May 21, 2008
Since we just got home from church, we are in a kind and gentle frame of mind tonight. I have to admit though, I could not wait for the preacher to say AMEN so that I could make a quick run for the door. Almost took out two elders in my haste for the exit. (Nah, just kidding. It was two deacons.)
After last night’s All Davids finale and the warm fuzzies that the judges threw to America’s Favorite Teenage Idol, this final results show seems in the bag. It’s time to just sit back and enjoy the filler fodder. Hopefully no pugilism tonight though.
Ryan gets his intro job back and excitedly tells us that this is the end of the season, YAY! 97.5 million votes came in, smashing all previous AI records.
The judges are doffed in their party clothes, although Randy seems to be ready for a Valentine’s Day float in a parade. Paula looks as pretty as Simon thinks he does.
The hometown crowds are hosted by former AI contestants, that annoying Mikalah person and the football coach, Matt Rogers. Mikalah gets Cook’s hometown and Matt gets Archie’s. While watching Little David’s town, My Kid says, “I see blonde people.” Funny how Ryan says almost the same thing.
Fee fi fo fum, here they come get ready. The top 12 perform the old Temptations song, and they are as clumsy as we love them to be. They sound very good though and it’s nice to see the ones we’ve missed. My Kid asks if the additional dancers are from that other FOX reality show So You Think You Can Have a Seizure on Stage. Heh.
Next, Rocker David takes the stage and Archie quickly joins him with the Spiderman song “Hero.” My Kid loves this song but alas, her ears are still bad; I assure her that it’s good. Watching them perform together is like seeing a seasoned pro joined on stage by the winner of a local high school talent show. There’s no contest except that … well there is.
Shameless promotion time of the Love Guru movie. What, Indiana Jones wasn’t available? Oh, yeah. He would be so above this pimpage. Scenes from the movie are shown along with the Davids’ reactions to the film as they have a private viewing. Things get weirder and way silly when the Love Guru consults the Davids in person. Some of it’s funny, I mean I love me some Mike Meyers. Hearing a belly laugh from DC was worth the price of admission.
Also worthwhile? Ryan almost sliding off the darn stage on the guru’s “magic carpet.” OMG that was funny! The interview with LG and Ryan though, not so much.
While Ryan tries to dislodge from the cushion, Syesha sings “Waiting for You” with Seal. He shows the singer/dancer/actress how to rock a song out, y’all. Their voices don’t blend very well, but it’s not a terrible performance.
While My Kid and I are waiting for Seal and Sye to be done, we reminisce about the best season finale ever of the best season ever, number five. Oh good times…
Ryan reminds us that Castro singing is better than Castro talking. How true, and he’s easy on the eyes, too. Jason reprises the fabulous “Hallelujah” that he did during the semi-finals. Our favorite dreadlocked folker seems very nervous tonight, but hey they’re in the Nokia Theater in front of 7,000 people. Half of them celebs, like my fave AI contestant from last year, Mindy Doo.
The last Ford fake commercial is once again set to outtakes from past videos and it’s funny and charming. They sing “Let the Good Times Roll” and all 12 are featured. This is also the point where the final two are given Ford vehicles and they have to act surprised about it. The Davids get Ford Hybrids this year, to the delight of their parents. (Ever noticed how Archie’s dad looks like Danny Bonaduce?)
Next the top six gals are dressed in red, doing a Donna Summer medley. Recycling again, keeping with the “green” mentality I guess. Poor Amanda is still and always in HELP ME mode with the dancing. The Davids escort Donna herself to the stage who joins the six girls and the break dancers. She has a new song which is surprising for someone so very old (Kid’s words not mine.) Her voice sounds good but she seems a bit distracted, maybe by the action. I thought it was cool how she handed her bling bling mic to Syesha during “Last Dance.”
I am fast-forwarding through the thousands of commercials, but see that the awful Moment of Truth is coming back. Thanks FOX. Take away the awesome New Amsterdam but give us this crapfest. That’s okay, I’ll be over on another network watching Last Comic Standing anyway. Butthole$.
Okay back to good FOX stuff. A very special performance of “The Letter” by Carly and Michael. They look good and sound wonderful together, the Irish lass and down under wonder. Both are two reminders that all in all this has been a good season. And it looks like it will be a super tour this summer.
