February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine’s Day! The Three of us gather our candy kisses and new plush stuffed animals and gather ‘round the TV. My first viewing is with only one eye open, so I will have to catch up on DVR later …
Am behind on my bloggin.’ Been coming home dead tired from work this week which is becoming a habit that I really need to break. Haven’t even caught up with the soaps yet and I really wanna know if Babe is really dead on All My Children. But I digress.
The time has come for the final 40 to take the long walk. And time for the judges to do the fake-out with the contestants which is sooo annoying. Why can’t I stop watching?? Just one more reason why “fan” is short for “fanatic” I guess.
Even though the judges follow through with the customary double-speak, Simon is uncharacteristically KIND tonight… it is very strange. I mean, “Nice Simon” – isn’t that an oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp??
So… 40 minus 24 means that 16 kids are getting the axe tonight. Will the spoilers be right? Will we have even heard of half these folks?
First up, Sanjaya Malakar - He talks about the sadness of his older sis getting cut and how he sure hopes that she never finds out what went down at the auditions in Seattle. Just kiddin’ about that last part.
The next few contestants are cut, including Carnival-like tall lady who wants to argue about it. One of the Birmingham guys. A cute blonde guy. The lip ring girl, who sounded really good and unique. Makes me wonder, what does it take to make TIIC tick??
Finally, Melinda Doolittle, my fave of the gals. Clips of her final audition performance are awesome. Hugs and air-kisses from Simon as she makes it through, YAY.
Also, the guy background singer, Brandon Rogers makes it. He is absolutely gorgeous and proves that he can work that camera during the final audition clip.
Ryan speaks to the “audience” while within earshot of the crowd of kids in the holding room. He goes on and on about the terror of the horrifying and hellish waiting... Oh silly Ryan, tricks are for kids.
Thank goodness that Gina Glocksen has washed that pink dye right outta her hair. Sorry, I know that I am old, but that is a look that only a ‘tween can pull off. But wait… she acts like a ‘tweenager when she goes like “Shut up!” when the judges tell her that she made it through.
Next couple guys are eliminated including the mini-Ruben guy and some guy that we have never seen before.
Based more on mid-riff baring that musical talent, the Wedding Singer, Haley Scarnato makes it through. She has a voice that Simon called “cabaret” in her San Antonio audition.
Phil Stacey, the “I Missed My Daughter’s Birth To Go To My Audition” Guy makes it through. His style of singing just doesn’t do anything for me. Just don’t feel it. And the crooked cap? Uh uh.
For no apparent reason other than the obvious… it’s promo time. Footage of the guys going to see The Simpsons movie is shown. It won’t even be released until July, so the pimping is starting early on this one.
Chris Sligh walks in and says “You guys are probably wondering why I called this meeting today.” I LOVE THIS GUY!!! He has my kinda sense of humor. Even though Simon tells him that he is not the best singer, they put him through, YAY!
BeatBoxing Blake Lewis makes it through. Not really excited about his stuff so far and several of the guys that have been cut are better singers. So it’s kinda obvious that this season is gonna be gimmicky.
A gorgeous blond guy is cut next. Cute Patootie, we never knew ye.
Open note to Rudy Cardenes – if AI does not work out, you can find an acting job on any of the wise guy shows. Ya just got the look, ‘k? Ooops, cancel that Sopranos audition, he makes it through.
So next, Paul Kim informs Ryan and 40 million other screaming fans that guess what? From now on, he will be performing barefoot. Yep, and not only that, he will be wearing his lucky underdrawers. Um, yay? For reasons known only to TIIC, he makes it through.
The gorgeous Jordin Sparks makes it through. She is a good singer but chatter on the ‘net speculates that her claim to fame is her famous football player dad. Whatever, who cares; I like her.
Next to get canned are two chicks that we have never seen before and the kinda stuck-up teenage girl from Birmingham.
For the first time, we get to meet A. J. Tabaldo then Stephanie Edwards then Leslie Hunt. Only seeing them now cuz they made it through to the next round. Of these three, the last one sounds the best and most unique.
Another next-time-arounder, Nicholas Pedro makes it through. I have to be honest and say that I am kinda bored with most of the choices TIIC have made so far. Because ya gotta know that even though the judges are the “talking heads,” we know who is REALLY in control.
Up next is the drama queen “my destiny is in your hands” gal, Alaina Alexander. Her final audition clip is just meh, but she is gorgeous and makes it through. Such a serious diva; something about her reminds me of Mariah Carey.
