March 19, 2008
Did we do enough to save our favorite contestants from elimination? Inquir-Ryan minds want to know!
Ryan tells us that this season’s mentors will be: country legend Dolly Parton, Randy’s own Mariah Carey, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and “I am I cried” Neil Diamond. What a diverse group. I can’t wait for Dolly week, have loved her since childhood. My Kid says “wow she looks so good to be like, a thousand.” True dat.
They are bringing back the songwriter contest since “This is My Now” was such a mega hit last year. Not. Okay well, Ryan says that the album that features it has been certified gold, so I guess he fixed my little red wagon.
Beatles medley alert!! Little David first on the guitar weeping song, then Jason and Dave, Chi and Michael on the steps. So far, not so terrible. Until the attempt to harmonize begins. Then it’s Brooke not being fab, Rami being silent, Carly being great. Syesha being breathy and diva-like, the camera missing KLC but she sounds decent, Amanda not caring about being there at all. They stab “Harmony” in the heart more times than Spike did in season four of BTVS.
Quick flash to audience shows Chicken Little all growed up and JPL, the “pen salesman” guy. Yes, you can go home again.
Reminder of who sang what… Amanda don’t know how lucky you are, Dave had a one way ticket out, Michael read the news about a lucky man, Carly was singing in the dead of night, Jason pretending to know and love Michelle, Syesha’s troubles seemed so far away, Kristy had to hide her love and voice but not her legs away, Brooke said it’s all right little darling, Chi harmonica’ed it up in the house, Rami really should have known better with a hat like that, tiny David has traveled the long winding road to winner of season seven.
Announcing one of the bottom three (B3)… Brooke is safe but still too chatty and no one told her which cushy seat to take. Carly is B3. No freaking way. This is ridiculous and the judges agree.
Paula’s fake hair is so pretty. Carly needs to find out who does Paula’s ‘dos. Just a random thought as we learn Disney David is safe. Michael is shocked to learn he is safe.
Carly sits in the metal chair and cries and cries. I have to go find some Excedrin because this show makes my head have pain.
Next we not only have the Ford fake-mercial but the “Making Of” documentary of the car-mercial. Wow, it’s AI behind the scenes. Not sure where they were supposed to go with this – they are dressed like the 50s but driving modern day SUVs while pretending to be making a sci-fi movie from the black and white days of the 20s. The best thing is when Michael says he gave a “Susan Lucci kind of performance.” That was awesome. Rocker Dave is funny also, playing director with his bullhorn.
Back to the countdown… poor Carly, so not deserving to be on the B3 side. Rocker Dave is safe. And still smug. KLC is B3. More news from the file marked DUH. Thank goodness they’re not making all 3 of the bottom sing tonight.
Jason and his dreads are safe and ready to tour already. Rami has sweaty hands and pretty hair and is safe.
The biggest time waster on television since Wife Swap is next. Those stupid viewer phone calls. Someone wants to know why Simon doesn’t dress better. He has a million dollar car though, so who cares about his boring wardrobe?
Next call refers to the yucky reminder of the season two kiss of Simon and Paula, and I am so glad I missed that episode. This is boring and stupid so My Kid and I make plans for her spring break, which we call EASTER vacation. She is having friends over which is always fun and exciting, way better than these lame calls.
Now it’s time for the Idol Comes Back portion of the show. Ryan introduces Kellie Pickler who has “grown” so much since she was on AI season 5. Oh Ryan, you so silly. I am not a Kellie fan, I don’t like country music, so Pickler’s appearance tonight is not a big deal for me. She nasally sings her hit “Red High Heels,” and she is a much more seasoned performer now. Kellie is prettier too but the sparking personality is still there. Funny how she sings the “I bet you want me back now don’t you” line right to Simon.
Time to plug Idol Gives Back. Part 2 will be bigger and better. They show footage of Fantasia and my man Elliott Yamin when they went to Africa to distribute mosquito nets to the folks there. It’s hokey and heartwarming and makes me cry, especially when Fantasia sings “Amazing Grace.” Elliott has a god child that is named after him and I love him even more now.
Back to the last of the B3… Sysehsa is safe. Chikezie and Amanda are left, and Chi is the safe one. Amanda is B3.
Finally Carly is sent to the cushy couches to join the rest of the we-are-the-tour crowd. It is now down to Countrified Kristy and Joplinized Amanda.
KLC is so shocked that she is the one that’s safe that Amanda has to point to the cushy couches to indicate where she needs to go.
Amanda is cool, calm and collected and looks very gorgeous tonight. It’s the best she’s ever looked on the show. Guess she knew it was her night to leave and she wanted to go out in style.
Her “Celebrate Me Home” video shows her having a “fun ride” with lots of devil horns and Gene Simmons tongue-hanging-out moments. She rocks out USSR again and back to Indiana she goes. Predictably she is pragmatic about the whole thing and is proud of making it this far.
Too bad she won’t be on the tour; missed it by one slot. Crap. She would have been the extra added sumpin sumpin that they need this summer.
Looking back at tonight’s group medley and Amanda’s one solo line - “And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Prophetic much?
As the rocker nurse would say: Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah! Too bad AI will go without Amanda.
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