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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Review of Season 7

Audition montage massacres:
“I Love Rock and Roll”
“Since U Been Gone”
“Before He Cheats”

Completely whacked:
Glitter Girl is going into “actressing”
“No Sex Allowed” by Milo
Star Wars man-kini waxer
The Man from Mars
Eva busts her @$$

Kinda whacked:
Bruce who has never been kissed
“My husband is America’s next top model”
The obsessed auditioner
Creepy rhyming Paula stalker
The dude with the “accoutrements”

Father’s day:
London’s dad would be so proud
Celine Dion sound-alike is reunited with dad
Syesha’s dad overcomes drug addiction
Asiah’s dad’s fatal car crash

Year of the newborn:
A gal goes into labor while at the Dallas audition
Auditioner rushes wife to hospital to give birth

Reject quotes of the year:
Alexis: “If I could legally moon ya, I would!”
Jeffery: “Simon, I have my dog tags on for you. Because you have that military presence. But I love you.”
Ashley: “Is today opposite day?”

Should have made it to the Top 24:
“Theatrical” Cardin
Josiah the homeless kid (My Kid made me add that one)
Pia the back-up singer

Already on record:
Brooke – Songs from the Attic
Carly – Ultimate High
David C. – Analog Heart
Kristy – Devoted
Robbie – Boyz N Girlz United

Reality show pros:
Amy – Nashville Star
David A. and Alexandrea – Star Search
Jason – Cheyenne
Joanne – Mo'Nique's FAT Chance
Syesha – The One

Talents elsewhere:
Actress/model Syesha
Cage-fighter Kristy
Impressionist Kady
Nurse Amanda
Tennis ace Michael

Funny and they didn’t even mean to be:
Youka sings Mr. The Bee Gees
Crazy Princess Leia
“It’s Dee ANNA”
Bro/sis duo Jeffery & Michelle
“I’m Amy Catherine. Amy, Amy Catherine, AC. Whatev.”
“Happiness exploding everywhere”
Leo wants to be homecoming queen
Corliss and Brittany, SBF BFF!
The girl from American Juniors
“I need my voice to be more maturing”
Simon’s “moose” hand signal

Interesting back stories:
Kristy Lee sells a horse
Kyle wants to be mayor
Farmer Drew is sexy (not his tractor)
Little David’s vocal paralysis
The Air Force lady
Boy bander Robbie dated Britney Spears
Hernandez and his “cabaret” days
Carly’s 2nd chance

Ewwwww moments:
The Ryan “sandwich”
AI message board kissing couple
Ghaleb smooches random strangers
Yucky green bean juice
Ryan rubs Eze’s sweaty head
Bees buzz around the dreads

Gr. Oss.:
Nail clip collector of yuck
Hurley twirls a Barbie
Carly’s hubby (tats on face are dumb)
Rosie/Ozzie wrestler punches Ryan
The belching meat handler
Boy twins, a slut and her little dog, too

Good changes:
Contestants can play instruments
No guest judges in audition cities
No group songs during Hollywood week
Updates on past AI contestants

Bad changes:
The mosh pit of swaybots
One hour results episodes
Viewers call in questions

Status quo:
Too much time given to contestants who did not make it
Some of the top 24 did not get previous air time at all
Interchangeable blonde girls
Elimination night swan song
Product placement pimpage
Simon’s clothes are boring

Almost everybody had:
Neck hankie, scarf or pashmina
Purple, red or blue tongue
That darn flu bug
80’s leggings

Contestants that grew on me:
David C.

Early faves that pooped quickly:

Smart alecks:
David C.

Borderline basket cases:

Clumsiest group performers:
David A.

Dressed to impress:

Lyric blowers:
David A.

Not on the Top 10 list of baby names:

In need of a Twinkie:

Shocking eliminations:

Boldest predictions (about David Cook):
Simon: “If this show remains a talent competition rather than a popularity competition, you actually could win this entire show.”
Randy: “... that joint you just did - you might be the one to win the whole lot!”
Paula: “I feel like I’m already looking at the American Idol.”

Quotes from the Top 24:
Alaina: “I think Carrie Underwood looks like ME.”
Brooke: “I dare you.”
Garrett: “Go tanning?”
Amanda: “Yeah, sorry for pulling out in front of you dude, like seriously; I didn’t mean to.”
David H.: “Thank you God! I didn’t mean you, Simon.”
Danny: “ISH.”
Chikezie: “I love my suit … I can’t wear it again, I already wore it on TV! You can’t wear it twice … only you do that…”
Alexandrea: “You were supposed to bring her to California, freak!”
Amanda: “Ballads are boring!”
Kristy: “I can blow you out of your socks and you know it.”
Amanda: “I’ll tease it up really high and throw some black eyeliner on it.”
Michael: “I gave a Susan Lucci kind of performance.”
Jason: “I didn’t know a CAT was singing it.”
David C.: “I figured what could be more unpredictable than doing the song as it was written.”

Wonderfully imitated:
Chris Cornell

Unique interpretations:
“Love is a Battlefield” – Brooke
“She’s a Woman” – Chikezie
“Here You Come Again” – Carly
“It’s All Wrong But It’s All Right” – Michael

Pop songs that got turned into stalker anthems:
“Always Be My Baby”

Random adorableness:
Asia’h overcomes adversity
Ramiele’s voice goes bye-bye
David A. is a giggle box
Brooke’s a beauty school dropout
Jason attempting foreign languages
David C.’s comic book baby head
Dolly Parton does “Jesus & Gravity”

Cheapest elimination tricks:
The “punk’d” way that Michael was told he was leaving
David A. asked to choose between two groups

Visual aids:
Animal balloons
American Idol crop circles
Amy’s cleavage (My Hubby told me to add that one)
Kristy’s sticky note

Cutest duos:
Alexandrea’s great granny and Ryan
Ramiele and Danny, BFs 4-ever!
Jordin & Chris Brown
The Davids in the final two
Michael and Carly on finale duet

So bad they’re good:
“I am your brother, your best friend forever”
Kristy countrifies The Beatles
Ryan tries to sing and dance

Drama queens:
Syesha loses her voice in Hollywood
Pitiful Josiah
Danny’s everything
ALW to David A.: “please open your eyes”

Heartwarming moments:
Simon is sweet to Tempest Brown
Wedding band singer Angela and her daughter Jessica
The inspirational car wreck lady
“My poppy is the next American Idol”
Amanda survives a car crash
Brooke’s twin girls miss their nanny
Carly’s “broken birds”
Adam Cook in the audience during Top 7 week
David A.’s “oh gosh” moments in Murray
Syesha’s limousine tears
David C. gives flowers to his music teacher
Cook family onstage with winner David C.

Too much of a good thing:
Miley Cyrus
SYTYCD troupe

Humorously costumed:
Jim Carrey as Horton
Fantasia as Bozo the Clown

Fashion disasters:
Everything that Ramiele wore
Chikezie’s orange suit
60s elimination night outfits (the gals)
Amanda’s Beetlejuice pants and Cruella hair
Alexandrea’s “going camping” outfits
Asiah’s 80s night outfit
Kristy’s shredded jeans
Carly’s “mom” hairdo

American Idol clip shown on The Soup a thousand times:
Danny: “Some people weren’t liking it!”

Over used phrases:
100 million percent yes!
This is the best crop of contestants ever
Current and relevant
We’re gonna (fill in the blank) like there’s no tomorrow
In the pocket
Word nerd
Mad at’cha
Sing the phone book

Seacrest’s best:
“I’ve kissed a girl today.”
“You can only vote for him, you actually can’t adopt him.”
“He’s thirsty and he has to pee.”
“I say load in the mud, I’m ready.”
“By the way Rickey, you’re conducting; you’re not a member of the Pussycat Dolls tonight.”
“We’re running out of time, Hell’s Kitchen’s gonna start!”
“Paula’s on her feet! Spinning her finger around in the air like she just don’t care.”

“You need to SLAY it!
“In the zone”
“Your wheelhouse”
“Took on the biggest tiger of the night”
“It was crazy!”
“Like being at a luau”
“The duel of 2007”

Abdul fashions of whack:
George of the Jungle outfit
Bustier that swallowed Hollywood
Pinocchio’s pimp hat
Pussycat Dolls castoff
Flower-in-neck ensemble

Ms. Abdul making sense:
“Women like smart men.”
“Michael, you're a star - a rock star, a blues star ... and you look gorgeous.”

