Pop/Rocker Icon Gwen Stefani, channels a modern day Marilyn Monroe-esque look, strutting a Pink Satin dress with her signature platinum blonde hair as the latest cover girl for InStyle mag’s November issue. We miss No Doubt and hope that their long delayed 5th album will finally see the light of day come early 2012!
On her hair... “My hair color is L’Oreal, but I won’t reveal the number. And I do my roots as often as Marilyn Monroe did hers. I’m serious. I found out…You know, I was a redhead once. Right after we came home from the first No Doubt tour I felt like I might get recognized, so I colored my hair red. And I hated it.”
On the most challenging and rewarding thing in her life... "My family. At work I’ve learned how to delegate. You don’t have to be on a ladder in a warehouse, micromanaging. You can be at home. And teamwork is also such a big part of marriage and parenting.

On her diligent makeup routine...“The makeup goes on every day, even if I’m not going anywhere.”
On making time for her young sons... “The thing I’d like to do is enjoy these boys while they’re young - so I don’t regret I was working too much when they’re big and don’t want to cuddle with me anymore.”
Scoot over to Instyle.com now for thee entire featured article!

Below is the last video Gwen ever made before taking a long hiatus from the musique industry! An under-appreciated but nonetheless sleek and smokin' hot video. As always kiddas, indulge and be happy.
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