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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Victoria Beckham is Over Fake Tanning

After admitting that she has previously experimented with giving herself a bronzed glow, Victoria Beckham has now realized it is not a good look for her (think the Costume Gala photo above).

She said, “I don’t wear fake tan anymore. Sometimes I’ve been turned orange but that’s definitely a look from my past. Being overly tanned is very ageing and, dare I say it, a bit footballer’s wife. I’m a little tanned from being in Los Angeles but I don’t use self-tan. Embrace your natural color!”

Even though she won't be using fake tanning products anymore, Victoria has a lot of other beauty products she uses regularly and she admits one of the reasons she joined twitter was to share her tips with her fans.

She said, “I love sharing my favourite beauty finds, I’m not one to keep beauty secrets. I love Chanel, Stila and Armani. I’m obsessed with the new Burberry Lip Gloss Nos. 9 and 10. I tweeted about it – everyone has to get one.”

source: Inquisitr

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