February 27, 2007
“This time it is PERSONAL!” so says Ryan. He then congratulates Jennifer Hudson on her Oscar win and gives total credit to AI for discovering her. Which is fair.
Intro of the guys and I gotta ask, can Chris R. be any dorkier?? As the guys parade out, it is evident that there is not an Ace this year. There are two Chrises but they are not Daughtry-shaped. In other words, there is no one to get all warm and fuzzy over this year. At least not for those of us in the studio audience who are suffering from AMAS (Advanced Middle Age Syndrome.)
The judges shout out to the guys that they need to come on, come on! And have fun! The pressure is definitely on. It is “dedication” night and each contestant is to talk about (via video) the person who inspires them the most.
Phil is up first and he dedicates his song to his navy unit band. Clips are shown of him singing with them and at this point it would be highly unpatriotic to not like Phil. He seems like a really sincere guy, very appealing. Funny how the lyrics in the song he sings go, “I ain’t missing you at all.” Bye bye navy unit… Randy and Paula give Phil his props and are glad that the evening is starting out well. Simon brings out the karaoke cliché. Ryan reminds us that Phil is very likable and Simon concurs. And Ryan? Please promise to never ever do that “yeah yeah yeah” thing again; you just embarrassed the heck outta everybody.
Ryan checks the buzz in the red room… everyone seems to be in good spirits and not nearly as wrecked with nerves as they were last week.
Jared is very charming when he talks about his mom and dad being the ones who got him into music and encouraged him to audition for AI. He sings the sexy Marvin Gaye song “Let’s Get it On” and this song suits him to a T. He does some weird “hand over the face” thing; My Kid has to explain to me that this is a move done by an usher. I am confused and she has to further clarify that Usher is the name of a young hip-hop singer. Oh, okay. Randy loves Jared’s performance, Paula is too turned on to speak and Simon said it was very “Love Boat.” Funny moment when Jared replies that it would have been a GOOD Love Boat. (Like Jared is old enough to remember that show, sheesh. Simon needs to get some pop culture references from Generation Now.) Ryan just likes the memories that the song brings back…
Little bitty AJ also dedicates his song to his mom and dad. They show a baby picture of him with his parents and his dad looks exactly like Ray Romano, only Latin. AJ seems to be a very sweet young man. I do not know what he is singing but it is very slow at the beginning and just as I am about to nod off, he kicks it out. Even my little dog, who is asleep in my lap, perks up. AJ is very very good! Randy and Paula like him a lot and even Simon says that he was “nearly very good.” We are all left to wonder about Simon’s “strangely comfortable” comment though. (Careful Mr. Cowell and please take a lesson from Dr. Preston Burke.)
Teeny tiny Sanjaya is next and he is so adorable talking about his grandfather who passed away when San was only five. Pictures of a child-San show that he was always adorable and was born with all that hair. So tonight, he is wearing a fedora and ponytail. Recipe for his look - “Take one part Michael Jackson, add a dash of Prince with a sprinkling of Sammy Davis, Jr.” He sings some old song, something about “stepping out” and it sounds familiar but his vocals are so weak it’s hard to tell. My Kid loves Sanjaya and will frog anyone who speaks out against him so I do not say anything. Randy says that San’s performance was like a high school talent show but Paula was okay with his “old soul.” Simon compared it to a kid playing dress up. Ryan is nice to San and tells him that his grandpa is proud of him. Awwww…
Chris Sligh is up next and after making cute “hair talk” with Ryan, he talks to us via his video montage. He is going to dedicate his song to his lovely wife, Sarah; she is a petite blonde and they look odd but cute together. Oh no he ain’t singing a song called “Trouble” for his WIFE?? After listening to it though, it seems to be a positive thing, whew. I have liked Chris since his very first audition, but he is not wowing me tonight. Taylor did this song better last year. Why are they in Repeat-o-mode this year? At least Chris is changing the lyrics back to “I’ve been saved by a woman;” last year Taylor sang it as “I’ve been upset by a woman.” And YES, since I know this factoid, it is MORE proof that I am SICK with obsession over this show. Randy and Paula are thrilled with Chris and so is Simon, surprisingly. He wonders the same thing I did though, about the dedication. Ryan wants to know how in the world did Sarah not boo hoo through that? I am surprised that she did not tell him that she is NOT Deanna, heh.