Ryan introduces Jimmy Kimmel back to the American Idol stage to make fun of everyone but Randy. Poor Mr. Jackson doesn’t even rate a sarcastic rant from Sarah Silverman’s boyfriend. We notice that Sanjaya is in the audience, which is sure to tick off Danny Noriega. (Rumor is that girly boy was whining about not getting tickets for the finale, oh snap!)
The montage of Simon’s quips set to music was cute. Thank goodness Ryan acknowledges that Randy Jackson does exist on this planet. He even makes the Valentine comparison, like I said.
Four of the six guys are in black, rocking out to Bryan Adams tunes. They are soon joined by the Davids and wow we just noticed that little Archie has a chain thingy. Just like “big brother;” that is precious. Bryan Adams himself runs out on stage with his guitar. Must be time to promo a new song with a new upcoming album. He is not aging that well but his voice sounds okay. My Kid wonders if anyone from her age group will be guest starring tonight, but I pay her no attention because Bo Bice is in the audience.
Jordin Sparks does the infomercial for the American Idol attraction that will be opening next year in Disney World.
Then Rocker David joins ZZ Top on stage to sing “Sharp Dressed Man.” My Kid is trying to figure out which of the bearded guys played Angela’s dad on the TV show Bones. (Speaking of Bones – Zack as the bad guy? Did not see that coming.) But back to David and Billy and the awesomeness of it all. I am so close to liking Cook in a Daughtry way, and it’s exciting to be a fan, even when you are old like me. Helps me stay young, ya know?
From Kansas City, annoying Mikalah gets a shout out with Rocker David’s music teacher and it’s a sweet moment.
Things are happening so quickly and the show is really good tonight. Barefoot Brooke White gets her moment on stage, singing “Teach Your Children” with Graham Nash. This is the absolute perfect song for our favorite nanny. What an adorable lady.
Finally something for the younger generation – the Jonas Brothers. David Archuleta, welcome to your future. Our David actually is a better singer than all three of these boys put together. The one on the middle reminds me of Sanjaya, with the cute face and flippy hair.
Quick question: who is Pat the senior citizen lady in red with Ryan? No time to wonder, as we are subjected to a montage of the very bad of this season’s auditions. Did not really need to be reminded of all that, but thanks. At least no fake awards tonight.
They bring out Renaldo, the “I am your brother” guy, so it’s time to go make popcorn. When I get back, it’s still going on, complete with USC cheerleaders and marching band. Two out of three judges join him on stage, guess which two. I think Paula just wanted us to see her fabulous dress and Randy wanted to remind everybody that yes he is still there (in the zone with a phone book in 2007.)
In a rare moment of being current, we are treated to popular group OneRepublic. Sadly it’s without Timbaland there to add the weird Tourette’s sounds as backup. Instead we get Little David singing along on “Apologize” and this is the perfect song for him. He does it so well although he does not have anything to ‘pologize for. This whole being splendid thing is nothing to be sorry for. If he can get his stage mannerisms down pat, he’ll be greatness in the music biz.
We get to see Matt in Salt Lake with Archie’s two grandpas, which is very touching.
Thankfully Jordin’s vocal chords have healed and she is all better now. Tonight she is here to sing her latest song and she looks as pretty as ever. My Kid says that her shiny gold dress makes her think “Take me to your leader.” I bet Jordin is glad that there was no mosh pit of swaying teenbots last year. Blake is in the audience, singing along, showing support for Jordin.
For comic relief we get “unseen footage” of Gladys Knight and the “Pips.” Gladys is real enough (sort of), but the Pips are Ben Stiller, Jack Black and some dude we don’t know. By the time the skit is over, we realize that it’s Robert Downey Jr. Wow. As My Kid says, he is a good example of why drugs are bad. Guy’s looking ruff. At least any money made from this silly video goes to charity.
Superstar Carrie Underwood takes the stage next with the clever song “Last Name.” She looks incredible, but the dress looks like something between a bridesmaid’s gown and an Ally McBeal suit. My Hubby is mesmerized.
You know, I might forgive FOX since they are bringing on the new show Fringe; it looks scary and weird, right up my alley.
The finale is winding down soon, and we know this because the top 12 are on stage, all dressed in black. They are now doing George Michael songs. Boy, that Eli Stone show really revived the former Wham frontman’s career. Still and always, I will think that “Father Figure” is a creepy song and not in a good Fringe way. We get ready for it and yes – George Michael himself comes to the stage. The other 12 just back right the heck off as he sings what must be a new song. Or maybe this is the song that Carrie sang on Idol Gives Back? No time for google, Paula is crying, y’all!
