I really enjoy getting my TV Guide mags in the mail, especially the ones with American Idol on the cover. This week it’s the so-called “Secrets of the Top 12;” it’s mostly stuff we knew already. A few new things that I learned from this issue:
David A. really IS a typical teenager; he uses phrases like “way trippy” and “that was kind of random.”
Syesha believes in the power and energy of crystals.
Carly’s perfectionist husband did not do her tattoos.
Jason used to play drums and has had nightmares about performing onstage.
David C. has a tattoo of the initials AC, for his two brothers Adam and Andrew.
Ramiele carries a guardian angel coin as a good luck charm when she performs.
David H. has an uncle in Mexico who’s in a mariachi band.
Brooke’s husband has refused to cut his hair until she is “cut” from the show.
Chikezie is a Christian who says he counts his blessings every day.
Amanda has been two-toned for so long, she claims that she doesn’t recall her natural hair color.
Michael and his wife were married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator.
Kristy’s good luck charms include a promise ring that she received from her beau.
Tomorrow, the competition kicks up full swing! Fun times...
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