Sorry, but am just not understanding the appeal of the next guy who makes it through, Chris Richardson. We already have a Chris in the competition and one is enough, thanks.
Another gal that we have never heard of, Sabrina Sloan, makes it through. There are more of the unpimped than ever before. Wonder which of these will blame their lack of popularity on the lack of before-hand screentime?
A guy and gal we never knew are cut as well as the Brokenote guy, who comes out and comments that they ain’t having no country this year. Then another gal that I don’t remember gets the boot. Who in the everlovin’ heck EDITS this series??
Highlights are shown again of LaKisha Jones and her little girl and all that crying and carrying on. I don’t buy in to all this backstory stuff. I have my soaps for that, thank you very much. She is an excellent singer, on the scale of Jennifer to Mandisa. But she doesn’t have that spark of likeability that Mandisa has.
More heavy sighs of frustration and eye-rolling. So very aggravating that after a trizillion hours of footage, TIIC couldn’t come up with ANY footage on these peeps before now?? Now being presented for yep, the FIRST time, are Nicole Tranquillo, Jared Cotter, and Amy Krebs.
We are down to four, 2 male and 2 female. As mandated by the law of AI, they are forced to sit in the room together.
First, it’s BFF Overbite, (Antonella Barba) and a very pretty but way too skinny gal (Marisa Rhodes) who reminds me of Fiona Apple. However, it’s OB girl who should be “feeling like a Criminal” as she totally robs the Fiona clone of the last spot. Irritating darn show, this is.
Nextly, Afro Guy Tommy Daniels and Weird Beard Sundance Head go up next and of the two of them, Tommy seems to have a more charismatic personality. Of course, that is NOT what counts when TIIC and “the judges” decide who is moving on… My Hubby is elated that his fave is chosen.
Am not understanding the comment that Sundance makes later, that he will hire Tommy as his bodyguard. I hope to heaven that he was kidding, I really do. If not, then methinks ladies and gents, that we have found this year’s diva…
We sign off with the prerequisite “how stupid do ya want me to look?”dance that each contestant has to make while mugging cheekily at the camera.
Gotta say, disappointments abound at Aunt Pearl’s house. Am gonna go hug my new Valentine bear and maybe read a good book.
Happy Valentine’s Day! The Three of us gather our candy kisses and new plush stuffed animals and gather ‘round the TV. My first viewing is with only one eye open, so I will have to catch up on DVR later …
Am behind on my bloggin.’ Been coming home dead tired from work this week which is becoming a habit that I really need to break. Haven’t even caught up with the soaps yet and I really wanna know if Babe is really dead on All My Children. But I digress.
The time has come for the final 40 to take the long walk. And time for the judges to do the fake-out with the contestants which is sooo annoying. Why can’t I stop watching?? Just one more reason why “fan” is short for “fanatic” I guess.
Even though the judges follow through with the customary double-speak, Simon is uncharacteristically KIND tonight… it is very strange. I mean, “Nice Simon” – isn’t that an oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp??
So… 40 minus 24 means that 16 kids are getting the axe tonight. Will the spoilers be right? Will we have even heard of half these folks?
First up, Sanjaya Malakar - He talks about the sadness of his older sis getting cut and how he sure hopes that she never finds out what went down at the auditions in Seattle. Just kiddin’ about that last part.
The next few contestants are cut, including Carnival-like tall lady who wants to argue about it. One of the Birmingham guys. A cute blonde guy. The lip ring girl, who sounded really good and unique. Makes me wonder, what does it take to make TIIC tick??
Finally, Melinda Doolittle, my fave of the gals. Clips of her final audition performance are awesome. Hugs and air-kisses from Simon as she makes it through, YAY.
Also, the guy background singer, Brandon Rogers makes it. He is absolutely gorgeous and proves that he can work that camera during the final audition clip.
Ryan speaks to the “audience” while within earshot of the crowd of kids in the holding room. He goes on and on about the terror of the horrifying and hellish waiting... Oh silly Ryan, tricks are for kids.
Thank goodness that Gina Glocksen has washed that pink dye right outta her hair. Sorry, I know that I am old, but that is a look that only a ‘tween can pull off. But wait… she acts like a ‘tweenager when she goes like “Shut up!” when the judges tell her that she made it through.
Next couple guys are eliminated including the mini-Ruben guy and some guy that we have never seen before.
Based more on mid-riff baring that musical talent, the Wedding Singer, Haley Scarnato makes it through. She has a voice that Simon called “cabaret” in her San Antonio audition.
