May 20, 2008
Today is My Kid’s birthday, the poor girl has a double ear infection, and we have spent the evening at a “doc in the box.” Happy sweet sixteen darlin.’
We get home just in time for American Idol and there is birthday cake. Yay. With eardrops in one hand and her new digital camera in the other, My Kid settles in on the couch next to me to root for her favorite rocker David.
For no apparent reason, some boxing ringmaster gent opens the show instead of our boy Ryan. The Davids (Sugarfoot and Babyface) even come out in satin robes and gloves, which means that we are probably in for boxing analogies all the live-long night.
While waiting for the action to start, I could make a list of things that I enjoy more than boxing, but it would include hmmm … everything except maybe taking My Kid to the doctor on her birthday, or getting caught in the unusual hail storm on the way over there.
But we might as well roll with the punches (pardon the pun), so the question remains: in the battle of the Davids, who will be the brawler and who’ll be the slugger?
Ryan finally takes back over (whew) to talk about the larger theater, the massive crowd, the gigantic stage, and the fact that come about Thursday, he will be down one day job. Cheers from the crowd are much louder for the little guy, which duh.
The “heavyweight title” montage is so cheesy that we want nachos with it, but one very interesting split-second comes from it. While Voiceover Ryan talks about the title being reserved only for “superstars,” there are quick flashes of Kelly, Carrie and Chris Daughtry. Guess this means that you do NOT have to win the actual title of American Idol to achieve superstar status. This makes us feel better about the fate of our favorite season seven rocker.
Both Clive Davis and Andrew Lloyd Webber are on hand to mentorally challenge the Davids. Some guy who looks familiar pops in to add boxing analogies to the mix, which would be okay if it wasn’t so ridiculous. I mean, have The Idiots In Charge even watched the show at all this season?? Little D couldn’t take on Alvin of the Chipmunks, bless his heart.
Cook and Archie are brought out on the stage to congratulate and compliment each other. Call me gullible (right away My Kid says, “Hi, Gullible!”) but their camaraderie seems sincere.
The dressed-for-the-Emmys judges add their two cents worth before we get to the singing. Each David will sing three songs tonight, and the first song has been chosen by Clive Davis. Archie won the coin toss, Stage Dad-chuleta told him to go second, so up first tonight is David Cook.
Round One
For Rocker Dave, Clive has chosen U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” This is not really a song about searching for lost keys or whatnot, even though it’s what I sing sometimes when in that fix. My Kid and I both adore Rocker David in a very-close-to-Daughtry way. We think that he does an excellent job with this song. When he ventures out in the audience, she says, “I want to touch him.” Kids! They grow up so fast! Although David’s vocal is not 100% perfect, he is a true performer. He wisely does not change the basic format of the song too much and does Bono proud. We want his CD right now! All three judges agree that David C. has started the show off just right. (Somebody needs to get Randy a calendar though - dude, it’s 2008.)
Little David is next and either my TV color is off or he’s wearing an ugly pea-green jacket. My Kid likes the star on the tee shirt though and says it’s a teenage thing (I wouldn’t understand.) David’s doing the Elton John classic “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.” Clive is just recycling at this point; this song has been done right to death on American Idol. The Clay version is legendary among his fan base. Archie’s voice is excellent as always, but something unusual has happened tonight - David has morphed into a Real Live Boy right before our eyes. He has already proven to be “brave, true and unselfish,” so it’s about time. The judges concur that this was an excellent performance, and they all think that Archie was better this round. He gives new meaning to the phrase “in it to win it,” for sure.
Round Two
Instead of having both finalists sing the very same songwriting-contest-winning coronation song, this year each one gets his choice from the top ten list. Great, one more thing for Blake Lewis to be ticked off about; last year was definitely not his “now.”