Wigged out in Omaha
“Two words – phe nomenal”
Who let the Chihuahuas out?
The Jason Castro disaster

Simon’s best analogies:
“You would only sound like Mariah Carey if her CD was left out in the sun for a year.”
“It’s like when your mum gets drunk and starts dancing and you’re like ... Oh God stop.”
“I bought my first puppy to that song.”
“A little bit rabbit in the headlights.”
“It’s like the Oscars; it’s never ending with the speeches when we need the Oscar music… duh duh duh duh duh.”
“It was all a little bit student-in-a-bedroom-at midnight.”
“You sounded like Dolly Parton on helium.”
“Where you're lucky is this is a TV show and not a radio show, because your face sold that.”
“That was the equivalent of busking outside the subway station.”
“Like a pleasant walk in the park.”
“It was a bit like ordering a hamburger and only getting the bun.”
“Like coming out of karaoke hell into a breath of fresh air.”
“Like a Chihuahua trying to be a tiger.”
“You came out here tonight to win, and what we’ve witnessed is a knockout.”

Meanest of Simon:
How do I call David C. smug? Let me count the ways…
The attack of Carly’s stylists

Judge banter:
Simon: “We need to check in this cup!”
Paula: “Is it legal to strangle a Brit?”
Simon: “I was ten-years-old and it was Pauler Abdul’s Straight Up.”
Paula: “The day I’m your sister is the day I leave this planet.”

Most annoying:
Jumper movie tie in
Syesha’s baby cry and fake drawl
David A.’s lip-licking
Kristy’s wide stance
Brooke’s babbling

Dumbest controversies:
Carly already knew Randy prior to AI
David C.’s “cover of covers”
Group song “Shout to the Lord”

Seriously? WTH moments:
Ryan and Paula trade places
“Come back and do a Dolly Parton song”
Ryan won’t sweep the floor
The wrong Colton makes it to the top 24
Stage Dad-chuleta rumors
Simon apologizes to David C.

Sacrificed for the show:
Brooke misses her sister’s wedding
David A. misses his prom

News of the weird:
Ryan’s airbrushed Details magazine cover
Carly’s preggers? (no!)

Saddest news:
Top 24 finalist Luke was diagnosed with Stage II Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Highlights of Idol Gives Back:
Bono and the children
Heart! (despite Fergie)
Annie Lennox cries
Carrie sings “Praying for Time”

Favorite past Idols come to visit:
Jordin Sparks
Elliott Yamin
Bo Bice

Great musical guests:
The Clark Brothers
Maroon 5 (Kid & Hubby’s fave)
ZZ Top

Exit songs:
“Best Days”
“Hollywood is Not America”
“Celebrate Me Home”

We learned more than we ever needed to know about:
Text talk
Russian Idol
Song re-starts
Dancing penguins
Boxing analogies
The Love Guru

Finale funnies:
Ryan takes a magic carpet ride almost off the stage.
Jimmy Kimmel: “I have to wonder what your parents, Rosemary and Satan Cowell, think when they see their little boy saying such awful things to people.”

Best Ever Makeover:
David C. – from snarky grungy guy to alluring innovative winner (My Kid loves him both ways)

What a great season! Please feel free to add your favorite season seven moments in the Comments section, or email me at

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Time of My Life

The first single from AI7 winner David Cook is available for download. It's called "The Time of My Life."

David Cook, Indie Rocker

The best thing to come out of the Omaha American Idol audition? David Roland Cook!

“Rocker David” is no stranger to the music business and has been performing for several years. From musical theater to college bands, David has been honing his skills to perfection. His critically acclaimed indie release Analog Heart is unfortunately no longer available for sale, but there are tracks available from his former band Axium.

From his AI home page:
Favorite Quote: "Pain don’t hurt." - Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse
Q: How do you plan on differentiating yourself in the competition?
A: I’m just going to be who I am. Will it work? Tune in to find out!
Q: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
A: I’m weird. People aren’t usually surprised by anything with me.
Q: What other talents do you have?
A: I am an expert television watcher. I can also sleep and eat like nobody’s business.

The season seven champion spoke about his run on American Idol in several interviews.

Cook was surprised to win, as he fully expected Archuleta to take the title. He says, “My hat’s off to Archie just for the whole scenario. He handled himself with a lot of grace and, more importantly, he’s just an amazing human being. I was just honored to share the stage with him.”

As far as the “Daughtry theory” that he would be better off not winning, Dave says, “I think going into this with the idea that you don’t want to win is a huge slap in the face to the 103,000 people who auditioned this season who really wanted to win. So I definitely went into this to try to win it.”

Earlier this season, Simon addressed David as arrogant, but at the end of his final performance on Tuesday, he told him that he was one of the nicest guys in the competition. David addresses this change of heart: “I just went into this as an opportunity to expose myself musically to a large audience. And so my confidence level never really wavered and maybe that’s what got misinterpreted as cocky or arrogant, but I think as the season went on, maybe he saw the work that I was putting in, not just on my own stuff, but really just to make it a positive working environment for everybody.” He also states that the vocal coaches encouraged him to “break down the wall” between himself and the audience.

About his fans: “I can’t believe the level of support that has come out of me doing this crazy TV show. All I can do is try to embrace it and make all the effort that these people are putting into supporting me worthwhile and that’s going to start with a record and hopefully moving down the road a tour and a lot of success. The sky’s the limit right now.”

In regards to what we can expect from a David Cook album: “I think it’s going to be a mixture of my writing and hopefully writing with some other people. The bottom line is I just want to come out of the gate with a solid record, so if I can do that I’ll be happy. The ideal release is ‘as soon as possible,’ if you ask me, but obviously these things take time. As far as the type of record? It will probably be a rock record, but I think that’s a pretty vague generalization. I just want to make a record that’s gonna make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.” He also adds, “I want this record to have some twists and turns in it. I want people to feel like they got taken on a trip from beginning to end. I’ve got my work cut out for me, but it should be a lot of fun.”

He talks about his public persona as being confident and mature: “Maturity? You guys don’t see me when the cameras are off. I’m a goof and a nerd. The confidence comes in knowing what I can do and what I can’t, what works for me and what doesn’t. I never tried to fake it. It’s been a process, but my family and my friends have kept me really grounded, and that’s probably where it comes from.”

David talks about his brother Andrew: “He has been my No. 1 supporter from day one. He really wanted me to audition with him, and I was just hesitant - not for any negative stigma associated with the show. I didn’t really see this as my path for whatever reason. Standing in line ... a producer comes by and interviews my brother and then turns to me. I said, ‘I’m not auditioning’ and he’s like, ‘Well you are now.’ Life has a weird way of working itself out sometimes.”

As reported in previous interviews, David’s older brother Adam has brain cancer. David has never mentioned his brother on the show but was obviously touched by his presence when he was able to see him perform during top seven week.

Additionally, the orange wrist band that David proudly wore throughout the competition was in honor of cancer stricken Lindsey Rose Belcher, a seven-year-old from Tampa.

For the past five months David has endured everything from copycat accusations to high blood pressure to being called the “dark horse” in the competition. He has progressed from an auburn-haired “emo” artist in a sweater vest, to a confident fashionable bona fide star.

To sum it all up in a nutshell, David Cook says, “I’ve been holding my breath for four months. Tonight was just about exhaling and enjoying what this show is and what it isn’t…It’s crazy how things turn out.”

Keeping in touch... David’s myspace.

Check out David’s Guitar Hero commercial. Risky Business indeed! :-)

David Archuleta, Teenage Sensation

From the moment we saw David James Archuleta in San Diego at his initial audition, we were drawn to the teenage crooner. With two other Davids in the Top 24 (Cook and Hernandez), Archuleta was dubbed by pundits as “Little David” or “Archie.” His fan base is one of the hugest in American Idol history.

After winning Star Search at age 12, David overcame vocal paralyis, auditioned for AI and the rest is history.

From his AI home page:
Q: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
A: I’m half-Honduran, and got to go to Honduras a few years ago with my family and see my mom’s side of the family. I also sang at Carnaval there, a parade like Mardi Gras.

In various interviews, David talks about his American Idol experience.

Because the judges praised him so highly in the Final Two Round, many fans were shocked at David’s second place finish. David says that he is not disappointed at all and addresses the fans: “To the people who’ve been supporting me so much, I just want to thank them, first of all, because it means more than anything to know people are appreciating the hard work that we’re putting into this and I just want them to know that I’m feeling great about it.”

David talks about the other David, winner Dave Cook: “The fact that Cook won, I think he deserved it so much. He just proved it week after week that that guy, he deserves to be the American Idol, from even early in the competition. He’s such a great guy, too… He’s been like my big brother through all this. I’ve learned so much from him. I have a lot of respect for him. It just shows what he finds important in life, that it’s not just about him. And him being able to share that moment with everyone was really cool.”

The young singer holds his head high in regards to the controversy concerning his father and denies that he has ever been mistreated. David says, “My whole family has been such a great support and they’re the ones who have kept me grounded and allowed me to be who I am today.”

David expresses his desire to continue in music and pursue an education. He explains, “Lately, what I find is really interesting is the Ear-Nose-Throat doctor thing, which I know would take a lot of work and education, but it’s something that really interests me, because it’s something that helps people who’ve had the same problems as me, with the whole hearing and nose congestion and problems with your voice. It’s just something I can really relate to people with, because I’ve had so many issues with that stuff, so it’s be great to study into that more and be able to help out with all those problems and also learn about it.”

