As I prepare myself to watch this episode, I ponder - why am I so hooked on this show? For the most part, I don’t even LIKE pop music these days. I turned my back on “today’s top 40” a few years ago, when I heard my then-nine-year-old daughter singing “there goes my shirt up over my head, oh my.” Oh my was right and that was it for me. I switched my radio to KLOVE and there was no turning back.
Now that My Kid is all teenagery and I can not seem to find a way to keep her locked up (heh), she is exposed to secular music. Every once in awhile a good pop/rock group comes along that she really likes. Since I am a nosy mother, I “investigate” the artist before allowing her to buy any mainstream CD. Fortunately, our tastes are very similar (imagine that!) and she has introduced me to some good stuff. Unfortunately, for every Evanescence and Three Days Grace, there are at least ten Britneys and Eminems. But I digress, cuz…
THIS is American Idol and the Top Ten ladies are here tonight to hopefully rock our worlds like they did last week. As Ryan rushes down the stairs past them, it looks as if most of them are dressed for prom night. In the seventies.
Ryan’s outfit reminds me of the fashion equivalent of a mullet: business on top and party on the bottom. Guess I am too elderly to “get” the jacket-tie-jeans thing. I don’t usually notice the judges wardrobe but Randy’s shirt looks like a quilt that my Granny made 30 years ago. As Ryan chats with the judges, I get out my handy dandy “bingo” card that I found on the ‘net.
As with the guys, it is dedication night for the ladies. Up first is Gina who dedicates her song to her boyfriend Joe. You can tell who Joe is – he is the one that she jumps all over whenever she gets good news. Gina looks pretty tonight, like she is going to a biker’s prom. She sings “Alone” by Heart, one of my favorite songs. She is okay, but Carrie did this song better in season four. The backup singers are very distracting which is déjà vu since they were the same way for Carrie. Judges one and two liked her performance but Simon is wondering where oh where did the rocker chick go? Paula is like, hello she has a tattoo, ‘k?? And she makes with the sarcastic, “DO take fashion advice from Simon.”
Ryan does the chit-chat thang on the red couch. LaKisha says she has not been paying attention to the media buzz about her, thank you very much.
Performing next, is gorgeous Alaina, who “100%” dedicates her song to her mom. She seems very sweet and sincere in her interview. But for some reason, she thought that it would be a good idea to do a Dixie Chicks song on … are you ready? AMERICAN Idol. Poor Alaina just either has no common sense or she’s trying to get voted off. Who cares that Big Mouthed Natalie and crew won Grammys for this album – those awards are selected by the liberal BS’ers of Ho’wood, so no shock there. The judges agree that this was a stupid song choice and she did poorly, and this is going to get her sent home tomorrow. Alaina, get those college apps ready…
LaKisha dedicates her song to her adorable grandmother. So funny when she says that the ninety-year-old is in “luv” with Ryan. Heart sigh. So tonight, LaKisha is wearing a fabulous blouse in a bright coral color. Man, I want that shirt; that color would look good on me. And I have to say that I wish that I was brave enough to wear a jean mini skirt with four inch heels. As a heavy woman myself, I find it inspiring to see her in that outfit and feel just fine in her own skin. She sings “Midnight Train to Georgia” and she does it just as good as Paris did last year. Obviously, the song selections for this show are very limited because most of the songs this year are repeat-os. All of the judges love LaKisha’s singing but Simon said her outfit was “distracting.” Well, I find his complete assholism to be distracting, so there!
Melinda is up next and she is my this-year’s-Mandisa, which means I LOVE HER. She is so cool, talking about her best friends and “go to” girls. She explains that they told her that she would be “Oprah” and they would be her “Gayles.” She looks great tonight and sounds fantastic on “My Funny Valentine,” and this is a performance that will go down in AI history. This is her element; it is not even fair for her to be in the same competition as the others at this point. She is just that good. The judges are blown away and it is so adorable how Melinda still seems shocked when they compliment her; she does not realize just how fantastic she is. Funny moment when Simon says that “we have had some precocious little monsters on this show.” Heh, wonder if he was referring to a certain fake-rocker who sang this song during Broadway week of season four? Oh the memories…
Next, Ryan and Antonella talk about all those skanky internet photos of her looking and acting like a ‘ho. Just kidding! They discuss how badly she sucked last week. She dedicates her song to her brother who is also a musician but without the nudie pix, snap. Her That 70s Show dress is very short, which means the guy-viewers will be happy. Tonight she sings the Celine song from the movie where Robert Redford dies and Michelle Pfeiffer has a lot of different hairdos. She does not do a howling-dog bad job with this song, it’s just meh. Randy and Paula are not greatly impressed and Simon says that it is even worse than last week. Antonella proves herself to be a brat as well as a skank by snarking that “Simon was wrong about Jennifer Hudson so…” To his credit, Simon immediately sets her straight by reminding her that it was THE VOTERS that got rid of Jennifer, thank you very much, not HIM. So hmmmph.
