Tonight we have two hours to get through 12 songs, each lasting roughly 90 seconds. Do the math and it all adds up to much filler fodder. But no worries, because that Seacrest knows how to facilitate.
Ryan polls the judges for their opinions on what the contestants need to do tonight to blow us away and win our votes. Those of us who have watched this show forever already know that Simon will say “Sing well.” Ryan calls him on that and we are offered the usual clichés (all together now): “Be in it to win it.” “Don’t let the nerves get to you.” “Make the magic happen.” “You’ve got one shot.”
The voting process is different this year; they have gone back to the original format. The 36 singers have been broken into three groups of 12, and over the next three weeks they will perform. Each week only three contestants will make it through to the Top 12. The fourth week there will be a Wild Card show and the judges will choose the final three singers. (Wow, that is a lot of “threes” in one paragraph!)
This evening the family members of the contestants will sit in the “red room” in the loft above the stage and offer moral support. All have daggers shooting from their eyes toward Simon. Some of them have really clever tee shirts that you can order online. But I digress because…
Finally! We get to some singing. They can choose any song from the Billboard charts ever, so the playing field is wide open. (As long as it’s in the American Idol Songbook of Cleared Tunes.)
Up first in the spot of doom is bluesy-rocker Jackie Tohn. Wikipedia informs us that Jackie is not only a singer but has been acting since she was a child. Tonight she sings Elvis’ “A Little Less Conversation” otherwise known as “the song that got Chris Daughtry the boot in season 5.” Jackie puts her own spin on the song but her performance is somewhat manic; it seems like she’d be more comfortable with her guitar. And why she raided The Go-Gos’ closet is anybody’s guess. For the most part the judges think she’s entertaining but silly.
Next up is Ricky Braddy, to which we say WHO? Because it’s the very first time that we’ve had the opportunity to meet him officially, we learn that he is from Elizabeth City, NC. YAY! Another North Carolinian in the bunch; we did not know this. Ricky is singing the Leon Russell song that put season 5’s Elliott Yamin on the map – “A Song for You.” Although I groan at this news at first, he quickly wins me over with his practically perfect vocal. The judges agree that Ricky’s days of cooking chicken tenders are over, because that was awesome.
Lovely Alexis Grace has the delicate features of Sixpence None the Richer’s Leigh Nash, but her vocals are strong and powerful. She sings the way overdone-on-Idol Aretha song “Never Loved a Man” but she makes us believe we haven’t already heard it a thousand times. This girl is fantastic and she personifies “making the song her own.” The judges pile heaps of luv on her and reminisce about how the simple mom-next-door has morphed into a red-lipstick-wearing diva. As Kara says, “The genie is out of the bottle” indeed. Hopefully she won’t have to go back in tomorrow night.
After a brief technical mishap with the video (I bet someone is getting a pink slip tonight), we get to see Brent Keith. Since Brent was on season two of Nashville Star it is no surprise that he is performing a country song tonight. I don’t listen to country very often so I have no basis of comparison. The song is called “Hick Town” and he sounds exactly like every other male country singer I’ve ever heard. Brent gets played the dreaded “chili cook-off” card from the judges and he’s not happy about it. That back-talking can cost him votes too, but maybe he’ll get by on his very cute dimples.
Darling teenager Stevie Wright got picked on so much during Hollywood Week about being so Old School, that she’s changing her style tonight. Unfortunately, she’s going with a Taylor Swift song and it’s not a good idea. The poor girl is scared to death and totally out of her element. The song is too fast and too bubblegum. Where is the girl who sang “At Last” so wonderfully? After the judges tell her how awful the performance was, she returns to the comfort of her family in the “red room.” They discuss with Ryan how wishy-washy the judges are with their “advice” and that is so very true.