Adorable David also professes that he is not ready for the “drama” of romance. When girls scream his name, he says he is awkward about it. “Well, it’s really weird. It’s like, ‘Why are they yelling my name? I’m just David.’ It’s just kinda weird, because I’m just the same person. I don’t know why they’re treating me any differently…”

For his first album, he is interested in pop music in the vein of John Mayer and Sara Bareilles. He says they are “respected as real musicians and artists.” A self-professed “airhead,” the teenager is overwhelmed by the fame and fan support. He strives to remain “the normal teenage David.”

Keeping in touch... David’s official AI page and his wikipedia page.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Archie vs. Cook

May 21, 2008

Since we just got home from church, we are in a kind and gentle frame of mind tonight. I have to admit though, I could not wait for the preacher to say AMEN so that I could make a quick run for the door. Almost took out two elders in my haste for the exit. (Nah, just kidding. It was two deacons.)

After last night’s All Davids finale and the warm fuzzies that the judges threw to America’s Favorite Teenage Idol, this final results show seems in the bag. It’s time to just sit back and enjoy the filler fodder. Hopefully no pugilism tonight though.

Ryan gets his intro job back and excitedly tells us that this is the end of the season, YAY! 97.5 million votes came in, smashing all previous AI records.

The judges are doffed in their party clothes, although Randy seems to be ready for a Valentine’s Day float in a parade. Paula looks as pretty as Simon thinks he does.

The hometown crowds are hosted by former AI contestants, that annoying Mikalah person and the football coach, Matt Rogers. Mikalah gets Cook’s hometown and Matt gets Archie’s. While watching Little David’s town, My Kid says, “I see blonde people.” Funny how Ryan says almost the same thing.

Fee fi fo fum, here they come get ready. The top 12 perform the old Temptations song, and they are as clumsy as we love them to be. They sound very good though and it’s nice to see the ones we’ve missed. My Kid asks if the additional dancers are from that other FOX reality show So You Think You Can Have a Seizure on Stage. Heh.

Next, Rocker David takes the stage and Archie quickly joins him with the Spiderman song “Hero.” My Kid loves this song but alas, her ears are still bad; I assure her that it’s good. Watching them perform together is like seeing a seasoned pro joined on stage by the winner of a local high school talent show. There’s no contest except that … well there is.

Shameless promotion time of the Love Guru movie. What, Indiana Jones wasn’t available? Oh, yeah. He would be so above this pimpage. Scenes from the movie are shown along with the Davids’ reactions to the film as they have a private viewing. Things get weirder and way silly when the Love Guru consults the Davids in person. Some of it’s funny, I mean I love me some Mike Meyers. Hearing a belly laugh from DC was worth the price of admission.

Also worthwhile? Ryan almost sliding off the darn stage on the guru’s “magic carpet.” OMG that was funny! The interview with LG and Ryan though, not so much.

While Ryan tries to dislodge from the cushion, Syesha sings “Waiting for You” with Seal. He shows the singer/dancer/actress how to rock a song out, y’all. Their voices don’t blend very well, but it’s not a terrible performance.

While My Kid and I are waiting for Seal and Sye to be done, we reminisce about the best season finale ever of the best season ever, number five. Oh good times…

Ryan reminds us that Castro singing is better than Castro talking. How true, and he’s easy on the eyes, too. Jason reprises the fabulous “Hallelujah” that he did during the semi-finals. Our favorite dreadlocked folker seems very nervous tonight, but hey they’re in the Nokia Theater in front of 7,000 people. Half of them celebs, like my fave AI contestant from last year, Mindy Doo.

The last Ford fake commercial is once again set to outtakes from past videos and it’s funny and charming. They sing “Let the Good Times Roll” and all 12 are featured. This is also the point where the final two are given Ford vehicles and they have to act surprised about it. The Davids get Ford Hybrids this year, to the delight of their parents. (Ever noticed how Archie’s dad looks like Danny Bonaduce?)

Next the top six gals are dressed in red, doing a Donna Summer medley. Recycling again, keeping with the “green” mentality I guess. Poor Amanda is still and always in HELP ME mode with the dancing. The Davids escort Donna herself to the stage who joins the six girls and the break dancers. She has a new song which is surprising for someone so very old (Kid’s words not mine.) Her voice sounds good but she seems a bit distracted, maybe by the action. I thought it was cool how she handed her bling bling mic to Syesha during “Last Dance.”

I am fast-forwarding through the thousands of commercials, but see that the awful Moment of Truth is coming back. Thanks FOX. Take away the awesome New Amsterdam but give us this crapfest. That’s okay, I’ll be over on another network watching Last Comic Standing anyway. Butthole$.

Okay back to good FOX stuff. A very special performance of “The Letter” by Carly and Michael. They look good and sound wonderful together, the Irish lass and down under wonder. Both are two reminders that all in all this has been a good season. And it looks like it will be a super tour this summer.

Ryan introduces Jimmy Kimmel back to the American Idol stage to make fun of everyone but Randy. Poor Mr. Jackson doesn’t even rate a sarcastic rant from Sarah Silverman’s boyfriend. We notice that Sanjaya is in the audience, which is sure to tick off Danny Noriega. (Rumor is that girly boy was whining about not getting tickets for the finale, oh snap!)

The montage of Simon’s quips set to music was cute. Thank goodness Ryan acknowledges that Randy Jackson does exist on this planet. He even makes the Valentine comparison, like I said.

Four of the six guys are in black, rocking out to Bryan Adams tunes. They are soon joined by the Davids and wow we just noticed that little Archie has a chain thingy. Just like “big brother;” that is precious. Bryan Adams himself runs out on stage with his guitar. Must be time to promo a new song with a new upcoming album. He is not aging that well but his voice sounds okay. My Kid wonders if anyone from her age group will be guest starring tonight, but I pay her no attention because Bo Bice is in the audience.

Jordin Sparks does the infomercial for the American Idol attraction that will be opening next year in Disney World.

Then Rocker David joins ZZ Top on stage to sing “Sharp Dressed Man.” My Kid is trying to figure out which of the bearded guys played Angela’s dad on the TV show Bones. (Speaking of Bones – Zack as the bad guy? Did not see that coming.) But back to David and Billy and the awesomeness of it all. I am so close to liking Cook in a Daughtry way, and it’s exciting to be a fan, even when you are old like me. Helps me stay young, ya know?

From Kansas City, annoying Mikalah gets a shout out with Rocker David’s music teacher and it’s a sweet moment.

Things are happening so quickly and the show is really good tonight. Barefoot Brooke White gets her moment on stage, singing “Teach Your Children” with Graham Nash. This is the absolute perfect song for our favorite nanny. What an adorable lady.

Finally something for the younger generation – the Jonas Brothers. David Archuleta, welcome to your future. Our David actually is a better singer than all three of these boys put together. The one on the middle reminds me of Sanjaya, with the cute face and flippy hair.

Quick question: who is Pat the senior citizen lady in red with Ryan? No time to wonder, as we are subjected to a montage of the very bad of this season’s auditions. Did not really need to be reminded of all that, but thanks. At least no fake awards tonight.

They bring out Renaldo, the “I am your brother” guy, so it’s time to go make popcorn. When I get back, it’s still going on, complete with USC cheerleaders and marching band. Two out of three judges join him on stage, guess which two. I think Paula just wanted us to see her fabulous dress and Randy wanted to remind everybody that yes he is still there (in the zone with a phone book in 2007.)

In a rare moment of being current, we are treated to popular group OneRepublic. Sadly it’s without Timbaland there to add the weird Tourette’s sounds as backup. Instead we get Little David singing along on “Apologize” and this is the perfect song for him. He does it so well although he does not have anything to ‘pologize for. This whole being splendid thing is nothing to be sorry for. If he can get his stage mannerisms down pat, he’ll be greatness in the music biz.

We get to see Matt in Salt Lake with Archie’s two grandpas, which is very touching.

Thankfully Jordin’s vocal chords have healed and she is all better now. Tonight she is here to sing her latest song and she looks as pretty as ever. My Kid says that her shiny gold dress makes her think “Take me to your leader.” I bet Jordin is glad that there was no mosh pit of swaying teenbots last year. Blake is in the audience, singing along, showing support for Jordin.

For comic relief we get “unseen footage” of Gladys Knight and the “Pips.” Gladys is real enough (sort of), but the Pips are Ben Stiller, Jack Black and some dude we don’t know. By the time the skit is over, we realize that it’s Robert Downey Jr. Wow. As My Kid says, he is a good example of why drugs are bad. Guy’s looking ruff. At least any money made from this silly video goes to charity.

Superstar Carrie Underwood takes the stage next with the clever song “Last Name.” She looks incredible, but the dress looks like something between a bridesmaid’s gown and an Ally McBeal suit. My Hubby is mesmerized.

