The new film directed and written by the notorious and iconic Roman Polanski, entitled "Carnage" features a fully star-studded cast comprised of Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Christopher Waltz, and John C. Reilly. If those names alone don't spark a fire in your petticoat and make you wanna skedaddle over to your nearest theaters, well then your outta taste. The film is said to be heavily influenced by the Tony-winning play "God of Carnage."
"A showdown between two kids: about eleven, in a local playground. Swollen lips, broken teeth… Now the parents of the “victim” have invited the parents of the “bully” to their apartment to sort if out. Cordial banter gradually develops a razor-sharp edge as all four parents reveal their laughable contradictions and grotesque prejudices. None of them will escape the ensuing carnage.
This movie trailer is pretty funny and not in the forced way that some comedies are (“Yeah I call her Doodle”). The teens get into fisticuffs at school and the parents are the ones who fully lose it while discussing the issue. - imdb."

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