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Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Idol iTunes

From the first week that they became available, I have been listening to the iTunes versions of this season’s songs. For the most part, they are very good. Since it only costs about 7 bucks for all of the week’s songs, I just buy all of them. Plus it’s a bargain, because individually they are $1.29 each. Since I like to listen to music in my car, I always burn the songs onto a CD.

Sometimes there is a big difference between what you hear on stage and what you hear on the recorded versions. Here is a rundown of what I think of them. Aunt Pearl’s mini review, if you will.

Naima’s voice is the one that’s most different from live to recorded. I still listen to her version of “Umbrella” the most, and as my mama says, it's "wide dang open."

Surprisingly (to me), my second favorite is Haley. Her recordings are very good; she has nuances in her voice that are amazing.

Both Casey and James sound better recorded also, as they are much more subtle and less screamy/ growly in-your-face.  I deem them both “radio ready,” as Randy Jackson says.

I’m not into country music at all, so it’s pretty much “hi Scotty, love ya, bye Scotty.” Hitting the NEXT button now.

sounds equally as good on stage as on the recording. Her songs aren’t as overtly country, so I can make it through her tracks fine.

Pia and Thia have lovely voices but since I don’t want to fall asleep while driving home, I can usually only take the first minute of their songs.

Early ousters Ashthon and Karen also have pleasant recording voices, but Karen’s bi-lingualing gets on my nerves. I like songs I can halfway sing along with, ya know?

Stefano “” but at least you can understand the words. Without his nice face to look upon, the effect is lost on me.

Unfortunately, I can only take about five seconds of Jacob caterwauling and one half of a second of pretty-faced Paul before pushing that NEXT button. Like nails on a chalkboard, eeeiiii.

So that’s my mini review of the iTunes cuts thus far. Nine more weeks to go. Holla!

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