NC’s very own Anoop Desai is next and we have high hopes for him; he has offered stellar performances from what we’ve seen so far. Although we don’t learn this during his video, the ‘net reveals that he’s been in a vocal group called the UNC Clef Hangers. It is evident that he is used to singing with others although he does well with “Angel of Mine.” Anoop says that this is a song he dearly loves and he sings it like he means it. All of the judges are on board except Simon, who wasn’t expecting “Anoop Dog” to be so serious. Paula compares him to Brian McKnight, so THERE Simon!
Evidently there are no Mandy Moore songs in the American Idol catalog for her look-a-like Casey Carlson to sing. Instead, the Campus Girls bikini model inexplicably chooses “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” and it’s just wrong. Did she learn nothing from Chris Sligh? Someone needs to call The Police. The judges call her out on the winking and crazy faces and bad notes. They go on for a hundred years about her being more beautiful than Becky O’Donahue and Haley Scarnato put together, which is true. Casey gets the “karaoke” kiss of death but is respectful and walks away with dignity.
One of the most likable contestants that we’ve seen in years is “roughneck” Michael Sarver. The guy is just plain nice. While he sings “I Don’t Want to Be,” My Kid and I make a list of all the other guys who have done this song on the show. We come up with: Bo Bice, Elliott Yamin, and Chris Richardson. Michael actually holds his own against the others from years past. He puts just enough into the performance without going over the top. Although the judges don’t totally agree about Michael, Paula (and I) think that he did Gavin DeGraw proud. Even Simon hopes he gets votes.
An early favorite of mine, Ann Marie Boskovich comes to the stage next. We are reminded of her “faux makeover” during the initial audition round. Because this song has never been done on Idol (that was my sarcastic voice), tonight she is doing “Natural Woman.” It’s too bad that she is as awkward as Aretha’s inauguration hat. Her singing is okay but it’s not as good as we expected and pales in comparison to Kelly’s season one rendition. A very uncomfortable moment occurs during critique time with Ann Marie dissing Sara Bareilles, and then she gets the dreaded “hotel singer” analogy.
Stephen Fowler will never live down the way he massacred David Cook’s coronation song in Hollywood. The grown-up version of Buckwheat says that he realizes how lucky he is to get another chance. After all, the guy has a smooth, sexy voice. Why does he decide to blow his opportunity on an old Michael Jackson song, we wonder? MJ is just one of those legendary singers that you don’t try to perform. Plus he’s way creepy. All of the judges agree that Stephen has a remarkable voice but alas, this was the wrong song choice. Simon even snarks that he wished Stephen had forgotten the lyrics again.
Up next is Tatiana Del Toro, gal of the thousand giggles. She speaks semi intelligently during her video and must be on meds now. We are very thankful for that and I bet her fellow contestants are as well. I roll my eyes when she says she’s doing Whitney. OMG! I wish I had a nickel for every time the judges have said to these kids: “Do not do Whitney. Or Celine. Or Mariah.” However, a strange thing happens when Tatiana takes the stage: she actually sings well and gives a subdued (for her) performance. The judges are disappointed by this and want the crazy chick back. February is sweeps month!
The last singer tonight is Danny Gokey and if anyone deserves the coveted “pimp spot” it’s him. Although he’s been criticized by some fans for being so open about his late wife, I can understand it from a personal standpoint. Sometimes it helps keep a loved one’s memory alive by talking about them. Danny is breaking the “no divas” rule, but in a good gravelly, growly way. He sings Mariah’s “Hero” and it’s the best he’s done so far. Three cheers for the church music director, but Simon says he’s not buying the hype. Whatevs.
Tonight’s Quotes:
Ryan: “This panel of judges is starting to look like The View.”
Paula: “But perfect sometimes is boring.”
Tune in tomorrow night to learn which guy and which gal, as well as which 3rd place person make it through. My money’s on Alexis and Danny for sure. I’d like to see either of the NC guys, Anoop or Ricky make it through also. With zero air time prior to tonight, we don’t have high hopes for Ricky though.
At least the show is on the GO GREEN bandwagon. They recycled 9 out of 12 songs tonight. It was almost like watching a rerun.