You know, I might forgive FOX since they are bringing on the new show Fringe; it looks scary and weird, right up my alley.

The finale is winding down soon, and we know this because the top 12 are on stage, all dressed in black. They are now doing George Michael songs. Boy, that Eli Stone show really revived the former Wham frontman’s career. Still and always, I will think that “Father Figure” is a creepy song and not in a good Fringe way. We get ready for it and yes – George Michael himself comes to the stage. The other 12 just back right the heck off as he sings what must be a new song. Or maybe this is the song that Carrie sang on Idol Gives Back? No time for google, Paula is crying, y’all!

While this is not as good a show-stopper as Prince was two years ago, it is a mighty fine end to the season. We were all brought right back down to earth and are “Praying for Time” indeed. It’s time to announce the winner…

The judges have their final thoughts on the entire season – both Davids are winners, it’s just the start of destiny, yada yada. In a true WTH? moment, Simon apologizes to David Cook for how mean he was to him last night. Is someone “holding to the rope and got him ten feet off the ground?”

Then the obligatory British Guy in Suit brings the envelope to Ryan.

We have acknowledged that both Davids are wonderful. Archie fans get ready to scream for joy. And then! Ryan says that David Cook has won. Man, I totally did not see that coming. Neither did little David as he seems to back away in a stupor. David C. gives a round of applause for David A. in a moment of good sportsmanship.

A couple of Archie’s little siblings look sad but the Cook family goes wild. My Kid is going wild too, here at Aunt Pearl’s house. Ryan has to revive the rocker of his heart attack before he can even think about doing the coronation song.

David’s mom and brother join him onstage with tears and hugs. He beckons the other 11 contestants to him before he sings the winning song. Okay, I now officially love him in a Daughtry-sized way, because that was the coolest thing ever.

“This is the time of my life” indeed. Great futures ahead for both the rocker and the teenager. Then finally, confetti.

The final shot is of Andrew Cook saying to the camera: “That’s my brother.” I have never been happier to be wrong about something in my life.

Love Guru to Rocker David: “…your facial hair? … it’s not the 90s…”

Jimmy Kimmel (to Simon): “I have to wonder what your parents, Rosemary and Satan Cowell, think when they see their little boy saying such awful things to people.”

David Cook to his brother: “This is all your fault. This is his fault.”

Thank you AI for 42 episodes of wonderfulness and giving us all a break from harsh reality for a few hours a week. See you again in January ’09.

Please drop in to Aunt Pearl’s blogspot for more AI happenings and other FUN STUFF!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Tale of Two Davids

May 20, 2008

Today is My Kid’s birthday, the poor girl has a double ear infection, and we have spent the evening at a “doc in the box.” Happy sweet sixteen darlin.’

We get home just in time for American Idol and there is birthday cake. Yay. With eardrops in one hand and her new digital camera in the other, My Kid settles in on the couch next to me to root for her favorite rocker David.

For no apparent reason, some boxing ringmaster gent opens the show instead of our boy Ryan. The Davids (Sugarfoot and Babyface) even come out in satin robes and gloves, which means that we are probably in for boxing analogies all the live-long night.

While waiting for the action to start, I could make a list of things that I enjoy more than boxing, but it would include hmmm … everything except maybe taking My Kid to the doctor on her birthday, or getting caught in the unusual hail storm on the way over there.

But we might as well roll with the punches (pardon the pun), so the question remains: in the battle of the Davids, who will be the brawler and who’ll be the slugger?

Ryan finally takes back over (whew) to talk about the larger theater, the massive crowd, the gigantic stage, and the fact that come about Thursday, he will be down one day job. Cheers from the crowd are much louder for the little guy, which duh.

The “heavyweight title” montage is so cheesy that we want nachos with it, but one very interesting split-second comes from it. While Voiceover Ryan talks about the title being reserved only for “superstars,” there are quick flashes of Kelly, Carrie and Chris Daughtry. Guess this means that you do NOT have to win the actual title of American Idol to achieve superstar status. This makes us feel better about the fate of our favorite season seven rocker.

Both Clive Davis and Andrew Lloyd Webber are on hand to mentorally challenge the Davids. Some guy who looks familiar pops in to add boxing analogies to the mix, which would be okay if it wasn’t so ridiculous. I mean, have The Idiots In Charge even watched the show at all this season?? Little D couldn’t take on Alvin of the Chipmunks, bless his heart.

Cook and Archie are brought out on the stage to congratulate and compliment each other. Call me gullible (right away My Kid says, “Hi, Gullible!”) but their camaraderie seems sincere.

The dressed-for-the-Emmys judges add their two cents worth before we get to the singing. Each David will sing three songs tonight, and the first song has been chosen by Clive Davis. Archie won the coin toss, Stage Dad-chuleta told him to go second, so up first tonight is David Cook.

Round One

For Rocker Dave, Clive has chosen U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” This is not really a song about searching for lost keys or whatnot, even though it’s what I sing sometimes when in that fix. My Kid and I both adore Rocker David in a very-close-to-Daughtry way. We think that he does an excellent job with this song. When he ventures out in the audience, she says, “I want to touch him.” Kids! They grow up so fast! Although David’s vocal is not 100% perfect, he is a true performer. He wisely does not change the basic format of the song too much and does Bono proud. We want his CD right now! All three judges agree that David C. has started the show off just right. (Somebody needs to get Randy a calendar though - dude, it’s 2008.)

Little David is next and either my TV color is off or he’s wearing an ugly pea-green jacket. My Kid likes the star on the tee shirt though and says it’s a teenage thing (I wouldn’t understand.) David’s doing the Elton John classic “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.” Clive is just recycling at this point; this song has been done right to death on American Idol. The Clay version is legendary among his fan base. Archie’s voice is excellent as always, but something unusual has happened tonight - David has morphed into a Real Live Boy right before our eyes. He has already proven to be “brave, true and unselfish,” so it’s about time. The judges concur that this was an excellent performance, and they all think that Archie was better this round. He gives new meaning to the phrase “in it to win it,” for sure.

Round Two

Instead of having both finalists sing the very same songwriting-contest-winning coronation song, this year each one gets his choice from the top ten list. Great, one more thing for Blake Lewis to be ticked off about; last year was definitely not his “now.”

Leather-clad David Cook has chosen a song called “Dream Big” and surprisingly it is not bad. Was expecting to have an Emperor Kuzco “cheese me no likey” moment. I like the lyric about having faith and kinda like this tune, mainly because I like this particular David very much. Because I have watched every single millisecond of this show at least twice, I can tell just by looking at him that Mr. Cook is TIRED. My Kid disagrees (surprise) and says the droopy eyes are just for effect. The judges are all comme ci, comme ca about this song we don’t know, but they give Dave credit for trying.

The song for Disney David is called “In This Moment” and this is what coronation songs are made of. It seems that he may have chosen this tune based on the lyric about making his “own decisions,” hmm? The chorus vaguely resembles the Shania song with a similar title. Poor tiny guy looks like he is in pain. Is there a doctor in the house? Perhaps House himself? We need Gepetto, stat. Archie blushes sweetly as the judges gush molten hot phone books that are in the zone. At least he traded the pea jacket for one with anchor decorations on it.

Round Three

This is the point in the show that the contestants get to chose ANY song that they want to sing. As if. Any Clearable Song from that Limited Catalog is what they should call it. As always, it can be something new or a repeat of one they’ve done great before.

David C. decides to go with something new and I respect him very much for doing that. We have played his good ones over and over on our iPods already. Plus he looks smoking hot in the red satin necktie. Dave finishes his night with a song by one of my favorite bands, Collective Soul. Although he does a great job with “The World I Know,” I can’t help but think how fun it would be if he did “December.” Imagine these lyrics: Don’t scream about/Don’t think aloud/turn your head now baby just spit me out. How freaking appropriate given the way he’s been thrown under the bus by the judge team this evening, including now. Although they sugarcoat it with saying he’s a nice guy and all that jazz, he gets raked over the coals for not being a repeater. Dave is teary and starts to take up for himself, but then remembers that oops you can’t do that on this TV show.

Because I am the mom of a teenager, I know what pouting looks like when I see it. My Kid has given up and gone to bed; she has seen her David, cheered him on and she’s done. So I am left to pout (and vote) all by myself. Dave Cook’s tears at the end of his Collective Soul song seemed to mean “Yep, this is it for me. End of the road.” This show reminds me of one of those bread machines - pour in the proper ingredients, program for proper timing, and then PING out comes delicious wholesome white bread. Like Archuleta’s redo of his final song “Imagine.” It’s so proper and malleable, and the judges don’t like rye or whole wheat and they make that very clear. Little David is a cute young man with an amazing gift, and broken away from the puppet strings, he was phenomenal tonight. We are so glad that he pleased the Blue Fairy and has been freed from Stromboli, aren’t you?

It’s recap time and well darn… keeping with the asinine boxing theme, it may seem that David Cook has thrown in the towel. Archie will win tomorrow, we have no doubt. At least the judges seem to think so; he is “exactly what this show is about” indeed.