Leather-clad David Cook has chosen a song called “Dream Big” and surprisingly it is not bad. Was expecting to have an Emperor Kuzco “cheese me no likey” moment. I like the lyric about having faith and kinda like this tune, mainly because I like this particular David very much. Because I have watched every single millisecond of this show at least twice, I can tell just by looking at him that Mr. Cook is TIRED. My Kid disagrees (surprise) and says the droopy eyes are just for effect. The judges are all comme ci, comme ca about this song we don’t know, but they give Dave credit for trying.
The song for Disney David is called “In This Moment” and this is what coronation songs are made of. It seems that he may have chosen this tune based on the lyric about making his “own decisions,” hmm? The chorus vaguely resembles the Shania song with a similar title. Poor tiny guy looks like he is in pain. Is there a doctor in the house? Perhaps House himself? We need Gepetto, stat. Archie blushes sweetly as the judges gush molten hot phone books that are in the zone. At least he traded the pea jacket for one with anchor decorations on it.
Round Three
This is the point in the show that the contestants get to chose ANY song that they want to sing. As if. Any Clearable Song from that Limited Catalog is what they should call it. As always, it can be something new or a repeat of one they’ve done great before.
David C. decides to go with something new and I respect him very much for doing that. We have played his good ones over and over on our iPods already. Plus he looks smoking hot in the red satin necktie. Dave finishes his night with a song by one of my favorite bands, Collective Soul. Although he does a great job with “The World I Know,” I can’t help but think how fun it would be if he did “December.” Imagine these lyrics: Don’t scream about/Don’t think aloud/turn your head now baby just spit me out. How freaking appropriate given the way he’s been thrown under the bus by the judge team this evening, including now. Although they sugarcoat it with saying he’s a nice guy and all that jazz, he gets raked over the coals for not being a repeater. Dave is teary and starts to take up for himself, but then remembers that oops you can’t do that on this TV show.
Because I am the mom of a teenager, I know what pouting looks like when I see it. My Kid has given up and gone to bed; she has seen her David, cheered him on and she’s done. So I am left to pout (and vote) all by myself. Dave Cook’s tears at the end of his Collective Soul song seemed to mean “Yep, this is it for me. End of the road.” This show reminds me of one of those bread machines - pour in the proper ingredients, program for proper timing, and then PING out comes delicious wholesome white bread. Like Archuleta’s redo of his final song “Imagine.” It’s so proper and malleable, and the judges don’t like rye or whole wheat and they make that very clear. Little David is a cute young man with an amazing gift, and broken away from the puppet strings, he was phenomenal tonight. We are so glad that he pleased the Blue Fairy and has been freed from Stromboli, aren’t you?
It’s recap time and well darn… keeping with the asinine boxing theme, it may seem that David Cook has thrown in the towel. Archie will win tomorrow, we have no doubt. At least the judges seem to think so; he is “exactly what this show is about” indeed.
I am not really sad about Archie winning instead of Cook, just resigned. Rocker Dave even stands to the side and claps for Little D, as if already acknowledging fate. He is a class act.
Ryan and the Davids leave the stage and then! The AI sign rises up and it’s season two winner Ruben, there in person to sing “Celebrate Me Home.” The accompanying video of this season’s highlights brought back good and funny memories.
Quotes of the evening:
Simon: “You’ve got to have a desire to win, and you’ve got to hate your opponent.”
David Cook: “As far as I’m concerned, the competition’s over, and we’re just having fun.”
Randy (to Rocker Dave): “I’m gonna call you DC. That was a great way to start off this duel of 2007.” [WTH??]
Andrew: (quoting lyrics from a contest song): “Staring through windows at my own reflection/How can a window encompass perfection… I think Simon wrote this song.”
Simon (about David A’s contest song): “I love the egotistical lyric. Fantastically self-centered.”
Randy (to Dave Cook): “You were singing your face off!”
Simon (to Little David): “You came out here tonight to win, and what we’ve witnessed is a knockout.”
Well, at Aunt Pearl’s house, there is leftover birthday cake… join me in a virtual comfort-food-fest tomorrow night as I watch yet another of my favorite singers NOT become the next American Idol.
