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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Justin Bieber's Christmas Album Will Feature All Original Songs

Bieberlicious will be Christmas! Do not worry about trying to stay away from the cold this Christmas, because this Christmas will be full of fever Bieber. News is circulating that Justin Bieber will record an album of Christmas charity this year, and the album consists of original songs. How do we know? As you've learned something important in these days ... We waited for Twitter. His manager, Scotter Braun, Twitter the news last night, saying "this Christmas album is amazing. It might be the best album. ... All original just two classic b. 4 EVERY1 the sound is swept away."

If you're like me, you were at first shocked and then very curious. I do not Biebster he had in him. This is certainly trying it took on his shoulders adolescence. I mean, honestly, I can not think of any great Christmas album. Tweets different artist and producers suggest that Bieber recently co-wrote and recorded a song with Taylor Swift, and another with Sean Kingston, so if they are to be fixed in the upcoming Christmas album, it's a safe bet that it will not be a total flop.

One could say that it is an option that can make or break his career growth, but if I'm honest, I would say it will be as popular, regardless of album sales. Pre-teens and adults can not get enough of this guy, so an album less-than-popular Christmas will not attempt to stop them from going gaga every time he flashes a smile in their direction. Certainly, if successful, it would be more respected in the music world to accomplish such a feat, but people will love it anyway. Bieber fever is sweeping the nation, and there seems to be no cure. In the meantime, let us think of funny titles of the album. What - Jingle Bieber?

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