I am not really sad about Archie winning instead of Cook, just resigned. Rocker Dave even stands to the side and claps for Little D, as if already acknowledging fate. He is a class act.

Ryan and the Davids leave the stage and then! The AI sign rises up and it’s season two winner Ruben, there in person to sing “Celebrate Me Home.” The accompanying video of this season’s highlights brought back good and funny memories.

Quotes of the evening:
Simon: “You’ve got to have a desire to win, and you’ve got to hate your opponent.”

David Cook: “As far as I’m concerned, the competition’s over, and we’re just having fun.”

Randy (to Rocker Dave): “I’m gonna call you DC. That was a great way to start off this duel of 2007.” [WTH??]

Andrew: (quoting lyrics from a contest song): “Staring through windows at my own reflection/How can a window encompass perfection… I think Simon wrote this song.”

Simon (about David A’s contest song): “I love the egotistical lyric. Fantastically self-centered.”

Randy (to Dave Cook): “You were singing your face off!”

Simon (to Little David): “You came out here tonight to win, and what we’ve witnessed is a knockout.”

Well, at Aunt Pearl’s house, there is leftover birthday cake… join me in a virtual comfort-food-fest tomorrow night as I watch yet another of my favorite singers NOT become the next American Idol.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Syesha Mercado, “The One”

We first met Syesha at the Miami audition, where she easily made it through to the Hollywood round. Also, we received a glimpse into her family life and the close relationship she has with her parents.

No stranger to the spotlight, Syesha was a contestant on a short-lived talent show called The One. Although that exposure did not make her a household name, making it to the top three of American Idol has been a true claim to fame.

From her AI home page:
Q: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
A: I love me!

In her exit interview Syesha talks about coming so close: “To me, I made it. I think anybody who is on the show makes it. Success is different for every person. For me, this is very successful - making it to the Top 3. I set a goal and I got there. I'm very, very happy, I'm at peace. Only great things can come from here on out.”

Syesha reveals how she defines herself: “I’m a mix of a lot of things … I’m like a black Christina Aguilera [or] Alicia Keys.”

She also talks about dealing with her father’s drug addiction, and how difficult the early days of the competition were due to her being on vocal rest. Syesha also says that she and her fiancée have no wedding plans set at this time.

About the two Davids, she says: “David Archuleta has that beautiful smile and he has that really, really good connection with the kids, the younger audience. And David Cook has that connection the younger audience, the girls go crazy over him, and the older audience too, think he's really charming, like all the older women. I feel like I'm a little sister and a big sister to both the Davids and once everybody was gone we really had the chance to really really have a more intimate relationship and just have fun and that brotherly sisterly love.”

When asked what her plans were after Idol, and after the tour wraps, she had this to say: “Well, as I tell people, I want to do everything, and I’m really goal-oriented, so I know that whatever goal I set, it can be accomplished, whether it’s within a year span or whatever, ten years. So I want to make an album. I want to star in a film. I want to do Broadway. I want to open up an organic restaurant, and a lupus foundation, a homeless foundation. It just depends on what comes first, but I have goals that I want to do, and I write them down and am going to continue to look at them. Basically, whatever opportunity comes first and what’s the best career move for me, that’s pretty much what’s going to happen.”

Keeping in touch... Syesha’s myspace page.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One of the Top Three is “On the Move”

May 14, 2008

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you guess which thing is not like the other
By the time I finish my song?

I miss watching Sesame Street. As a matter of fact, I may start watching it again once AI is over. Maybe I will even blog about it… ummm, maybe not.

It’s going to be a long and endless episode, so here are some fun things to do in between the filler fodder time and trazillion commercials.

Read the aforementioned (in last night’s Aunt Pearl blog) Orangeade-stained-TVGuide article about the final three.

Take AOL’s AI survey.

Bid on American Idol paraphernalia.

See photos of Rocker Dave’s hometown band Axium.

Read about Archie’s so-called stage dad.

Get updates on past Idol contestants.

Watch Carrie’s music vid for “Last Name” which is hysterical (it’s kinda like the female version of Alan Jackson’s “I Don’t Even Know Your Name.”)

Catch up with My Kid’s (and my) favorite Idol of all time – the fabulous Chris Daughtry.

Because we have to (being addicted and all), we get on with tonight’s show. It’s so weird how Ryan notices Simon’s cleavage and not Paula’s. Surely this is a blow to the ego of one of E!’s Top 25 Cougars.

Tonight we will get to see the hometown visits for each of the final three. I enjoy these mini-documentaries because I feel like we get to know the contestants better as people. Sometimes too little too late, but that’s how the story goes.

But first up, the top three sing “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now” and they may be “on the move” but they have never been “in the groove.” They could dub this trio 4 Left Feet + Syesha.

Lots of top 12-ers in the audience this evening; they seem to be all lined up in a row. One week from tonight, they will be onstage again for the finale.

This week’s Ford faux-mercial is to the popular “How Far is Heaven” by Los Lonely Boys (or Salvador if you listen to CCM.) The director’s idea of “heaven” is materialist and narcissistic, but hey that’s Ho’wood for ya.

Ryan says that 56 million votes came in and that it’s a close race. I bet there are some high text-messaging bills out there in tweener land. Hang in there mom and dad; only one more week to go.

Recap of last night … and so it goes for Archie at Disneyland, some people want it all but Syesha wants nothing at all, the first time ever we saw Cook’s face the round went to Simon, our boo David’s heart was all over the world, Sye caressed the bass player and wooed the chair, Rocker Dave dared us to mooooove, LD’s song was longer than there’ve been stars in the sky, Mercado got her penguins on (baby baby), and the Rocker did not wanna miss a thing including winning.

Tonight’s special guest star is season four champ Fantasia. I heard an interview with her on the radio last month and she talked about how a trip to Africa changed her life. I was impressed with how she is using her fame for the good.

Girlfriend sure has changed her look. She has Bozo hair but it’s okay because her nails and lipstick match that shade, too. Ms. Barrino has brought along a couple of backup singer/dancers, and even a dude from the balcony provides some support. Too bad he’s wearing one of Dumb Donald’s hats and can’t sing worth a lick. Not sure what this song is, but Fantasia sure still has that enthusiasm.

Very funny moment when the camera cuts to Simon and he has a WTH??? expression on his face. Right there with ya, Cowell. Tas’ breathlessly chats with Ryan about what’s going on with her besides clown hair.

The first hometown visit is to Murray, Utah with Little David. We are reminded again that he is just a tiny boy, as he is overwhelmed by all of the attention. He cries adorably and says “Gosh” a lot. If they do a remake of The Andy Griffith Show, then Opie is already cast. He seems to live a sheltered life and if he wins, hopefully fame will not change him too much. We’re hoping that one day he’ll be able to complete a full sentence without breathlessly stopping and giggling. But then again no, because that is one of the reasons he’s so infectious, right?

Keeping with tradition, tonight we’ll see the contestant montage videos from each of the top three. Ruben’s song must have been retired, since “Best Days” plays during David’s “AI journey.” He looked even younger four short months ago. Wherever he goes “birds suddenly appear” and “stars fall down from the sky.” The animated Disney kind, drawn with dollar signs. To anyone who doubts that this young lad is marketable, here are two words: Hannah Montana.

Next we see Syesha’s journey back to her hometown of Sarasota, Florida. The gal is overwhelmed by all of the attention and has everything from posters to babies shoved at her. Welcome to fame, Ms. Mercado. This is one lady who has come a long way from the early stage of the competition with all those “cheating songs.” It is nice to see Syesha let her (real) hair down and be herself. She seems more excited about the helicopter ride than anything else, and has major sobbage while riding in the limo. The old lady mayor doing the flip was almost as awesome as Archie’s mayor’s mustache.

For her video “celebration journey” Syesha gets the Fantasia version of “I Believe.” Would this be a snap back at her for daring to do this song herself, perchance? No matter, as she has proven to be more than up to the challenge. We are reminded of the flash cards during Hollywood week and My Kid says, “Oh yeah. I remember now why I didn’t like her.” Syesha has grown on me since then, and obviously on millions of others, too. She is top 3 after all and that is not to be taken lightly.

The last one out to see his hometown footage is Rocker David. He returned to Kansas City, Missouri and just like with the others, there was a sense of wonderment that so many people were there to see him in person. My favorite moment of the entire evening was when Dave gave flowers to his music teacher. He seems like a good guy. It was fun watching him do the weather, too. Ryan brings David’s brother up on stage to explain how they tried out together, with David actually only coming along for the ride. What a great story to tell the grandkids one day.

It is fitting that David C. gets Daughtry’s “What About Now” song playing as the background music for his “my AI journey” video. David’s style has changed a lot since we first saw him; no more sweater vests and shiny pink ties for our rocker. He has stayed true to the rock roots even though he proved to us during Broadway week that he can sing anything. Dave has no need to fret over his fate tonight, as he will have a successful career whether he gets the confetti next week or not.

