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Monday, September 12, 2011

Lots of Updates From Fashion Week Tomorrow

Hey Guys:

So I know I get a lot of guff from certain "anonymous" readers when I don't update and then don't explain myself (cause it's the end of the world I know lol), so I wanted to let you all know the plan for this week... well, mainly today and tomorrow.

Yesterday was a huge day for Victoria as she presented her spring 2012 collection and I'm sure many of you are surprised that I didn't post anything. The reason why was that my family threw my mother a surprise 50th birthday party yesterday so I wasn't home at all. In fact, I left at 10:30am and didn't walk in til 11pm. Today, I am working from 9-3 then I have a doctors appointment, a check up from that fabulous sushi last week, at 5 so I most likely won't be able to update tonight.

Tomorrow, I have absolutely nothing planned after 9am. So I have mapped out several posts for all of you and I will definitely be posting them all tomorrow... I promise!

Have a great day everyone and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Anon: I hope this is alright with you ;)

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