Got my American Idol TV Guide in the mail today, y'all! Yipee! This is a really fun picture! For those of you living in a cave with Marshall, Will & Holly - pictured are (from left) Paula Abdul, Ryan Seacrest, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson.
Let's see what the fab 4 have been up to...
Ryan - It's good to see the little man again! I could have caught him on E-News, but have not had that lobotomy yet. In addition to his AI duties, Ryan will be the entertainment host for the Superbowl (a.k.a. launching pad for new commercials) next month.
Randy - Yo yo yo the dawg's lookin' dapper! Randy is predicting a guy to win this year. He's been keeping busy with his weekly "hit list" radio show and producing a show called America's Best Dance Crew, a hip-hop dance contest.
Paula - Totally by accident I caught a few minutes of the train-wreck reality show Hey Paula, and I am kinda freaked by Ms. Abdul now. Girlfriend still looks great; she's gorgeous. She's been doing the talk show route, but has kept a low profile since the summer.
Simon - Who cares... Oh all right! His Grumpiness has been across the pond with his X Factor show and Britain's version of Got Talent. He also produced the yucky Grease is the Word and the upcoming Rock Rivals. Man's got his hands in a lot of pies, not all of them American. Heh.
In the words of Samara from The Ring, "Seven days."
Hopefully it won't be all that scary. Then again, that's why we watch the audition episodes, right?
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