Because we did not get subjected to viewer calls this week (YAY), we have time to poll the judges for their critique of this last three standing. My little dog informs me that she has to go outside and pee, so I have to make a choice: listen to the judges opine or help out my doggie? Pee wins. Will have to catch the clichés later.

When we come back, we learn that next week will be an all David finale. Syesha is this season’s Kimberley Locke. Girlfriend had a good run and should be proud. There are no tears and shouldn’t be; Sye has been a perpetual bottom-three-er for weeks now so this is no surprise for her. Of course they run out of time before she can finish the Alicia Keys song.

Quote of the evening:
David A. (regarding the large number of fans in Murray): “Gosh! Where do they park?!”

Until next week when it’s the battle of the Davids. In the meantime, check out this non-AI related fun thing - Doodle 4 Google.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Two Guys and a Diva-lite

May 13, 2008

Today I received the annual TV Guide with the Top 3 on the cover. Before I could finish reading the article, I spilled Tropicana Sugar Free Orangeade all over the magazine. I am klutzier than this year’s singers at group performance time.

Ryan says that tonight’s show could be called: The High Schooler, The Actress, and The Barrrtender.

There’s some major sucking up going on to the color-coordinated judges at intro time. It must be close to payday or maybe performance review time.

Keeping with tradition, this evening we will hear three songs from each contestant selected by a judge, themselves, and a producer.

Judge’s Choice

First up is Little David, who looks stylish in jeans, leather jacket and a skinny tie. His first song was chosen by Paula and he is told while in his hometown of Murray, Utah. The mayor tells him that she’s picked “And So It Goes” by Billy Joel. Tonight, Archie’s voice is angelic, if a bit breathy and he is adorable as always. My Kid is way over David, but I tell her that to not like him is the same as not liking rainbows and puppies and cotton candy. She gags and frogs me, but I like this analogy. Randy calls the performance “dope,” and Paula is glad that she picked a perfect “pure and sunny” storyteller song for him. To major boos, Simon throws out “predictable” but admits it was good. Disney David is no Piano Man but he held his own. Can’t help but feel for the little guy in light of all the recent scandal.

Before introducing Syesha, it’s mass and mad confusion at the judges’ table. Hopefully Ryan will never do that “yo yo yo” thing again. Funny when Simon does the hand-over-mouth maneuver that got Kelly Ripa in so much trouble with Clay awhile back. Back to biz - While in the limo on the way to Tampa, Syesha gets a text message from Randy that his pick for her is “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys. She is very excited about this as she should be; she performed this song on that other talent show called The One. (There is a fun website that has a video of this performance; we’ll have to check it out later.) Randy loves Sye almost as much as she loves herself. Paula tells her how beautiful she is, which is true even though Syesha is back to that irritating fake drawl. Simon likes it but says that he wishes that Randy hadn’t chosen something so ordinary for her to sing. Snark.

Rocker Dave gets his text message from Simon while being interviewed by FOX4 in his hometown in Missouri. To the amusement of the anchor people there, Simon has chosen “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” by Roberta Flack. On stage, even Ryan makes fun of this song selection for David, but Simon stands behind it as a solid choice. This is one of the songs that I used to sing to My Kid when she was a baby. I do believe that our season seven rocker will make this song his very own. It turns out that this is my favorite performance from him yet, and I rewind it three times before moving on. It makes me cry almost as much as this video that I saw today. It’s payback time with Randy snarkage, but we will just ignore him. Paula is funny and loves David as she should. Simon is over the moon and even Debbie the stage manager is in tears.

Contestant’s Choice

Next, Little David takes the chat stools with Ryan to discuss his song choice of “With You” by Chris Brown. He wanted to kick up a little sumpin sumpin modern-day. Although this is one of the few top 40 songs that I can tolerate, I am not feeling Archie’s take on this ditty. He seems way out of his element, and fumbles around the lyrics a bit. There’s a reason he is so good at the old slow stuff. Randy says David shouldn’t try to sing “my boo” but then remembers that he is scripted to praise the Disney delight no matter what, dawg. Paula is in strange I-love-you-long-time mode and it is kinda creepy. Simon says it was “like a Chihuahua trying to be a tiger,” which is true enough. This whole fiasco makes me want to hear the song “No Air” which I really like. One of the best guest star performances this season was when Chris and Jordin hit the stage. Good times.

Syesha and Ryan are on the chat stools and he starts to pick up her fake southern accent; now I’m annoyed at both of them. For her song choice, Sye has chosen the old tune “Fever,” which has already been covered a crazillion times. I remember liking Paris Bennett’s version. (Season five is still the best of AI!) What makes Syesha stand out is The Chair From Hollywood Week. While wearing a mini dress from the Haley Scarnato collection, she prances and plays around “the chair” while singing the song pretty well. It would have been cool if a bucket of water fell down on her a’la Flashdance, but no such luck. Randy thinks that she sang it “amazingly well.” Paula disses her a little bit, saying that it didn’t define WHO Syesha really IS. Simon hurts everyone’s feelings (except Sye’s) by calling her performance “lame cabaret.”

My Kid and I are excited that Rocker David is doing a Switchfoot song. They are one of the CCM bands that have made it big in the pop world. While Ryan slumps the wrong way in “Mercado’s chair,” Dave explains his song choice. He speaks of planets and making a difference and being a bartender. As with many of Rocker David’s songs, he starts the verse low and then – greatness. It is so cool when he does that. This song is from the movie A Walk to Remember, which My Kid loves, so she is delighted. David Cook sure is my pick for winner of this contest. Of course the judges are not going to like anything with even an obscure spiritual context, so Randy says it’s “not his best,” and Paula was left “wanting more.” Simon didn’t hate it but it was not “melodic,” and he’s not pleased with any of the three this round.

Producer’s Choice

Because we’ve fiddle-farted around too much tonight, Seacrest is now in hurry-up mode. (Way to facilitate, RYAN.) He quickly reveals that for Little David’s final song, the producers chose the old number by Dan somebody called “Longer.” This is such a cheesy, eye-roll-inducing love song, that it should have made the Canned Corn list, but oh well. The judges will love this one, for sure. Although he sings it well, the song goes on “longer than there’ve been fishes in the ocean” for the love of God. Randy proclaims it was another “hot one” and Paula simply says that it was “lovely.” Simon likes David’s singing and can’t criticize his song choice (Kat McPhee taught him that lesson two years ago during this very round with her cry of “but I didn’t pick it!!”) He agrees that the song is a slice of gooey Velveeta preferred by the nursing home crowd.

The producers must be big fans of the cartoon Happy Feet because they have chosen “Hit Me Up” for our last-girl-gyrating Syesha. She has the moves down pat but does not seem to be feeling this one. I expect her to shoot the bird at the camera at any moment and say “Up yours Nigel!” Like Archie, Syesha has a niche and this is not it for her, and I don’t blame her if she resents the gauche choice they made with this song. Randy says it was “Rihanna-esque,” and Paula seems to think that Ms. Mercado should pack her Louis Vuitton. Is this a ploy to get folks to vote for her or just her honest opinion? (Probably the latter, since the Abdulster doesn’t seem the manipulative type, and manipulation takes cunning and common sense.) Then all three judges go on and on about singing/dancing penguins and they’re silly. Simon doesn’t think that Syesha had “a moment” this week.

To close the show, the producers tell rocker Dave that he will be doing Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.” This song always conjures images of Liv and Affleck and animal crackers, but maybe David can burn those visions out of my head. He is excellent on a song that was overplayed right to death back in its day and makes it seem new again. My Kid and I disagree about his personality and get into a debate - David Cook: Flip Arrogant Attitude or Cool Rocker Pose? I have to admit that he is this-close to tying with Daughtry for all-time best AI contestant. Randy must have his jockies in a wad because he deems him just “okay;” loving Steven Tyler much? Paula adores Dave as much as we do and predicts that he’ll be a finalist. Hopefully this will not jinx him, but he doesn’t need to win at this point anyway. Simon tells David that he “wins the night.” Agreed.

Recap time… DC is the best of the evening by far. The smart money is on Syesha to leave tomorrow, but then again THIS. Is American Idol. Where anything can happen…

For the conspiracy theorists out there: Was the constant pimping of Archie by the judges staged to create complacency among his fan base, hence leading to a Shocking Elimination tomorrow night? Are TIIC so tired of Stage Dad that they no longer want the Disney boy as their winner? Was poor Syesha put down so much to create sympathy votes for her? A final round with one guy and one girl is always more interesting than two guys or two girls. And what was up with Randy’s constant dissing of my fave Rocker Cook? Even Ryan seemed irriated that Dave was getting some of his own back with the “just a bartender” comment. And exactly what “phone book” can people actually sing, RANDY?

