March 6, 2008
Tonight we wrap up 80s week with the sad news that Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer. Patrick starred in a couple of hit movies back in the 1980’s, notably (my favorites) Dirty Dancing and Ghost. Prayers going up tonight for Mr. Swayze, his wife of 32 years Lisa, and his family.
Moving on to Idol time…
All-in-black clad Ryan stands by the spaceship stools and reminds us that we are here tonight to learn who will be in the Top 12 of American Idol season 7.
First, we flashback to last year with a visit from Blake Lewis, who sputters and mutters and bee-bops his latest single, “How Many Words.” This is indeed better than any 80s Medley Group Sing they may have done. Blake is as cute as ever and My Kid goes wild. His best advice to this year’s crop of contestants is to listen to the “good criticism” from the judges.
We learn that Paula’s new single is #1 on iTunes, so she probably regrets snarking on them last night. For some reason, Simon can not say the word “congratulations” no matter how much he’s prodded by the others.
Ryan says that 36 million votes were cast this week, half of those for Disney David Archuleta. Heh.
Recap time, of the men: don’t you forget about Michael, Chikezie is all the man that we need, it’s all coming back to Cabaret David now, wake Luke up before he go-goes, take Danny’s tears and that’s not nearly all, it’s another day for us and Disney David in paradise, love is not a victory march for Jason, and hello is it Rocker David we’ve been looking for?
Now it’s time to dim the lights. Rocker David is safe! Disney David is safe! Dreads Jason is safe! Three from the file marked “duh.”
Recap time of the ladies: Asia’h just wants to dance with somebody, Carly drove all night to get to us, Syesha is saving all her love for Whitney, Kady can’t live or love forever, take a look at Ramiele now there’s just an empty space, Kristy has the joy of rediscovering us, to Brooke we are young and heartache to heartache we stand, and Amanda hates herself for even being on this darn show.
One of them must go… Nanny Brooke is safe! Queen Syesha is safe, darn it. Wonder which screwing-a-married-man song she’ll sing next week. Not understanding who would vote for her? She is just as wind-up-doll as Kady, who is the one going home tonight.
Her video montage is set to that cool K.T. Tunstall song from The Devil Wears Prada. I wonder if Kady wears Prada? I can’t listen to her butcher Queen again, so go to the kitchen to prepare a low-carb snack.
Ryan says something about voters being able to chat live with the show or some such. Even the judges are like, do what Bubba?
Tonight we wrap up 80s week with the sad news that Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer. Patrick starred in a couple of hit movies back in the 1980’s, notably (my favorites) Dirty Dancing and Ghost. Prayers going up tonight for Mr. Swayze, his wife of 32 years Lisa, and his family.
Moving on to Idol time…
All-in-black clad Ryan stands by the spaceship stools and reminds us that we are here tonight to learn who will be in the Top 12 of American Idol season 7.
First, we flashback to last year with a visit from Blake Lewis, who sputters and mutters and bee-bops his latest single, “How Many Words.” This is indeed better than any 80s Medley Group Sing they may have done. Blake is as cute as ever and My Kid goes wild. His best advice to this year’s crop of contestants is to listen to the “good criticism” from the judges.
We learn that Paula’s new single is #1 on iTunes, so she probably regrets snarking on them last night. For some reason, Simon can not say the word “congratulations” no matter how much he’s prodded by the others.
Ryan says that 36 million votes were cast this week, half of those for Disney David Archuleta. Heh.
Recap time, of the men: don’t you forget about Michael, Chikezie is all the man that we need, it’s all coming back to Cabaret David now, wake Luke up before he go-goes, take Danny’s tears and that’s not nearly all, it’s another day for us and Disney David in paradise, love is not a victory march for Jason, and hello is it Rocker David we’ve been looking for?
Now it’s time to dim the lights. Rocker David is safe! Disney David is safe! Dreads Jason is safe! Three from the file marked “duh.”
Recap time of the ladies: Asia’h just wants to dance with somebody, Carly drove all night to get to us, Syesha is saving all her love for Whitney, Kady can’t live or love forever, take a look at Ramiele now there’s just an empty space, Kristy has the joy of rediscovering us, to Brooke we are young and heartache to heartache we stand, and Amanda hates herself for even being on this darn show.
One of them must go… Nanny Brooke is safe! Queen Syesha is safe, darn it. Wonder which screwing-a-married-man song she’ll sing next week. Not understanding who would vote for her? She is just as wind-up-doll as Kady, who is the one going home tonight.
Her video montage is set to that cool K.T. Tunstall song from The Devil Wears Prada. I wonder if Kady wears Prada? I can’t listen to her butcher Queen again, so go to the kitchen to prepare a low-carb snack.
Ryan says something about voters being able to chat live with the show or some such. Even the judges are like, do what Bubba?
Returning to the guys… Cabaret David is safe! (Frenchie Davis fans everywhere are throwing their thongs at the TV.) Aussie Michael is safe!
The very gorgeous Luke is the one going home, as it should be. His farewell vid features a song by my man Elliott Yamin, and shows Luke in various stages of being handsome. I don’t care to listen to him massacre WHAM again, but it’s time to feed the dogs anyway so it all works out.
Back to the gals… Tiny Ramiele is safe! Lass Carly is safe! Nurse Amanda is safe, YAY!! My Kid chides me for having such little faith. The final two girls standing are Country Kristy and Sassy Asia’h, which is sad because I like them both.
(Whitney) Houston, we have a problem. Everyone sobs a bucket of tears as Asia’h is told that she has to leave the show. To the background of the Ferras song, we are reminded for the last time of her sob story, but more importantly her enthusiasm, vivaciousness, and beauty.
Asia’h is one adorable gal, that’s for sure. Paula gives her a semi-coherent pep talk. Ryan gives her the choice to do her upbeat song or not, but she is brave and does a great job.
Last but not least… we are down to Girly Danny and Cool Chikezie. I chant a prayer and hold my breath that Naughty Noriega is the one leaving. Yes, he/she/it has been entertaining but that youtube “Santa rant” was just TMTH!
Chikezie appears to be absolutely stunned when he’s told he is safe. Finally Danny and his eye-rolling, Simon-mocking, hip-shaking, and very good voice is outta here.
There is no way I am sticking around for the repeat of “Tainted Love,” so I go fold some laundry. I could wash another load in the tears that are shed by Ramiele tonight.
Well, we have our Top 12 and I would trade ten Syeshas just to get one Asia’h back. The rest of them were my picks to leave so three outta four ain’t bad.
At least Paula was more lucid tonight, although the hat was not. Kind of like a cross between Pinocchio and a pimp. Maybe she borrowed it from the “You are My Brother” guy.
Next week the contestants will do songs from the Lennon/McCartney catalogue, to which My Kid says Who? Young’ens!!
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