During AI season at our house, our collective worlds revolve around this TV show. Yes, I recognize that this is sad. (In the pre-DVR having days, it was even worse! I would actually leave choir practice early on Wednesdays to see who got the boot! Bad me.)
So every Tuesday and Wednesday, The Hubby, The Kid, and I are all in front of the TV, glued. And even though we do have DVR now, we still have to watch it “live.” This is the only thing that the 3 of us do together, and I personally hope the show continues until Simon is old and gray. Well, older and gray.
That said, tonight's theme is 50's night. The Kid, who is 13, says YIKES but stays to watch (only because we had ice cream sandwiches!) The Hubby and I were not born yet either, and we can't relate but hey... this is our show, man!
Okay, so this is the deal... Barry Manilow has a new CD of 50's classics that just turned platinum, according to his interview on Access Ho'wood. I have not ever been into his music, even though I remember seeing him sing “Mandy” on TV when I was a little girl. But I digress...
Keeping with the 50's theme night, and to promote Barry's album, he is coaching the contestants on the songs they have chosen to perform. And of course, we have a solid hour to fill (two counting the commercials) with only 11 singers tonight.
I have one question at this point... when the heck is House coming back on??
The video montage of “my time with Barry” is longer than the Stevie one last week. The contestants went to Vegas for their coaching and to see his show.
So first up is my favorite - the magnificent MANDISA. She looks regal tonight; her dress and hairdo fit the 50's theme perfectly. She sings a song I have never heard of, and as always she shines. The Kid and I were at the movies this weekend and saw a preview for the movie Dreamgirls. I think Mandisa would be perfect for something like that. Judges agree that she is HOT! “what a classy, amazing way to start the night,” “you are a thoroughbred,” “you are blossoming,” “very sexy performance,” “I absolutely LOVED it.” Ryan says he likes her bling, but it can't match her smile. Someone has a sign that says “Man-diva.”
Next up is BUCKY - the sweet Rockingham boy does an old Buddy Holly song that sounded vaguely familiar, called “Oh Boy.” He goes from rough-around-the-edges to just rough tonight, dawg. He got rid of the supermodel hair though, thank goodness. Judges agree that it's not his best night - “it was the perfect song for you,” “you had a lot of fun on stage,” “nothing more than a pointless karaoke performance.” Bucky keeps his sense of humor, even when Ryan tries to instigate a judge-riot on his behalf.
Precious PARIS has dressed the part for 50's theme night, and evidently teens way back then were not obnoxious, because she is acting a lot less hokey this week. I am cool with her as she does “Fever.” Judges like it, but Barry finds it kind of creepy that a little bitty gal like her is doing a smokin' song like that. Whatever, explain early days of Britney then. Geesssshhhhh - “you blew it out the box man,” “vocals were impeccable,” “this is what you do best.” Paris, the giggly Minnie voiced gal is back in sweet mode with Ryan banter.
The Kid has waited for this moment... it is time for CHRIS! He sort of sings the old Johnny Cash song “I Walk the Line” but I don't know - he changed the tune completely. Like everyone in America has not just seen the movie on DVD?? (Well maybe not, it's still on backorder from Netflix for a few weeks now.) Anywho, The Hubby says that some rock band I have never heard of did this version of the song and Chris is a total rip off. Then he and The Kid almost come to blows and I have to play ref. Isn't that what I was just saying AI is all about - family togetherness? At any rate, the judges gush over Chris's “originality” but I can't really hear what they are saying with all the fussin' going on at my house. Will have to play it back on DVR when I am alone!
The too-beautiful-to-be-true KATHARINE is up next, doing a jazzy cool song and she is brilliant. She looks kind of ragged in her meeting with Manilow; I would have dressed up a little to meet a star of that magnitude. I mean, he is dressed nicely. Anyways, while the three of us gaze at Kat on our TV screen, we are for once in agreement. Kat should be a movie star. I can totally see her doing romantic comedies a la Bullock/Roberts. Wow, even her mom is smiling tonight. Judges agree that she is a delight - “tough song to sing, you worked it out,” “only you could pull off Ella Fitzgerald,” “I think tonight you turned into a star.” Kat goes from elegant to silly, which is one of the reasons she is so fascinating to watch.
Camera hoggin' TAYLOR is up next and like last week, his dancing is true instead of manic, and the song fits his voice nicely. It's a Buddy Holly song; I've never heard it. He has had his bangs trimmed a little it looks like. And baby blue must be the hot new color for guys this year; the white sneakers, though - unh uh. He mugs, he smiles, he gets on my nerves. And Simon's too, you can sure tell it. The judges are split for the most part - “you're having a blast up there,” “someone should be shooting this and making an exercise video,” “it was like a hideous party performance.” Taylor takes it all in stride as the judges get heated and stupid. Ryan says that Taylor's look is like a George Clooney/Jay Leno/Phil Donahue combo.