Nick is next and he talks about his girlfriend Caitlin, who is very pretty in the pictures that they show during the montage. He is bummed that he missed Valentine’s Day with her, you know cuz of the whole “being on AI” nonsense. He looks good and does a decent job on the old song “Fever” but he seems cookie-cutter. His voice is in-between a crooner and boy-band. Oh my, was that SIMON snapping his fingers??? Nick actually has a pretty good husky voice. Randy likes his smoky vibe, Paula wants him to go for it, and Simon says he lacks charisma. Ryan tries to start more gunk with Simon about him helping Nick with his styling. The girlfriend is in the audience and I swear she looks 12; but then again everybody looks 12 to me these days. (It's the AMAS!)
Now we have Blake, who dedicates his song to his parents. His mom looks native American but Blake does not seem to have any of those features. He is wearing a sideways cap and cool hoodie and My Kid is over the moon for this guy. I don’t know the song he is singing, but since it is from this actual decade, she is familiar with it. Blake puts a little beat boxing into the middle of the song and since it is only a few seconds, it is refreshing. Randy and Paula love love love him but Simon calls him a copycat for most of the performance. A judge riot almost ensues but before Blake can escape, Ryan tries to make cute and do some beat boxing too, hmmmph! Blake calls it “vocal turn-table-ism” which is so cool; I love made up words.
Ryan chats with Chris R. and Brandon on the red couch, just to pass time since the show is an hour and a half tonight.
Up next is Brandon, who is very endearing when he discusses his grandmother. He is so gorgeous that it’s hard to concentrate on what he is saying. Unfortunately, he is singing “Time After Time,” which I remember as a Cyndi Lauper song. My Hubby says it was a Time Warner Cable commercial but Our Kid informs us that the cable song was “Time is on Your Side” not the song that Brandon is doing. (She’s like a text book with arms, My Darling Kid.) Randy and Paula agree that this song did not show Brandon’s vocal prowess but he defends himself that he took an easier edge on purpose, better to show off the heart-feltness. Simon says he loves grandmas, but ya gotta SING, ‘k? Judge Riot Part 2 starts to ensue but the music is cued before the fists start to fly. Ryan chats nicely with Brandon until Simon throws in his “a$$ of spades” card and jerks everything up. Highly dislike him sometimes.
Chris R. also dedicates his song to his grandma, who he calls “spunky” and she does look spry in the photos. I love elderly people so much. Chris comes out on stage and it looks like he is wearing one of Logan Echolls’ sweaters. My Kid says that YES they are in style. I have no idea what this song is, which means that it must be from this generation. I can not understand a single word he is singing but My Kid is singing along. Go figure. It is something about him being a geek and it certainly fits him tonight. Randy says that he is HOT, Paula asks why he did such a funky song for his granny. Simon says that Chris was the “best tonight by a mile.” Do whut Bubba? I don’t get it. Am too old I guess. Chris makes cute banter with Ryan and he seems Pickler-like but in a manly way.
Last Chance Sundance talks to us via montage about his wife and baby son. Sundance looks good in a bright blue shirt and gets teary talking about his son, Levi. And oh my, he is finally back to the guy we all loved in his first audition. He ROCKS OUT on “Mustang Sally” and is totally in his element. I was so worried that he was going to go the M. Night Shylaman route – you know, start out really good and then start sucking progressively worse? Thank goodness, Sundance is back, y’all! All judges are knocked off their feet and for the first time tonight, all three agree. Imagine that. Sundance is overjoyed and chatty. Adorable moment when they flash a picture of Levi with Sundance’s “devil beard” drawn on. Too cute.
During the recaps, The Three of Us pick our favorites… My Kid likes Sanjaya (it’s the pity vote; ow she frogged me!) My Hubby likes Blake, and I like Sundance best tonight.
Hard to say who is going home this week, since no one was really howling-dog bad. Probably Nick and AJ, not because they were bad but because they don’t have the ‘tween fan base of some of the others.
Now it is time for the new Jeff Foxworthy game show, as they have been reminding us every five minutes by flashing his smiling face in the audience tonight. So let’s go find out if we are indeed “smarter than a 5th grader.” Somehow I doubt it…
“This time it is PERSONAL!” so says Ryan. He then congratulates Jennifer Hudson on her Oscar win and gives total credit to AI for discovering her. Which is fair.
