A love affair with all the realistic bouts couples go through when you experience a kind of intense, true passionate and forbidden love. The craziness can be both a beautiful triumph of consolation and yet an eternal awakening. In other words, a roller coaster built of love. Rihanna had the following to say about the first video "We Found Love" off her upcoming 5th studio album...
"We’ve never done a video like this before. This is probably one of the deepest videos I’ve ever done. It’s all about love and love being like a drug… you definitely get that from this. The good feeling of it and the dangers of it. That’s what this video is about."

Oh and I almost DIDN'T forget to mention how scorching and eye-plopping hot British model Dudley O’Shaughnessy (who we featured on ItsNotYouItsMe a few months back) looks as he stars opposite as Rihanna's lover boy in the Melina Matsoukas directed video.
It's no surprise how much I love Rihanna for her chameleon like sense of continually pushing the envelope and effortless demonstratiion of a true antiquated performers mentality that has vanished with most pop stars today. Re-tweaking each performance for the sake of redundancy when promoting her new tunes around the world. This proves that Rihanna is all about putting in the multiple hours into rehearsals, re-recordings in the studio, and helming thee creative directors chair when it comes to her stage set-ups. As always kiddas, indulge and be happy.

Rihanna on WhoSay
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