Remember: for a limited time you can download tonight’s favorite performances from iTunes. At least two of these songs will be on my Shuffle tomorrow.
Ryan polls the judges for their opinions on what the contestants need to do tonight to blow us away and win our votes. Those of us who have watched this show forever already know that Simon will say “Sing well.” Ryan calls him on that and we are offered the usual clichés (all together now): “Be in it to win it.” “Don’t let the nerves get to you.” “Make the magic happen.” “You’ve got one shot.”
The voting process is different this year; they have gone back to the original format. The 36 singers have been broken into three groups of 12, and over the next three weeks they will perform. Each week only three contestants will make it through to the Top 12. The fourth week there will be a Wild Card show and the judges will choose the final three singers. (Wow, that is a lot of “threes” in one paragraph!)
This evening the family members of the contestants will sit in the “red room” in the loft above the stage and offer moral support. All have daggers shooting from their eyes toward Simon. Some of them have really clever tee shirts that you can order online. But I digress because…
Finally! We get to some singing. They can choose any song from the Billboard charts ever, so the playing field is wide open. (As long as it’s in the American Idol Songbook of Cleared Tunes.)
Up first in the spot of doom is bluesy-rocker Jackie Tohn. Wikipedia informs us that Jackie is not only a singer but has been acting since she was a child. Tonight she sings Elvis’ “A Little Less Conversation” otherwise known as “the song that got Chris Daughtry the boot in season 5.” Jackie puts her own spin on the song but her performance is somewhat manic; it seems like she’d be more comfortable with her guitar. And why she raided The Go-Gos’ closet is anybody’s guess. For the most part the judges think she’s entertaining but silly.
Next up is Ricky Braddy, to which we say WHO? Because it’s the very first time that we’ve had the opportunity to meet him officially, we learn that he is from Elizabeth City, NC. YAY! Another North Carolinian in the bunch; we did not know this. Ricky is singing the Leon Russell song that put season 5’s Elliott Yamin on the map – “A Song for You.” Although I groan at this news at first, he quickly wins me over with his practically perfect vocal. The judges agree that Ricky’s days of cooking chicken tenders are over, because that was awesome.
Lovely Alexis Grace has the delicate features of Sixpence None the Richer’s Leigh Nash, but her vocals are strong and powerful. She sings the way overdone-on-Idol Aretha song “Never Loved a Man” but she makes us believe we haven’t already heard it a thousand times. This girl is fantastic and she personifies “making the song her own.” The judges pile heaps of luv on her and reminisce about how the simple mom-next-door has morphed into a red-lipstick-wearing diva. As Kara says, “The genie is out of the bottle” indeed. Hopefully she won’t have to go back in tomorrow night.
After a brief technical mishap with the video (I bet someone is getting a pink slip tonight), we get to see Brent Keith. Since Brent was on season two of Nashville Star it is no surprise that he is performing a country song tonight. I don’t listen to country very often so I have no basis of comparison. The song is called “Hick Town” and he sounds exactly like every other male country singer I’ve ever heard. Brent gets played the dreaded “chili cook-off” card from the judges and he’s not happy about it. That back-talking can cost him votes too, but maybe he’ll get by on his very cute dimples.
Darling teenager Stevie Wright got picked on so much during Hollywood Week about being so Old School, that she’s changing her style tonight. Unfortunately, she’s going with a Taylor Swift song and it’s not a good idea. The poor girl is scared to death and totally out of her element. The song is too fast and too bubblegum. Where is the girl who sang “At Last” so wonderfully? After the judges tell her how awful the performance was, she returns to the comfort of her family in the “red room.” They discuss with Ryan how wishy-washy the judges are with their “advice” and that is so very true.
NC’s very own Anoop Desai is next and we have high hopes for him; he has offered stellar performances from what we’ve seen so far. Although we don’t learn this during his video, the ‘net reveals that he’s been in a vocal group called the UNC Clef Hangers. It is evident that he is used to singing with others although he does well with “Angel of Mine.” Anoop says that this is a song he dearly loves and he sings it like he means it. All of the judges are on board except Simon, who wasn’t expecting “Anoop Dog” to be so serious. Paula compares him to Brian McKnight, so THERE Simon!