Ryan welcomes us back to “the circus” and then jokes that Sanjaya has better hair than any of the girls. A & A would object greatly to that, I bet.
Up now is Jordin, who cries when she talks about her lovable little brother who is “her rock.” I really like Jordin, ever since her very first audition. She seems very emotional tonight, even though she looks beautiful in a very pretty satin dress. Yet another repeat song that Ayla did last year, “Reflection,” which is from the Disney movie Mulan. Jordin seems nervous and out of sorts tonight and does not do as well as last week. I am still wondering why the darn songbook is so limited on this show? I know that some artists will not give permission for their songs to be used but that seems so dumb. 37 grazillion people watch this show and record sales go up every time a song is sung. So it is win-win all around. The rich get richer. The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow. But I digress because I am kinda bored. Finally it is over and Jordin just cries and cries. The judges say only nice things so that the poor child will not have a nervous breakdown.
Ryan tells us that Kellie Pickler is going to be on the show tomorrow night and about five people clap. Heh. Then he tries to get Stephanie to admit that girls are catty, cuz we all know that they are… (Example right here on This Blog baybee! Yeah!) ... but she insists that every girl there are BFFs!
Stephanie’s song is dedicated to her mom and dad who pushed her to audition. We finally get to see a bit of what happened during her first round. She looks like a supermodel; I bet Tyra doesn’t have anyone as pretty as her on her show this year. Tonight, Stephanie sings some song that I have never heard of and she does good with it. She is very pretty and glamorous and looks like a true star already. Something about her reminds me of Fantasia; I suppose it is the haircut. Randy said that she was “Beyonce-lite” and he wants Stephanie darn it. Paula and Simon think she is terrific. Funny moment when Randy name-drops and Paula does the fake-snooze.
Ryan chats with “the anonymous girls,” Haley and Leslie, who are hoping to be less cabaret (Haley) and less gawky (Leslie.)
Leslie talks about her late grandpa Bob, at least I think that is what she says. Her segment makes me cry a little bit, especially when they show pictures of him and Leslie together. Tonight she is singing a song that sounds familiar and before it’s over I realize that A.J. sang this song just last night. I like Leslie’s version of this jazzy song but her look tonight? - Judy Jetson called, she wants her outfit back. She does a cool scat thing at the end. The Hub thinks that she is very pretty. Randy said it was pitchy, Paula loved the jazz, and very funny moment when Simon says that the scatting reminding him of Paula’s talking. LOL LOL LOL.
Now we have Haley, who talks about her fiancé always being there for her, blah blah blah. She is pretty in a Miss America pageant generic kinda way. My Kid asks, “who is she?” and thinks that the song she’s singing is “Queen of the Nuns.” I tell her that I think it is actually queen of the night. Haley has the crimped hair going tonight and she has her skinny jeans tucked into her boots, just like we did in the 80s. The judges dis’ her for choosing a song that has so much background singing (uh, hello? “Alone” did too!) Simon tells her that she is vulnerable and she cries prettily and who cares anyway because her handsome fella is in the audience tonight.
Lastly, Sabrina dedicates her song to her grandmother. Something about the old-people-dedications get me teary and makes me miss my own granny so much. Something about Sabrina reminds me of Dr. Cuddy on House. Maybe it is the nose? The hair? At any rate, she sings a Whitney song and does an awesome job with it. She does not miss a note except the very last one. The judges liked her big ol’ voice and praise her as they usually do the last contestant of each singing evening. Simon reminds them, us, and everyone that they should not choose songs that are going to lead to comparisons to the original artists. I second that motion, Mr. Cowell.
Recap time, and we are reminded that most of these gals are dipping from the same bottle of black nail polish. If there is any justice in this world then Alaina and Overbite Girl will be OUT tomorrow.
My favorite tonight was by far and no second place – MELINDA DOOLITTLE!!
Hasta mañana…