While this is not as good a show-stopper as Prince was two years ago, it is a mighty fine end to the season. We were all brought right back down to earth and are “Praying for Time” indeed. It’s time to announce the winner…
The judges have their final thoughts on the entire season – both Davids are winners, it’s just the start of destiny, yada yada. In a true WTH? moment, Simon apologizes to David Cook for how mean he was to him last night. Is someone “holding to the rope and got him ten feet off the ground?”
Then the obligatory British Guy in Suit brings the envelope to Ryan.
We have acknowledged that both Davids are wonderful. Archie fans get ready to scream for joy. And then! Ryan says that David Cook has won. Man, I totally did not see that coming. Neither did little David as he seems to back away in a stupor. David C. gives a round of applause for David A. in a moment of good sportsmanship.
A couple of Archie’s little siblings look sad but the Cook family goes wild. My Kid is going wild too, here at Aunt Pearl’s house. Ryan has to revive the rocker of his heart attack before he can even think about doing the coronation song.
David’s mom and brother join him onstage with tears and hugs. He beckons the other 11 contestants to him before he sings the winning song. Okay, I now officially love him in a Daughtry-sized way, because that was the coolest thing ever.
“This is the time of my life” indeed. Great futures ahead for both the rocker and the teenager. Then finally, confetti.
The final shot is of Andrew Cook saying to the camera: “That’s my brother.” I have never been happier to be wrong about something in my life.
Love Guru to Rocker David: “…your facial hair? … it’s not the 90s…”
Jimmy Kimmel (to Simon): “I have to wonder what your parents, Rosemary and Satan Cowell, think when they see their little boy saying such awful things to people.”
David Cook to his brother: “This is all your fault. This is his fault.”
Thank you AI for 42 episodes of wonderfulness and giving us all a break from harsh reality for a few hours a week. See you again in January ’09.
Please drop in to Aunt Pearl’s blogspot for more AI happenings and other FUN STUFF!
Since we just got home from church, we are in a kind and gentle frame of mind tonight. I have to admit though, I could not wait for the preacher to say AMEN so that I could make a quick run for the door. Almost took out two elders in my haste for the exit. (Nah, just kidding. It was two deacons.)
After last night’s All Davids finale and the warm fuzzies that the judges threw to America’s Favorite Teenage Idol, this final results show seems in the bag. It’s time to just sit back and enjoy the filler fodder. Hopefully no pugilism tonight though.
Ryan gets his intro job back and excitedly tells us that this is the end of the season, YAY! 97.5 million votes came in, smashing all previous AI records.
The judges are doffed in their party clothes, although Randy seems to be ready for a Valentine’s Day float in a parade. Paula looks as pretty as Simon thinks he does.
The hometown crowds are hosted by former AI contestants, that annoying Mikalah person and the football coach, Matt Rogers. Mikalah gets Cook’s hometown and Matt gets Archie’s. While watching Little David’s town, My Kid says, “I see blonde people.” Funny how Ryan says almost the same thing.
Fee fi fo fum, here they come get ready. The top 12 perform the old Temptations song, and they are as clumsy as we love them to be. They sound very good though and it’s nice to see the ones we’ve missed. My Kid asks if the additional dancers are from that other FOX reality show So You Think You Can Have a Seizure on Stage. Heh.
Next, Rocker David takes the stage and Archie quickly joins him with the Spiderman song “Hero.” My Kid loves this song but alas, her ears are still bad; I assure her that it’s good. Watching them perform together is like seeing a seasoned pro joined on stage by the winner of a local high school talent show. There’s no contest except that … well there is.
Shameless promotion time of the Love Guru movie. What, Indiana Jones wasn’t available? Oh, yeah. He would be so above this pimpage. Scenes from the movie are shown along with the Davids’ reactions to the film as they have a private viewing. Things get weirder and way silly when the Love Guru consults the Davids in person. Some of it’s funny, I mean I love me some Mike Meyers. Hearing a belly laugh from DC was worth the price of admission.
Also worthwhile? Ryan almost sliding off the darn stage on the guru’s “magic carpet.” OMG that was funny! The interview with LG and Ryan though, not so much.
