats with a few of the nervous contestants for awhile. Jackie gives herself a solid B+ for last night. The outfit still gets an F though. Anoop admits that he is only calm on the outside. Humble Tatiana is evidently on her medication. Or maybe Paula’s? Stevie is still confused about the whole “in the box/out of the box” advice from the judges.
Now it’s time to get down to business. There are 3 water-fountain-shaped seats for the 3 singers that are moving on to the next round.
First up is Casey who admits her song choice was bad but she had fun. She is not making it to the Top 12, but hopefully she can get on a soap or that Tyra modeling show.
Next up is Stephen and he and his Buckwheat hair are dismayed that they are not making it through. One day perhaps these kids will learn that doing MJ is the kiss of death.
Alexis is up next and the audience goes wild. Good to know that we are not the only ones who love her. I’m so thrilled that she made it to Top 12 that I get a bit misty-eyed, especially when I see her parents. My Kid says, “I did not know her dad was Jerry Garcia.”
Thankfully cute Alexis is wearing a hat from the Johnny Depp collection instead of Aretha’s. She does get to sing Ms. Franklin’s song again though.
Having the Top 3 repeat their songs is SO much better than having the losers do theirs again amidst tears and meltdowns.. I am really liking this format now. It would be a very long show if the 9 rejects had to sing, so duh.
Ryan calls Ricky and Jackie up next. After jerking them around awhile, they learn that both of them are going home. This is too bad because Ricky never stood a chance with no previous air time. (I just noticed that he looks a bit like CCM artist Jeremy Camp.)
Anoop and Michael are called up together next. We hope that this time it’s a two-fer because we like both of these guys. Unfortunately, Anoop did not make it which is a surprise. Hopefully he’ll get another chance during the Wild Card round.
Michael reprises the Gavin DeGraw song but we’re too disappointed to enjoy it now. I like him a lot but it’s too bad that both of our NC guys are out of the competition.
Next we get an infomercial for The American Idol Experience at Disney World. They show short clips of all of the past Idols who attended the opening. Cookie and Carrie-bot sing a Fleetwood Mac song together and they sound pretty good.
Tonight’s special guests are last season’s Michael Johns and Carly Smithson. Carly tells a funny story about losing her wig while on tour, and I expect Paula to stand up and say “Me too!” They sing the song they did together during the finale last year called “The Letter.” I read on the AI website that Michael and Carly also coached the contestants during Hollywood Week. That would have been much more interesting to watch than the season 8 Drama Queens.
The lights dim again and Ryan asks Ann Marie, Brent and Stevie to stand. They don’t even rate a walk down to center stage? That’s cold. Not surprisingly, all three are going home.
Now we have the last two remaining – Danny and Tatiana. This should be a no-brainer, but we’ve seen enough of these elimination episodes to know that sometimes the wrong person goes home.
Ryan draws the suspense out for at least one hundred thousand years and everybody just wants to KNOW already. We’re all aware of the anti-Idol web sites out there that encourage viewers to vote for whoever is the most terrible. This could go either way; even Paula seems nervous.
Finally we learn that Danny is the one going to the Top 12. Thank God! I was not looking forward to boycotting American Idol forever. Strange how the camera lingers on Tatiana, who cries and cries but with no tears.
When Danny sings “Hero” again, we are too relieved to be annoyed at how the camera still wants to focus on Tatiana instead of the one who is actually singing. Perhaps they are waiting for her vasovagal syncope?
As long as Danny and his supporters will let Sophia rest in peace, I will remain his loyal fan. Hopefully they will learn from David Cook last year – he was able to win American Idol without ever mentioning his brother’s battle with cancer. Danny and Crew: take a note from this page please. There’s only so much more we can take.
My Kid mentions that Danny is like Cook and Archuleta combined – he has the awesome gravelly voice of one and the “I want to give you sunshine and puppies” of the other.
Two of my favorites are in the Top 12 – Alexis and Danny – and I’m okay with Michael too. America got this one right (mostly.)
Group 2 will perform next Tuesday. They are: Megan Corkery, Kris Allen, Mishavonna Henson, Matt Breitzke, Allison Iraheta, Matt Giraud, Jasmine Murray, Kai Kalama, Jesse Langseth, Adam Lambert, Jeanine Vailes, and blech! Nick Mitchell.
Best Quote of the Evening:
Michael (about his friends back home): “They're either making fun of me for being a sissy, or they're proud.”
‘Til Tuesday!
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