Today is My Kid’s birthday, the poor girl has a double ear infection, and we have spent the evening at a “doc in the box.” Happy sweet sixteen darlin.’
We get home just in time for American Idol and there is birthday cake. Yay. With eardrops in one hand and her new digital camera in the other, My Kid settles in on the couch next to me to root for her favorite rocker David.
For no apparent reason, some boxing ringmaster gent opens the show instead of our boy Ryan. The Davids (Sugarfoot and Babyface) even come out in satin robes and gloves, which means that we are probably in for boxing analogies all the live-long night.
While waiting for the action to start, I could make a list of things that I enjoy more than boxing, but it would include hmmm … everything except maybe taking My Kid to the doctor on her birthday, or getting caught in the unusual hail storm on the way over there.
But we might as well roll with the punches (pardon the pun), so the question remains: in the battle of the Davids, who will be the brawler and who’ll be the slugger?
Ryan finally takes back over (whew) to talk about the larger theater, the massive crowd, the gigantic stage, and the fact that come about Thursday, he will be down one day job. Cheers from the crowd are much louder for the little guy, which duh.
The “heavyweight title” montage is so cheesy that we want nachos with it, but one very interesting split-second comes from it. While Voiceover Ryan talks about the title being reserved only for “superstars,” there are quick flashes of Kelly, Carrie and Chris Daughtry. Guess this means that you do NOT have to win the actual title of American Idol to achieve superstar status. This makes us feel better about the fate of our favorite season seven rocker.
Both Clive Davis and Andrew Lloyd Webber are on hand to mentorally challenge the Davids. Some guy who looks familiar pops in to add boxing analogies to the mix, which would be okay if it wasn’t so ridiculous. I mean, have The Idiots In Charge even watched the show at all this season?? Little D couldn’t take on Alvin of the Chipmunks, bless his heart.
Cook and Archie are brought out on the stage to congratulate and compliment each other. Call me gullible (right away My Kid says, “Hi, Gullible!”) but their camaraderie seems sincere.
The dressed-for-the-Emmys judges add their two cents worth before we get to the singing. Each David will sing three songs tonight, and the first song has been chosen by Clive Davis. Archie won the coin toss, Stage Dad-chuleta told him to go second, so up first tonight is David Cook.
Round One
For Rocker Dave, Clive has chosen U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” This is not really a song about searching for lost keys or whatnot, even though it’s what I sing sometimes when in that fix. My Kid and I both adore Rocker David in a very-close-to-Daughtry way. We think that he does an excellent job with this song. When he ventures out in the audience, she says, “I want to touch him.” Kids! They grow up so fast! Although David’s vocal is not 100% perfect, he is a true performer. He wisely does not change the basic format of the song too much and does Bono proud. We want his CD right now! All three judges agree that David C. has started the show off just right. (Somebody needs to get Randy a calendar though - dude, it’s 2008.)
Little David is next and either my TV color is off or he’s wearing an ugly pea-green jacket. My Kid likes the star on the tee shirt though and says it’s a teenage thing (I wouldn’t understand.) David’s doing the Elton John classic “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.” Clive is just recycling at this point; this song has been done right to death on American Idol. The Clay version is legendary among his fan base. Archie’s voice is excellent as always, but something unusual has happened tonight - David has morphed into a Real Live Boy right before our eyes. He has already proven to be “brave, true and unselfish,” so it’s about time. The judges concur that this was an excellent performance, and they all think that Archie was better this round. He gives new meaning to the phrase “in it to win it,” for sure.
Round Two
Instead of having both finalists sing the very same songwriting-contest-winning coronation song, this year each one gets his choice from the top ten list. Great, one more thing for Blake Lewis to be ticked off about; last year was definitely not his “now.”
