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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still Moving...

Hey everybody,

I just wanted to let you all know that we are still in the process of moving and let me tell you, it's been the move from hell! My fiancé is currently leaving his house to move into an apartment in order to save some money so we can eventually buy our own home soon and it's so hard trying to fit a house full of stuff into a much smaller space. And the weather has not made it any easier - it's been cold, raining, and miserable for the majority of the move. Also, we don't yet have a computer set up (I'm typing this from my iPhone) so blogging is a bit rough at the moment. But, tomorrow I'm going to try to stop by my house and update whatever I can.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding everybody! Wish me luck for the rest of this crazy move!


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