Quotes from this episode:

Paula (to Simon and Randy regarding Dave Cook): “It’s so funny how it’s about the two of you, but really it’s about you David.”

Simon: “Round one goes to Cook and Cowell.”

Ryan: “Paula’s on her feet! Spinning her finger around in the air like she just don’t care.”

‘Til tomorrow when most likely Syesha will say her good-byes. At least tonight she got a chance to shout out “I love you, too!” to random people. I stopped counting at like, a thousand. :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

You'll Always Be My Baby...

Just in time for Mother's Day... an American Idol baby/kid pictures quiz.

(See for more childhood photographs.)

Match the names below to the photos above. [click on pics to enlarge]

Top 6 Gals

1. Kristy Lee Cook
2. Ramiele Malubay
3. Syesha Mercado
4. Amanda Overmyer
5. Carly Smithson
6. Brooke White

Top 6 Guys

1. David Archuleta
2. David Cook
3. Jason Castro
4. Chikezie Eze
5. David Hernandez
6. Michael Johns

You must have been a beautiful baby
Cuz baby look at you now...


Gals –

1. c
2. f
3. a
4. b
5. e
6. d

Guys –

1. e
2. d
3. f
4. b
5. c
6. a

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jason Castro, Dreadlocked Folk Singer

Although he had very little screen time prior to the announcement of the Top 24, Jason Castro quickly developed a huge fan base. His laid-back style, unique look and musical talent were evident from the first time he hit the stage, singing “Daydream.”

Prior to AI, Jason took part in the MTV series Cheyenne. He was one of the rare contestants this year without a background of previous music industry experience.

This week Jason performed two songs from the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame: “I Shot the Sheriff” and “Mr. Tambourine Man.” Right before Ryan announced that he was going home, Jason said that someone told him that he’d “shot the tambourine man.” Jason’s great sense of humor is one of the things that will be missed the most.

From his AI home page:
Q: How do you plan on differentiating yourself in the competition?
A: I think we are all very different, so just being me will be the key.

Q: Do you have any rituals or things you do before you perform?
A: I pray and then visualize my stellar performance and go through it silently and visually. I get pumped and jump around/stretch.

In his AOL interview, he promises that he did not deliberately flub his lyrics this week nor did he try to sabotage himself to get voted off the show. He does however admit that the pressure of the show was getting hard to handle.

Regarding the benefits of being on AI, Jason says: “You are never guaranteed anything in this business but I think we've all been given the opportunity to have some exposure. Now people know who you are and maybe take a second to listen.”

Jason talks about the tour in his EW exit interview: “I'm so excited. I can't wait. It's going to be a blast. I have some ideas what I'm going to sing. Maybe one or two I didn't do on the show.”

About his fans, Jason says, “I can't even wrap my head around it. There are people that love me and support me and it's so weird knowing I could put out an album and they would buy it. It is just crazy. I think I have the best fans because every day I get more letters than everybody. More postcards, more packages. I have a life-size plush panther in my room. I got fruit baskets and 150 balloons yesterday because they heard I was sick. They show me a lot of love and it's really cool.”

Keeping in touch... Jason’s fan website and his myspace page.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Who Gets Rock-a-byed Home?

May 7, 2008

As they say in the farming business, “we’re in the short rows now.” Two weeks from tonight, the season 7 winner will be crowned. Where did the time go?

Oooh Howie in the audience with no cases to open! I like his fabulous OCD self.

Ryan, who seems to have lost all of his jovialness, tells us that 51 million votes were cast last night. The tweeners sure were up past bedtime.

We rehash the accusation that Randy was the big bully who made Syesha cry, but it was really all Paula’s fault. It seems that Sye is one of those people who lets the waterworks flow when someone is nice to her. She’s okay now and did not need to borrow Brooke’s straight jacket.

This week’s group song is Steely Dan’s “Reeling in the Years,” and I feel like a parrot for repeating the same thing every single week. So just press PLAY: singing – good; choreography – awful. Nice touch with the guitar player getting his entrance. It’s good to see the band members receive their props.

Recap time of the final four… Syesha was rolling on the river. Cook was hungry like a wolf. Jason did not shoot the deputy or Bob Marley. David wants to stand in line by us at Disneyland. Cook lives in a teenage wasteland of voters. Syesha is expecting some changes to the dreams she’s crying about. Jason did not shoot the tambourine man either, Simon. Archie loves us and always will, especially on coronation night.

Dim the lights, we are sending someone to the couch. Little David is up first and after mumbling and stuttering awhile, he is pronounced safe. So dumb a question: “Do you want to be the next American Idol?” Just once I wish someone would answer, “Why no Ryan! I am really aiming for that theatrical cabaret theme park singing job on Carnival cruise lines.”

Commercials… ‘Tis the season of so many movies and so little time. My Kid wants to see Iron Man and I am game for the latest Narnia offering. Would not go see Sex & the City if Mr. Big was there in person. Nekkid.

Next we get to see highlights of a trip that the final four took to Vegas, starting with the private jet. They go see The Beatles musical Love and a fancy circus. Or is it the two things combined? Can’t really tell and don’t care, as it seems that this would be both the fifth and sixth layers of Hades. Castro seems to think so as well.

It is fun to see the Idols meeting fans and signing autographs. Just a taste of what is to come for them.

More results… Rocker David and Ryan chat about presumably presumptuous song choices, and how he really hopes that America likes songs in which the title does not match the lyrics. He is safe and that is no wasteland, Baba.

Final two standing are brought out next, Jason and Syesha. We are all aware that there’s still a half hour to go with lots of things to do. Castro is like, dude you sending me home now? And Ryan goes something to the effect of WAY to steal my thunder Chong!

This week’s Ford-mercial is the Worst. One. Ever. Set to an awfully sung “Ring of Fire,” the four contestants are dressed as matadors with a Mustang as the “bull.” I call a different kind of bull here. Ouch, my ears say. Yikes, my eyes moan.

More punishment awaits as now it’s viewer call time. Nigel and Crew, please for the love of all that is holy, why?? Aren’t the mosh pit girls with their off-beat arm-swaying bad enough? With all this evil, are you trying out for a role on The Reaper?

My Kid says to don’t even try to bribe her to watch in my place, but fortunately My Hubby is in a generous mood. I go pop three bags of Orville while he watches this segment.

Here is a guy’s version of what transpired: some slutty fan wants the rocker guy to go out with her when he’s in town on tour; the pretty black girl gets stage fright sometimes even though she’s the only gal left now or something like that. That dreadlocked muppet admits that he’s braindead which is obvious. Simon wants to be a knight and James Bond because he loves himself so very much.

Maroon 5 is back on the show this year. They visited last year and Blake even sang two of their songs. The only thing I know about this group otherwise is that one of their videos is cool - the one where the lead singer is dating the daughter but the mom is hotter (because she’s Kelly Preston.) Both My Hubby and Kid like this group and the song but I don’t and even have to sit through a replay. See, that’s what I get for asking for that recapping-of-phone-calls favor. At least the lead singer is clever and amusing during Seacrest Chat Time.

My very favorite season four contestant is next – Bo Bice in the AI house! He sings his latest single called “Witness” and rocks out on guitar. Oh but only if, right? During his tenure, instruments were not allowed. The first gadgetry we saw on the show was the finale of season five when Taylor jammed down the stairs on harmonica.

Suddenly occurring… I really am an obsessed freak over this show, aren’t I? Geesh. I need a 12 step program. Two weeks and one day from now it will be over and I can move on to other things, like snorkeling or cliff diving. Maybe paper maché or scrapbooking. Maybe I will finally have time to watch the last three Netflix movies that came in the mail. But I digress because I do not want the season to be over. {Pout, stomp.}

At the break... Ace Young is guest starring on Bones! How cool is that?

Okay, so back to tonight’s show and the final two standing. After rattling on about everything from gun violence to politics to Syesha’s brand of teeth whitening that she needs to tell Bo about, all 500 songs on the Hall of Fame list, their last geography test, and Randy’s favorite color of dawg, we finally hear the anticlimactic news.

Syesha is in the top 3 and Jason is going home. His bags have been packed for awhile and the relief that shows all over the guy is palpable.

One of the most endearing things about Jason is that he always wears his heart on his sleeve; there is no pretense with him. This is evident in his “celebrate me home” video which shows some footage that is new to us. It is fun to watch Jason do an acoustic version of “Since You Been Gone” while standing next to the angel/pimp/brother guy. My Kid squeals at the cuteness of him but is not sad that he’s leaving because she wants Rocker Dave to win.

Even though we’re out of time, we do get 30 seconds of Jason once again shooting the sheriff, reggae music, his dreadlocks, the mic stand, all three judges, and 19 Entertainment.

Not sure what is in store for next week, but can’t wait. Am not disappointed in this final three; we’re in for a good ride.

Quote of the evening:
Jason on a Plane: “Sleepin’ in the sky? Oooh. Cool.”

