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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rumor of the Day: Victoria to Open a Store in NYC?

According to the latest rumors, Victoria is planning on opening a luxury outlet on classy 5th Avenue in NYC. She reportedly wants to set up a shop near Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana.

"Victoria's denim range is already on sale at Saks departmentstore on 5th Avenue but since launching her own collection three years ago she believes it is about time she had her very own boutique there," reveals a source.

The former Spice Girl is also planning to sell her range online: "Victoria may well have already achieved success with her clothing line but, for the past few months, she has been working on a plan so people can buy her clothes with the touch of a button. Of course Victoria will be a stay at home mum for the next few that is why she has come up with a plan to expand her fashion empire and control it form her laptop at home."

I hope this rumor eventually turns out to be true. It would be amazing to have a store dedicated to VB pieces so that if you're in the NY area, you don't have to run around and hunt for certain items. An ecommerce site would also be wonderful! I know there is NAP, but they do have a limited stock. If she added a purchase feature to her website where you could actually buy her items would be wonderful!
source: Now Magazine

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