Intro of the guys and I gotta ask, can Chris R. be any dorkier?? As the guys parade out, it is evident that there is not an Ace this year. There are two Chrises but they are not Daughtry-shaped. In other words, there is no one to get all warm and fuzzy over this year. At least not for those of us in the studio audience who are suffering from AMAS (Advanced Middle Age Syndrome.)
The judges shout out to the guys that they need to come on, come on! And have fun! The pressure is definitely on. It is “dedication” night and each contestant is to talk about (via video) the person who inspires them the most.
Phil is up first and he dedicates his song to his navy unit band. Clips are shown of him singing with them and at this point it would be highly unpatriotic to not like Phil. He seems like a really sincere guy, very appealing. Funny how the lyrics in the song he sings go, “I ain’t missing you at all.” Bye bye navy unit… Randy and Paula give Phil his props and are glad that the evening is starting out well. Simon brings out the karaoke cliché. Ryan reminds us that Phil is very likable and Simon concurs. And Ryan? Please promise to never ever do that “yeah yeah yeah” thing again; you just embarrassed the heck outta everybody.
Ryan checks the buzz in the red room… everyone seems to be in good spirits and not nearly as wrecked with nerves as they were last week.
Jared is very charming when he talks about his mom and dad being the ones who got him into music and encouraged him to audition for AI. He sings the sexy Marvin Gaye song “Let’s Get it On” and this song suits him to a T. He does some weird “hand over the face” thing; My Kid has to explain to me that this is a move done by an usher. I am confused and she has to further clarify that Usher is the name of a young hip-hop singer. Oh, okay. Randy loves Jared’s performance, Paula is too turned on to speak and Simon said it was very “Love Boat.” Funny moment when Jared replies that it would have been a GOOD Love Boat. (Like Jared is old enough to remember that show, sheesh. Simon needs to get some pop culture references from Generation Now.) Ryan just likes the memories that the song brings back…
Little bitty AJ also dedicates his song to his mom and dad. They show a baby picture of him with his parents and his dad looks exactly like Ray Romano, only Latin. AJ seems to be a very sweet young man. I do not know what he is singing but it is very slow at the beginning and just as I am about to nod off, he kicks it out. Even my little dog, who is asleep in my lap, perks up. AJ is very very good! Randy and Paula like him a lot and even Simon says that he was “nearly very good.” We are all left to wonder about Simon’s “strangely comfortable” comment though. (Careful Mr. Cowell and please take a lesson from Dr. Preston Burke.)
Teeny tiny Sanjaya is next and he is so adorable talking about his grandfather who passed away when San was only five. Pictures of a child-San show that he was always adorable and was born with all that hair. So tonight, he is wearing a fedora and ponytail. Recipe for his look - “Take one part Michael Jackson, add a dash of Prince with a sprinkling of Sammy Davis, Jr.” He sings some old song, something about “stepping out” and it sounds familiar but his vocals are so weak it’s hard to tell. My Kid loves Sanjaya and will frog anyone who speaks out against him so I do not say anything. Randy says that San’s performance was like a high school talent show but Paula was okay with his “old soul.” Simon compared it to a kid playing dress up. Ryan is nice to San and tells him that his grandpa is proud of him. Awwww…
Chris Sligh is up next and after making cute “hair talk” with Ryan, he talks to us via his video montage. He is going to dedicate his song to his lovely wife, Sarah; she is a petite blonde and they look odd but cute together. Oh no he ain’t singing a song called “Trouble” for his WIFE?? After listening to it though, it seems to be a positive thing, whew. I have liked Chris since his very first audition, but he is not wowing me tonight. Taylor did this song better last year. Why are they in Repeat-o-mode this year? At least Chris is changing the lyrics back to “I’ve been saved by a woman;” last year Taylor sang it as “I’ve been upset by a woman.” And YES, since I know this factoid, it is MORE proof that I am SICK with obsession over this show. Randy and Paula are thrilled with Chris and so is Simon, surprisingly. He wonders the same thing I did though, about the dedication. Ryan wants to know how in the world did Sarah not boo hoo through that? I am surprised that she did not tell him that she is NOT Deanna, heh.