Until next week then… shall it be Iron Man or the new Narnia?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The “Heart of Rock-n-Roll” is Still Beating for the Final Four

May 6, 2008

First, a rant - Ryan gets a trazillion dollars every time he utters the phrase “THIS. IS AMERICAN IDOL.” So it seems like his stylist would do something with his Alfalfa hairdo. Sticky-uppy locks and banker suits don’t mix, Seacrest. Oy.

Tonight’s theme: Songs from the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. If I were casting this play, these are the parts that would be given out: Archie on Led Zep, Syesha doing Joan Jett, Castro playing Kiss, and Cook channeling the Stones. Probably a good thing that I am not onboard as a consultant, huh?

I bet myself two sugar-free Popsicles that one of these contestants will perform “Stand by Me” but none will do “Sexual Healing.” (Yep, Marvin is on the list.)

Before we can get started with the singing, we are forced to do the homework. Ryan narrates a documentary about the history of rock-n-roll music. We go wayyyy back to when TV was in black & white and folks thought horn-rimmed glasses were cool. “Distortion” was the key word back in the day.

I know it’s only rock–n–roll but I like it, yes I do

Rocker Dave is up first and he’s do-do-do-do-doing “Hungry Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran. He looks extra rockish tonight in leather and mostly-all-black, but he does not give it his all vocally this time like he usually does. All I can think of is Simon le Bon and the Jungle Woman when I hear this ditty. Coral-clad Randy was expecting a lot more from David, as were we all. Somewhat Normal Paula says that she is hungry for more, yowsa! Staid Simon isn’t real excited but not a hater and thinks that Dave will make it to the finals anyway. Gotta say, out of the list of 500 songs to choose from, this was not the wisest choice, especially as an opener in the spot of doom.

I love rock–n–roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby

Up next on the chat stools with Ryan, is Syesha who once again looks like a movie star. She says that she can not wait for the tour. Even though it has already been covered at least seventy five million times, Syesha is doing “Proud Mary.” Knew it! For some reason, tonight Syesha reminds me of the Hispanic/African American version of Kat McPhee. Maybe it’s the hair extensions and the fear that the massive head-shaking is going to make them fly loose. Sye does okay but she’s no Tina Turner. Randy and Paula love her and think she’s magic. Simon keeps it more real and calls her on the not-being-Tina thing (that I said, called it!) Ryan likes her moves but keeps his distance.

I wanna rock and roll all nite … and party every day

Thank goodness that Jason has heard of this thing called rock-n-roll and actually knows a couple of tunes already. For some reason he is doing a reggae version of “I Shot the Sheriff” in the style of Bob Marley. Geez Castro, great song choice for a family show with lots of tweeners watching. His dreads are hanging in full Battlefield Earth mode, and much like that movie, Jason’s song is a bomb. Randy and Simon tell Jason that he is the worst thing since William Hung and the “We are Brothers Forever” guy. Paula and Ryan try to keep them from storming the stage and beating him with his guitar. Poor Jason says he was just trying to keep it real for Marley cuz he had dreads too, man.

It’s been a long time since I rock and rolled

Just to prove that Aunt Pearl knows her American Idol, guess what. Everyone’s favorite munchkin, Little David is singing “Stand by Me” tonight. Oh yes he is. Just as he has done almost every single time, his vocal is mostly excellent. A bit breathy, but all the better to deliver the line about the “beautiful girls.” He is an adorable kid. If you took Carrie-bot, Lisa Tucker, and Melinda Doolittle and blended them together and shaped them into a teenage boy, you get our Archie. All three judges love him to pieces and Simon even says that he could have whistled his tune and been better than Castro. Ryan scolds David to stand up straight and not pass out. And eat his veggies.

Rock–n–roll is here to stay, it will never die

We are back for round two and it’s Dave Cook on the chat stools with Ryan. Looks like they had time for a costume change this week. David talks about how this really should be a good week for him and he’s sorry for the “wolf” thing. For his second tune he’s doing the Who song that is the opening theme for CSI: NY, the one that stars Forrest’s friend Lt. Dan. Our very good rocker David is back in his element with this one, taking a classic tune and changing it up emo-style in that awesome way that he does. I love it and so does the audience. Randy tells him that this was more like the real him and Paula wants MORE. Simon simply says, “Welcome back David Cook.”

Just let me hear some of that rock-n-roll music, any old way you choose it

Country stars Rascal Flatts are in the audience and Ryan seems more excited about them than Syesha’s next song. She is doing Sam Cooke’s “A Change is Going to Come” which is just as much about Syesha’s American Idol journey as it is about the civil rights movement. At least that’s what she says. Syesha is surprising me more and more these days. She has gone from Whitney wannabe diva-lite to a bona fide superstar in the making. Still diva-lite and yet… she’s awesome. Randy didn’t like this very much and says nobody should be messin’ with Sam. Paula gives her a standing ovation, says nice things and makes Syesha cry. She cries even harder when Simon agrees with Paula.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul; I wanna get lost in your rock-n-roll

For his second song, Jason has chosen another Bob, this time Bob Dylan. He has the tentacles pulled back and does the song on a stool with his guitar. It seems like he flubs the words, or maybe the lyrics go like that? He does admit to losing the lyrics and the judges are so disappointed that they’re practically speechless. It seems as though Jason has a checklist: Things That Will Get Me Voted Off Idol. Flubbed lyrics? Check. Being karaoke? Check. He really does have a nice voice and is a true cutie pie. Where is the Castro of “Hallelujah” and “Over the Rainbow?” Heck, even his first time out with “Daydream” was better than these past couple weeks. Simon says pack yer bags, dreads.

Well I don’t care about history, rock rock rock-n-roll high school

To close the show, Little teeny tiny David is doing Elvis’ “Love Me Tender” in that sweet Archuleta way. He researched this song because there are many versions out there, although none performed by Zac Efron. The camera loves David and stays close-up on his face almost the entire time. His voice sounds good as ever but he’s more like HSM than Presley. Randy says it was the “hot vocals” right there. Paula thinks it’s one of her favorites from him. Simon pronounces that Little David has not beaten but crushed the competition tonight. Partially true except that the other David did exceptionally well tonight also. Ryan says that now Archie’s new nickname is Crusher.

Recap time… I want to buy David Cook’s CD right now. Actually he had one pre-Idol called Analog Heart but chatter on the net says it is no longer available. Idol vultures!

Going home … should be Jason who has morphed into this year’s Sanjaya Malakar which is really too bad.

Regarding Syesha’s performance –
Ryan: “Randy, how can you and Cowell be in such an opposite place after that song?”
Randy: “Let’s see, he’s from England, I’m from Louisiana; we’re from different places Ryan. There’s a lot of distance.”

Ryan (to the judges): “We’re running out of time, Hell’s Kitchen’s gonna start!”

‘Til tomorrow… Ryan reminds us that it was at this crucial point in seasons past that we lost Tamyra and Daughtry. So let’s vote y’all…speed dial for a David.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Party Planning...

In two weeks My Kid will be 16 years old!! My attempts to talk her into having an American Idol themed sweet sixteen birthday party have been unsuccessful. Which is too bad because we have a karaoke machine and hundreds of sing-a-long songs.

Oh well... I guess I will have to save that Simon mask for Halloween...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Brooke White, Folk Singing Nanny

We first saw Brooke White in Philadelphia, when she was the last audition of the day for that city. She was a stand-out in many ways, most notably for her gentle spirit and sweet smile.

Brooke was one of the first contestants shown during Hollywood week that played piano; she wowed the judges, easily making it through to the Top 24.

Brooke is no stranger to the music business. Prior to American Idol, she released an independent album called Songs from the Attic.

From her AI home page:
Q: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
A: I wish I wouldn't be such a worrier - I wish I could just let go and relax, yep.
Q: What other talents do you have?
A: I'm heavily right-brained, anything "artsy fartsy", drawing, decorating, music, doing hair... beautifying.

In her AOL interview, she talks about how it felt getting the news that she was going home: “It was emotional and I hoped so much I could have been stronger. I'm an emotional girl and I'm passionate, and I guess that really came across on stage because I felt really vulnerable every time.”

Brooke talks about her future: “I spoke to Carly Simon on the phone this morning during an interview. It was amazing. She was incredibly supportive. She was very generous in her comments. It really gave me inspiration to go in the direction I'm going - the singer/ songwriters of the '70s. I connect with what they do. I hope I can make that happen in 2008 in a more modern way.”

From her EW interview, about the infamous “do-over,” Brooke says: “You know, it didn't hit me what I did until after it was over. Like, how did that just happen? The situation can do some pretty funny things to you. You're a fish out of water. Sometimes I feel really at home on stage, and sometimes I don't. It's all over my face when I'm comfortable.”

Brooke will not be resuming her nanny position but she does say, “They're the most gorgeous kids, and I love them to pieces. But, well, I'll just say I don't mind babysitting every once in a while.”

Keeping in touch... Brooke’s myspace.