While Ryan tries to dislodge from the cushion, Syesha sings “Waiting for You” with Seal. He shows the singer/dancer/actress how to rock a song out, y’all. Their voices don’t blend very well, but it’s not a terrible performance.
While My Kid and I are waiting for Seal and Sye to be done, we reminisce about the best season finale ever of the best season ever, number five. Oh good times…
Ryan reminds us that Castro singing is better than Castro talking. How true, and he’s easy on the eyes, too. Jason reprises the fabulous “Hallelujah” that he did during the semi-finals. Our favorite dreadlocked folker seems very nervous tonight, but hey they’re in the Nokia Theater in front of 7,000 people. Half of them celebs, like my fave AI contestant from last year, Mindy Doo.
The last Ford fake commercial is once again set to outtakes from past videos and it’s funny and charming. They sing “Let the Good Times Roll” and all 12 are featured. This is also the point where the final two are given Ford vehicles and they have to act surprised about it. The Davids get Ford Hybrids this year, to the delight of their parents. (Ever noticed how Archie’s dad looks like Danny Bonaduce?)
Next the top six gals are dressed in red, doing a Donna Summer medley. Recycling again, keeping with the “green” mentality I guess. Poor Amanda is still and always in HELP ME mode with the dancing. The Davids escort Donna herself to the stage who joins the six girls and the break dancers. She has a new song which is surprising for someone so very old (Kid’s words not mine.) Her voice sounds good but she seems a bit distracted, maybe by the action. I thought it was cool how she handed her bling bling mic to Syesha during “Last Dance.”
I am fast-forwarding through the thousands of commercials, but see that the awful Moment of Truth is coming back. Thanks FOX. Take away the awesome New Amsterdam but give us this crapfest. That’s okay, I’ll be over on another network watching Last Comic Standing anyway. Butthole$.
Okay back to good FOX stuff. A very special performance of “The Letter” by Carly and Michael. They look good and sound wonderful together, the Irish lass and down under wonder. Both are two reminders that all in all this has been a good season. And it looks like it will be a super tour this summer.
Ryan introduces Jimmy Kimmel back to the American Idol stage to make fun of everyone but Randy. Poor Mr. Jackson doesn’t even rate a sarcastic rant from Sarah Silverman’s boyfriend. We notice that Sanjaya is in the audience, which is sure to tick off Danny Noriega. (Rumor is that girly boy was whining about not getting tickets for the finale, oh snap!)
The montage of Simon’s quips set to music was cute. Thank goodness Ryan acknowledges that Randy Jackson does exist on this planet. He even makes the Valentine comparison, like I said.
Four of the six guys are in black, rocking out to Bryan Adams tunes. They are soon joined by the Davids and wow we just noticed that little Archie has a chain thingy. Just like “big brother;” that is precious. Bryan Adams himself runs out on stage with his guitar. Must be time to promo a new song with a new upcoming album. He is not aging that well but his voice sounds okay. My Kid wonders if anyone from her age group will be guest starring tonight, but I pay her no attention because Bo Bice is in the audience.
Jordin Sparks does the infomercial for the American Idol attraction that will be opening next year in Disney World.
Then Rocker David joins ZZ Top on stage to sing “Sharp Dressed Man.” My Kid is trying to figure out which of the bearded guys played Angela’s dad on the TV show Bones. (Speaking of Bones – Zack as the bad guy? Did not see that coming.) But back to David and Billy and the awesomeness of it all. I am so close to liking Cook in a Daughtry way, and it’s exciting to be a fan, even when you are old like me. Helps me stay young, ya know?
From Kansas City, annoying Mikalah gets a shout out with Rocker David’s music teacher and it’s a sweet moment.
Things are happening so quickly and the show is really good tonight. Barefoot Brooke White gets her moment on stage, singing “Teach Your Children” with Graham Nash. This is the absolute perfect song for our favorite nanny. What an adorable lady.
Finally something for the younger generation – the Jonas Brothers. David Archuleta, welcome to your future. Our David actually is a better singer than all three of these boys put together. The one on the middle reminds me of Sanjaya, with the cute face and flippy hair.
Quick question: who is Pat the senior citizen lady in red with Ryan? No time to wonder, as we are subjected to a montage of the very bad of this season’s auditions. Did not really need to be reminded of all that, but thanks. At least no fake awards tonight.