Leather-clad David Cook has chosen a song called “Dream Big” and surprisingly it is not bad. Was expecting to have an Emperor Kuzco “cheese me no likey” moment. I like the lyric about having faith and kinda like this tune, mainly because I like this particular David very much. Because I have watched every single millisecond of this show at least twice, I can tell just by looking at him that Mr. Cook is TIRED. My Kid disagrees (surprise) and says the droopy eyes are just for effect. The judges are all comme ci, comme ca about this song we don’t know, but they give Dave credit for trying.
The song for Disney David is called “In This Moment” and this is what coronation songs are made of. It seems that he may have chosen this tune based on the lyric about making his “own decisions,” hmm? The chorus vaguely resembles the Shania song with a similar title. Poor tiny guy looks like he is in pain. Is there a doctor in the house? Perhaps House himself? We need Gepetto, stat. Archie blushes sweetly as the judges gush molten hot phone books that are in the zone. At least he traded the pea jacket for one with anchor decorations on it.
Round Three
This is the point in the show that the contestants get to chose ANY song that they want to sing. As if. Any Clearable Song from that Limited Catalog is what they should call it. As always, it can be something new or a repeat of one they’ve done great before.
David C. decides to go with something new and I respect him very much for doing that. We have played his good ones over and over on our iPods already. Plus he looks smoking hot in the red satin necktie. Dave finishes his night with a song by one of my favorite bands, Collective Soul. Although he does a great job with “The World I Know,” I can’t help but think how fun it would be if he did “December.” Imagine these lyrics: Don’t scream about/Don’t think aloud/turn your head now baby just spit me out. How freaking appropriate given the way he’s been thrown under the bus by the judge team this evening, including now. Although they sugarcoat it with saying he’s a nice guy and all that jazz, he gets raked over the coals for not being a repeater. Dave is teary and starts to take up for himself, but then remembers that oops you can’t do that on this TV show.
Because I am the mom of a teenager, I know what pouting looks like when I see it. My Kid has given up and gone to bed; she has seen her David, cheered him on and she’s done. So I am left to pout (and vote) all by myself. Dave Cook’s tears at the end of his Collective Soul song seemed to mean “Yep, this is it for me. End of the road.” This show reminds me of one of those bread machines - pour in the proper ingredients, program for proper timing, and then PING out comes delicious wholesome white bread. Like Archuleta’s redo of his final song “Imagine.” It’s so proper and malleable, and the judges don’t like rye or whole wheat and they make that very clear. Little David is a cute young man with an amazing gift, and broken away from the puppet strings, he was phenomenal tonight. We are so glad that he pleased the Blue Fairy and has been freed from Stromboli, aren’t you?
It’s recap time and well darn… keeping with the asinine boxing theme, it may seem that David Cook has thrown in the towel. Archie will win tomorrow, we have no doubt. At least the judges seem to think so; he is “exactly what this show is about” indeed.
I am not really sad about Archie winning instead of Cook, just resigned. Rocker Dave even stands to the side and claps for Little D, as if already acknowledging fate. He is a class act.
Ryan and the Davids leave the stage and then! The AI sign rises up and it’s season two winner Ruben, there in person to sing “Celebrate Me Home.” The accompanying video of this season’s highlights brought back good and funny memories.
Quotes of the evening:
Simon: “You’ve got to have a desire to win, and you’ve got to hate your opponent.”
David Cook: “As far as I’m concerned, the competition’s over, and we’re just having fun.”
Randy (to Rocker Dave): “I’m gonna call you DC. That was a great way to start off this duel of 2007.” [WTH??]
Andrew: (quoting lyrics from a contest song): “Staring through windows at my own reflection/How can a window encompass perfection… I think Simon wrote this song.”
Simon (about David A’s contest song): “I love the egotistical lyric. Fantastically self-centered.”
Randy (to Dave Cook): “You were singing your face off!”
Simon (to Little David): “You came out here tonight to win, and what we’ve witnessed is a knockout.”
Well, at Aunt Pearl’s house, there is leftover birthday cake… join me in a virtual comfort-food-fest tomorrow night as I watch yet another of my favorite singers NOT become the next American Idol.
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