Nick is next and he talks about his girlfriend Caitlin, who is very pretty in the pictures that they show during the montage. He is bummed that he missed Valentine’s Day with her, you know cuz of the whole “being on AI” nonsense. He looks good and does a decent job on the old song “Fever” but he seems cookie-cutter. His voice is in-between a crooner and boy-band. Oh my, was that SIMON snapping his fingers??? Nick actually has a pretty good husky voice. Randy likes his smoky vibe, Paula wants him to go for it, and Simon says he lacks charisma. Ryan tries to start more gunk with Simon about him helping Nick with his styling. The girlfriend is in the audience and I swear she looks 12; but then again everybody looks 12 to me these days. (It's the AMAS!)
Now we have Blake, who dedicates his song to his parents. His mom looks native American but Blake does not seem to have any of those features. He is wearing a sideways cap and cool hoodie and My Kid is over the moon for this guy. I don’t know the song he is singing, but since it is from this actual decade, she is familiar with it. Blake puts a little beat boxing into the middle of the song and since it is only a few seconds, it is refreshing. Randy and Paula love love love him but Simon calls him a copycat for most of the performance. A judge riot almost ensues but before Blake can escape, Ryan tries to make cute and do some beat boxing too, hmmmph! Blake calls it “vocal turn-table-ism” which is so cool; I love made up words.
Ryan chats with Chris R. and Brandon on the red couch, just to pass time since the show is an hour and a half tonight.
Up next is Brandon, who is very endearing when he discusses his grandmother. He is so gorgeous that it’s hard to concentrate on what he is saying. Unfortunately, he is singing “Time After Time,” which I remember as a Cyndi Lauper song. My Hubby says it was a Time Warner Cable commercial but Our Kid informs us that the cable song was “Time is on Your Side” not the song that Brandon is doing. (She’s like a text book with arms, My Darling Kid.) Randy and Paula agree that this song did not show Brandon’s vocal prowess but he defends himself that he took an easier edge on purpose, better to show off the heart-feltness. Simon says he loves grandmas, but ya gotta SING, ‘k? Judge Riot Part 2 starts to ensue but the music is cued before the fists start to fly. Ryan chats nicely with Brandon until Simon throws in his “a$$ of spades” card and jerks everything up. Highly dislike him sometimes.
Chris R. also dedicates his song to his grandma, who he calls “spunky” and she does look spry in the photos. I love elderly people so much. Chris comes out on stage and it looks like he is wearing one of Logan Echolls’ sweaters. My Kid says that YES they are in style. I have no idea what this song is, which means that it must be from this generation. I can not understand a single word he is singing but My Kid is singing along. Go figure. It is something about him being a geek and it certainly fits him tonight. Randy says that he is HOT, Paula asks why he did such a funky song for his granny. Simon says that Chris was the “best tonight by a mile.” Do whut Bubba? I don’t get it. Am too old I guess. Chris makes cute banter with Ryan and he seems Pickler-like but in a manly way.
Last Chance Sundance talks to us via montage about his wife and baby son. Sundance looks good in a bright blue shirt and gets teary talking about his son, Levi. And oh my, he is finally back to the guy we all loved in his first audition. He ROCKS OUT on “Mustang Sally” and is totally in his element. I was so worried that he was going to go the M. Night Shylaman route – you know, start out really good and then start sucking progressively worse? Thank goodness, Sundance is back, y’all! All judges are knocked off their feet and for the first time tonight, all three agree. Imagine that. Sundance is overjoyed and chatty. Adorable moment when they flash a picture of Levi with Sundance’s “devil beard” drawn on. Too cute.
During the recaps, The Three of Us pick our favorites… My Kid likes Sanjaya (it’s the pity vote; ow she frogged me!) My Hubby likes Blake, and I like Sundance best tonight.
Hard to say who is going home this week, since no one was really howling-dog bad. Probably Nick and AJ, not because they were bad but because they don’t have the ‘tween fan base of some of the others.
Now it is time for the new Jeff Foxworthy game show, as they have been reminding us every five minutes by flashing his smiling face in the audience tonight. So let’s go find out if we are indeed “smarter than a 5th grader.” Somehow I doubt it…
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