Next up is Star Search's very own LISA, and no I am never going to stop reiterating that she was on that show. It is as much a part of her as her curly hair, which she has again tonight. She sings “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?” which I have actually heard in my lifetime, since I do not live in a cave. She is very perky and cute and forgettable. Judges say pretty much the same thing - “it was just awright for me,” “you are a powerhouse,” “it was okay,” “I feel like I'm trapped in a high school musical.” Lisa is beautiful and mature. I think they should model the next AI Barbie doll after her.
Where's Waldo, I mean Chicken Little, no Howdy Doody, errr the teenage Bill Gates... whatever your nickname for him ... here is KEVIN. Is he this season's votefortheworst.com forefront? He warbles “When I Fall in Love” while I check my email. Ugh. I am confused by him, is he for real or a caricature of himself? Judges go easy on him tonight, even Simon, using reverse psychology on American voters, methinks - “you did a pretty good job,” “you've got moxy,” “I think your audience will love that.” Kevin finally takes his hand out of his pocket to hold up his number.
The magically delicious ELLIOTT is up next, doing a boring song I have never heard before. But first he confesses to Ryan that he didn't really like Barry's music, until he met him in person of course. Well, honey, I know someone who met Mr. M in person and it was not too pretty. That was of course, like a hundred years ago. But I digress as usual. Judges say that Elliott is outstanding as always and kinda sexy with the little goatee. Okay, I said that last part. Even the crazy wide tie is working for him. “Love you, love your voice,” “I have goosebumps,” “fantastic.” Elliott has obviously been hangin' with the “K” gals, because he is so bubbly!
Now we are subjected to KELLIE who looks very pretty, and no Carrie-hair for her tonight either by gosh golly dang. She sings the Patsy Cline classic “Walking After Midnight” and she is wonderful, totally in her element. For the first time yet, I am almost proud to share the Tar Heel state with the pickled one. I say almost, because the whole singing to the judges thing is so lame. Kellie has no audio during the judges comments, which were all glowing - “the country pop girl is back,” “you were a tigress tonight,” “ballsy, sexy, just great.” The three of us can't decide if it's because Kellie dropped her mic and broke it, or if TIIC cut her off! Who knows, but no dumb blonde moments tonight. Golly gee.
“The place for the helpful hardware man”... yeah it's ACE. Someone put too much gel in his Lethal Weapon locks. But he still looks way too pretty to be a guy. Way way way. He sings something that he calls an “urbanized jazzy” version of something, who the heck knows what, and who cares, he is so pretty!! I heard a rumor that he is making a guest appearance on a sitcom soon, one that his real-life girlfriend stars on. On UPN or some such, who knows and who cares, he is so pretty! Judges say nice things - “you took a classic song and brought something fresh to it,” “sexiest, sultriest performance,” “one of your stronger performances.” Paula tells Ace that there are 34 signs in the audience that say “Ace will you marry me?” He says he loves every single one. Awww.
General observations...
Ryan's little blonde sidekick tonight was a cutie patootie. About as much sparkle and wit as Carrie though - mewonders if they are related somehow? Funny how at age 7, she still looked older than Kevin.
Not sure why I am cracking on Carrie in the comment right above this one; I do like her a lot. Maybe because I bought her CD and only like one song? Can't really blame her for that.
Constantine was in the audience tonight sitting beside some singer that I have never heard of, which means The Kid loves him. I also saw Lindsay and Jasmine from seasons past. I wonder if they have to pay their own way back to Ho'wood for the guest appearances? Just curious.
My pick to say “see ya” is Kevin, please for the love of GOD. Oh yeah, and House is back next week, YAY.
“Ciao Baby”
Looks like there are a few ex-Idol folks in the audience tonight. Ryan reminds us that one of the kids will be leaving, and we say “duh” and a collective prayer goes up that it will be CL!!
Recapping 50's night...
Elliott teaching us to learn, Kellie walking after midnight, Chris walking the line, Bucky oh-boy rockabilly, Taylor not fading away, Lisa asking why do fools fall in love, Kevin wondering when will he fall in love, Katharine come rain or shine, Paris catching fever, Mandisa not crying anymore, and Ace in the still of the night.
A Ford commercial at the beach, set to “We Got the Beat.” It is extra cheesy but cute, with little bitty Kevin being buried in the sand. Oh that stud muffin!
Barry Manilow sings some old boring song that I remember hearing on Grease a thousand years ago. He is such a pro, does not miss a note. He gushes about working with the kids and they all give him props. I think it's very nice and touching that Bobby came back to meet his idol.
Elimination time... first the safe ones... Ace looks super delicious fine, Mandisa is gorgeous with big hoop earrings, Elliott is sexy with the chin hair, Kellie is so blonde with “whut's a ballsy?,” Chris gets more whoops from the audience than anyone, Paris has cute hair again, Kat is cool and elegant, Taylor is subtly working the camera.
Bottom 3 kids are Bucky, Kevin, and Lisa.
Kevin is out. It is somewhat sad watching his farewell video but all I can say is...
Yeah baby! NOW we have a real contest!
General observations...
Paula was actually coherent tonight and gave good advice. She reminded us that she is a vital part of the AI organization.
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