Phil Stacey, the “I Missed My Daughter’s Birth To Go To My Audition” Guy makes it through. His style of singing just doesn’t do anything for me. Just don’t feel it. And the crooked cap? Uh uh.
For no apparent reason other than the obvious… it’s promo time. Footage of the guys going to see The Simpsons movie is shown. It won’t even be released until July, so the pimping is starting early on this one.
Chris Sligh walks in and says “You guys are probably wondering why I called this meeting today.” I LOVE THIS GUY!!! He has my kinda sense of humor. Even though Simon tells him that he is not the best singer, they put him through, YAY!
BeatBoxing Blake Lewis makes it through. Not really excited about his stuff so far and several of the guys that have been cut are better singers. So it’s kinda obvious that this season is gonna be gimmicky.
A gorgeous blond guy is cut next. Cute Patootie, we never knew ye.
Open note to Rudy Cardenes – if AI does not work out, you can find an acting job on any of the wise guy shows. Ya just got the look, ‘k? Ooops, cancel that Sopranos audition, he makes it through.
So next, Paul Kim informs Ryan and 40 million other screaming fans that guess what? From now on, he will be performing barefoot. Yep, and not only that, he will be wearing his lucky underdrawers. Um, yay? For reasons known only to TIIC, he makes it through.
The gorgeous Jordin Sparks makes it through. She is a good singer but chatter on the ‘net speculates that her claim to fame is her famous football player dad. Whatever, who cares; I like her.
Next to get canned are two chicks that we have never seen before and the kinda stuck-up teenage girl from Birmingham.
For the first time, we get to meet A. J. Tabaldo then Stephanie Edwards then Leslie Hunt. Only seeing them now cuz they made it through to the next round. Of these three, the last one sounds the best and most unique.
Another next-time-arounder, Nicholas Pedro makes it through. I have to be honest and say that I am kinda bored with most of the choices TIIC have made so far. Because ya gotta know that even though the judges are the “talking heads,” we know who is REALLY in control.
Up next is the drama queen “my destiny is in your hands” gal, Alaina Alexander. Her final audition clip is just meh, but she is gorgeous and makes it through. Such a serious diva; something about her reminds me of Mariah Carey.
Sorry, but am just not understanding the appeal of the next guy who makes it through, Chris Richardson. We already have a Chris in the competition and one is enough, thanks.
Another gal that we have never heard of, Sabrina Sloan, makes it through. There are more of the unpimped than ever before. Wonder which of these will blame their lack of popularity on the lack of before-hand screentime?
A guy and gal we never knew are cut as well as the Brokenote guy, who comes out and comments that they ain’t having no country this year. Then another gal that I don’t remember gets the boot. Who in the everlovin’ heck EDITS this series??
Highlights are shown again of LaKisha Jones and her little girl and all that crying and carrying on. I don’t buy in to all this backstory stuff. I have my soaps for that, thank you very much. She is an excellent singer, on the scale of Jennifer to Mandisa. But she doesn’t have that spark of likeability that Mandisa has.
More heavy sighs of frustration and eye-rolling. So very aggravating that after a trizillion hours of footage, TIIC couldn’t come up with ANY footage on these peeps before now?? Now being presented for yep, the FIRST time, are Nicole Tranquillo, Jared Cotter, and Amy Krebs.
We are down to four, 2 male and 2 female. As mandated by the law of AI, they are forced to sit in the room together.
First, it’s BFF Overbite, (Antonella Barba) and a very pretty but way too skinny gal (Marisa Rhodes) who reminds me of Fiona Apple. However, it’s OB girl who should be “feeling like a Criminal” as she totally robs the Fiona clone of the last spot. Irritating darn show, this is.
Nextly, Afro Guy Tommy Daniels and Weird Beard Sundance Head go up next and of the two of them, Tommy seems to have a more charismatic personality. Of course, that is NOT what counts when TIIC and “the judges” decide who is moving on… My Hubby is elated that his fave is chosen.
Am not understanding the comment that Sundance makes later, that he will hire Tommy as his bodyguard. I hope to heaven that he was kidding, I really do. If not, then methinks ladies and gents, that we have found this year’s diva…
We sign off with the prerequisite “how stupid do ya want me to look?”dance that each contestant has to make while mugging cheekily at the camera.
Gotta say, disappointments abound at Aunt Pearl’s house. Am gonna go hug my new Valentine bear and maybe read a good book.
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