February 22, 2007
Fantasia will be on the show tonight!! YAY!
Dressed in executive-team-member attire, Ryan tells us that the votes are IN, America. We’re gonna cut somebody live. He should be wearing a hockey mask with his suit, heh.
32 million votes and did anyone listen to the judges? Word of advice: only listen to Paula if you are playing a drinking game (i.e. every time Paula makes no sense whatsoever, take a shot.)
Ryan reminds us that the Top 12 contestants will get coaching help from famous people, usually old. But wait! Put back the dinosaur figurines; it looks like some of the coaches will be from this actual century. Scheduled to appear are Diana Ross, Jon Bon Jovi (WAHOO!), Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, Tony Bennett, Martina McBride, the folks from Herman’s Hermits, and Barry Gibb.
We remember that the guys totally sucked this week but the gals for the most part did really well. Rewind to - Stephanie down on her knees; Melinda and Leslie drawing inspiration from Aretha; power vocals paying off for Sabrina. Haley and Gina taking on Celine (by way of Eric Carmen and Meatloaf); Jordin and Nicole showing off their soulful sides. Judges not singing praises for Antonella or Amy; Alaina is “not special” but LaKisha brought the house down in her grand finale.
“Sowing the Seeds of Love” by Tears for Fears is the group song tonight and boy does that stage look crowded. These group sing outs are cheesy with a side order of ham, but I have to say that the kids do a really good job with this. Maybe I am just getting to the age where “cheese” is palatable? Something to think about…
Vocal stand outs in the group sing are Phil, Sundance, and Brandon with LaKisha bringing it home. One of my earlier faves, Chris Sligh, looks very uncomfortable on the stage. Leslie is the only one who looks as if she enjoys the awful choreography.
Ryan chats with the guys… Sligh does damage control by telling everyone that he meant NO disrespect to Simon earlier this week. It’s just the way it is, yo. And can’t we all just get along??
One neat change this season – the families of the contestants get to hang out on the red couches in the “red room” instead of in the audience. The better to get a close-up of you m'dear.
The first six guys come to the front to discover their fate. Brandon, Sundance, Chris R., Nick, and Blake are all safe. To no one’s surprise, Barefoot Paul is the first to get the boot (pardon the pun.) I go feed my dogs while Paul sings the Wham song again.
Now it’s the girls’ turn. Six girls come down to the front and uh oh it looks like Overbite Girl is in the same position as Paul was, at the end. But we know that TIIC likes to trick us, so I suspect something is up here.
Jordin, Stephanie, Sabrina, Leslie, and Melinda are safe. Poor Antonella looks so sad. Is she thinking that maybe all those semi-porn pix on the internet were maybe not such a good idea after all? But wait! Ryan declares her to be safe! Told ya it was a trick.
Then just-like-that Ryan calls Amy up and tells her that she is outta here. We all take a nap while she sings that boring Bonnie ballad again.
Some kind of dumb contest is announced next, something to do with text messaging answers to very easy multiple choice questions. Yawn.
But now! Finally! FANTASIA is right up in this house tonight, y’all! Quincy Jones tries to explain about her role in The Color Purple, but Ryan shuts him right the heck up. To paraphrase Helen Reddy, that ain’t no way to treat a legend.
Anyhow, Fantasia shows everyone how IT IS DONE on a song from the play called “I’m Here” and boy is she ever. Shista gyrrrl, yesh! LOVE HER!
Getting things all outta sequence, we have another girl to get rid of. Haley, LaKisha and Gina are safe. Left standing are Nicole and Alaina. More proof that American voters prefer big boobs over a big voice, Nicole is the one to leave. During the sing out of her weird version of a Chaka Khan song, I go make popcorn.
The remaining guys come up to await their destiny. Sligh is safe to crack jokes another week. Phil, Jared, and AJ are safe. Left up there are Sanjaya and Rudy. My Kid is praying that San is safe (he's so cute and little, can we keep him?) Well, we can for one more week, as Rudy is the one who is out. We are forced to sit through his odd “Free Ride” again. I don’t feel sorry for him, as he already has a semi-successful career in the group M-Pact.
One thing that really sucks about this show – whenever the judges give “advice” to the booted contestants, Simon will snark about them not really being that good after all. Well, hello? Weren’t you one of the three knuckleheads who CHOSE them for the Top 24?? Sheesh.
Oooh oooh! To make everything all better, this year’s Buh Bye song is “Home” by Daughtry! Not my fave song on his CD, but still and all, it is Chris baybee yeah! My Kid is grinning from ear to ear.
During the montage of the four that are leaving us tonight, we are reminded that the two gals never had a chance from the get-go. They never had any previous screen time at all and did not get a chance to build a fan base.
So in the end, I was wrong as usual. I really thought that the combo of racy pictures and howling-dog bad singing would be enough to get rid of Anton-smella. Remember Becky O’Donahue? And she was way prettier. So go figure…
Am glad that my faves are still in the running and of course my picks vary from week to week. Am just fickle that way. (-:
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