Evidently there are no Mandy Moore songs in the American Idol catalog for her look-a-like Casey Carlson to sing. Instead, the Campus Girls bikini model inexplicably chooses “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” and it’s just wrong. Did she learn nothing from Chris Sligh? Someone needs to call The Police. The judges call her out on the winking and crazy faces and bad notes. They go on for a hundred years about her being more beautiful than Becky O’Donahue and Haley Scarnato put together, which is true. Casey gets the “karaoke” kiss of death but is respectful and walks away with dignity.
One of the most likable contestants that we’ve seen in years is “roughneck” Michael Sarver. The guy is just plain nice. While he sings “I Don’t Want to Be,” My Kid and I make a list of all the other guys who have done this song on the show. We come up with: Bo Bice, Elliott Yamin, and Chris Richardson. Michael actually holds his own against the others from years past. He puts just enough into the performance without going over the top. Although the judges don’t totally agree about Michael, Paula (and I) think that he did Gavin DeGraw proud. Even Simon hopes he gets votes.
An early favorite of mine, Ann Marie Boskovich comes to the stage next. We are reminded of her “faux makeover” during the initial audition round. Because this song has never been done on Idol (that was my sarcastic voice), tonight she is doing “Natural Woman.” It’s too bad that she is as awkward as Aretha’s inauguration hat. Her singing is okay but it’s not as good as we expected and pales in comparison to Kelly’s season one rendition. A very uncomfortable moment occurs during critique time with Ann Marie dissing Sara Bareilles, and then she gets the dreaded “hotel singer” analogy.
Stephen Fowler will never live down the way he massacred David Cook’s coronation song in Hollywood. The grown-up version of Buckwheat says that he realizes how lucky he is to get another chance. After all, the guy has a smooth, sexy voice. Why does he decide to blow his opportunity on an old Michael Jackson song, we wonder? MJ is just one of those legendary singers that you don’t try to perform. Plus he’s way creepy. All of the judges agree that Stephen has a remarkable voice but alas, this was the wrong song choice. Simon even snarks that he wished Stephen had forgotten the lyrics again.
Up next is Tatiana Del Toro, gal of the thousand giggles. She speaks semi intelligently during her video and must be on meds now. We are very thankful for that and I bet her fellow contestants are as well. I roll my eyes when she says she’s doing Whitney. OMG! I wish I had a nickel for every time the judges have said to these kids: “Do not do Whitney. Or Celine. Or Mariah.” However, a strange thing happens when Tatiana takes the stage: she actually sings well and gives a subdued (for her) performance. The judges are disappointed by this and want the crazy chick back. February is sweeps month!
The last singer tonight is Danny Gokey and if anyone deserves the coveted “pimp spot” it’s him. Although he’s been criticized by some fans for being so open about his late wife, I can understand it from a personal standpoint. Sometimes it helps keep a loved one’s memory alive by talking about them. Danny is breaking the “no divas” rule, but in a good gravelly, growly way. He sings Mariah’s “Hero” and it’s the best he’s done so far. Three cheers for the church music director, but Simon says he’s not buying the hype. Whatevs.
Tonight’s Quotes:
Ryan: “This panel of judges is starting to look like The View.”
Paula: “But perfect sometimes is boring.”
Tune in tomorrow night to learn which guy and which gal, as well as which 3rd place person make it through. My money’s on Alexis and Danny for sure. I’d like to see either of the NC guys, Anoop or Ricky make it through also. With zero air time prior to tonight, we don’t have high hopes for Ricky though.
At least the show is on the GO GREEN bandwagon. They recycled 9 out of 12 songs tonight. It was almost like watching a rerun.
Remember: for a limited time you can download tonight’s favorite performances from iTunes. At least two of these songs will be on my Shuffle tomorrow.
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