They bring out Renaldo, the “I am your brother” guy, so it’s time to go make popcorn. When I get back, it’s still going on, complete with USC cheerleaders and marching band. Two out of three judges join him on stage, guess which two. I think Paula just wanted us to see her fabulous dress and Randy wanted to remind everybody that yes he is still there (in the zone with a phone book in 2007.)
In a rare moment of being current, we are treated to popular group OneRepublic. Sadly it’s without Timbaland there to add the weird Tourette’s sounds as backup. Instead we get Little David singing along on “Apologize” and this is the perfect song for him. He does it so well although he does not have anything to ‘pologize for. This whole being splendid thing is nothing to be sorry for. If he can get his stage mannerisms down pat, he’ll be greatness in the music biz.
We get to see Matt in Salt Lake with Archie’s two grandpas, which is very touching.
Thankfully Jordin’s vocal chords have healed and she is all better now. Tonight she is here to sing her latest song and she looks as pretty as ever. My Kid says that her shiny gold dress makes her think “Take me to your leader.” I bet Jordin is glad that there was no mosh pit of swaying teenbots last year. Blake is in the audience, singing along, showing support for Jordin.
For comic relief we get “unseen footage” of Gladys Knight and the “Pips.” Gladys is real enough (sort of), but the Pips are Ben Stiller, Jack Black and some dude we don’t know. By the time the skit is over, we realize that it’s Robert Downey Jr. Wow. As My Kid says, he is a good example of why drugs are bad. Guy’s looking ruff. At least any money made from this silly video goes to charity.
Superstar Carrie Underwood takes the stage next with the clever song “Last Name.” She looks incredible, but the dress looks like something between a bridesmaid’s gown and an Ally McBeal suit. My Hubby is mesmerized.
You know, I might forgive FOX since they are bringing on the new show Fringe; it looks scary and weird, right up my alley.
The finale is winding down soon, and we know this because the top 12 are on stage, all dressed in black. They are now doing George Michael songs. Boy, that Eli Stone show really revived the former Wham frontman’s career. Still and always, I will think that “Father Figure” is a creepy song and not in a good Fringe way. We get ready for it and yes – George Michael himself comes to the stage. The other 12 just back right the heck off as he sings what must be a new song. Or maybe this is the song that Carrie sang on Idol Gives Back? No time for google, Paula is crying, y’all!
While this is not as good a show-stopper as Prince was two years ago, it is a mighty fine end to the season. We were all brought right back down to earth and are “Praying for Time” indeed. It’s time to announce the winner…
The judges have their final thoughts on the entire season – both Davids are winners, it’s just the start of destiny, yada yada. In a true WTH? moment, Simon apologizes to David Cook for how mean he was to him last night. Is someone “holding to the rope and got him ten feet off the ground?”
Then the obligatory British Guy in Suit brings the envelope to Ryan.
We have acknowledged that both Davids are wonderful. Archie fans get ready to scream for joy. And then! Ryan says that David Cook has won. Man, I totally did not see that coming. Neither did little David as he seems to back away in a stupor. David C. gives a round of applause for David A. in a moment of good sportsmanship.
A couple of Archie’s little siblings look sad but the Cook family goes wild. My Kid is going wild too, here at Aunt Pearl’s house. Ryan has to revive the rocker of his heart attack before he can even think about doing the coronation song.
David’s mom and brother join him onstage with tears and hugs. He beckons the other 11 contestants to him before he sings the winning song. Okay, I now officially love him in a Daughtry-sized way, because that was the coolest thing ever.
“This is the time of my life” indeed. Great futures ahead for both the rocker and the teenager. Then finally, confetti.
The final shot is of Andrew Cook saying to the camera: “That’s my brother.” I have never been happier to be wrong about something in my life.
Love Guru to Rocker David: “…your facial hair? … it’s not the 90s…”
Jimmy Kimmel (to Simon): “I have to wonder what your parents, Rosemary and Satan Cowell, think when they see their little boy saying such awful things to people.”
David Cook to his brother: “This is all your fault. This is his fault.”
Thank you AI for 42 episodes of wonderfulness and giving us all a break from harsh reality for a few hours a week. See you again in January ’09.
Please drop in to Aunt Pearl’s blogspot for more AI happenings and other FUN STUFF!
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