March 26, 2008
Oh Lo’…“Maverick” Seacrest reports that 30 million+ votes were cast but alas none of them for Huckabee.
To make up for last night’s Pussycat Dolls Halloween Party costume, Paula is in her very best going-to-the-Grammys outfit. Randy’s shirt looks like either a road map or one of those Science book anatomy pictures. Simon is buttonless, just as the screaming audience likes it.
Another shout out to the songwriting contest, the better to discover the next “I Believe This is My Moment Inside Heaven to be Proud.”
In lieu of a medley, the top ten’s group song is Maxine Nightingale’s “Right Back Where We Started From,” a disco hit that I owned on vinyl back in the day. They sound pretty good but their moves are still jerky and clumsy.
No vinyl in this world today, nosiree. We are subjected to major hype from Ryan and the contestants about the iTunes Idol downloads. It was nice to see the singers in the studio, some of them just learning the ropes and a couple just pretending that this is all new stuff to them. They really do sound very different on a recording than they do live.
Recaps … Michael is a rockin’ champion, Ramiele is all alone in a scene from Flashdance, Carly has a shadow on her all of the time, Syesha is too afraid to show she’s da woman, Jason is Spanish for fragile, Chikezie warms up to the sun and to the mosh pit, David made a noise and made it clear at Disney World, Brooke breathlessly stalked every move we made, there is no doubt that Kristy Lee loves this land and this show, and Billie Jean was not Rocker Dave’s lover.
B3 time - Chikezie is sent to one of the metal stools right away. He does not seem surprised. Brooke's safe and gets a chance to explain the method to her music madness. Carly’s not pregnant so TMZ and crew can stop those freakin’ rumors if you don’t mind. And she and her very best hairdo ever are safe, yay.
This week’s Ford faux-mercial is set to “I Want You to Want Me” and it is the best one ever. The CGI is very high end, the special effects are awesome. Did not pay attention to the singing very much, was too busy enjoying the visuals.
More results: Little David is safe. And yes doggoneit, he did choose his own song so get off the family’s back. The McPhees still have that hit man’s number ya know. Chris Cornell called and he likes Rocker Dave who is safe. Syesha is B3 which is too bad; she got good reviews last night. Michael is safe.
Well, as far as the B3 goes, so far so black. I am as white as a sheet of blank paper but this ticks me off. There is no reason for Chi and Syesha to be sitting on metal right now. Somebody call the Rev and Al, stat.
Stupid viewer calls are next so My Kid and I take this opportunity to catch each other up on the goings on in Llanview and Pine Valley. Even dealing with Adrianna and Greenlee is better than this asinine filler fodder.
However, My Hubby likes the viewer calls more than the ABC soap opera updates, so he finds out the following: Chikezie is single but gets eharmonized right there on the show. For the love of John Farnham, Heart, and Rebecca St. James, Archie really DID pick his own song last night. Some quarterwit wants Ryan’s job, to Simon’s amusement. Brooke would do a duet with John Mayer in a heartbeat. Oh, and Simon is too sexy for his shirt, which explains a lot about his attire tonight.
Keeping with the new tradition of Idol alumni, Kimberley Locke is featured next. They show her during season two and she sure looks different these days, wow. She talks about losing weight, her first single “8th World Wonder,” and how much AI changed her life for the better. Recently, she opened a steakhouse and has another album coming out. Kimberley looks very gorgeous tonight as she sings her latest song called “Fall.” It’s a nice enough song but seems to go on and on forever. These returnees should get the requisite 90 seconds that the current crop of contestants get. But as My Hubby says, they have to “burn that clock.”
Our Idol Gives Back update includes information on how some of the money raised last year was used locally. Lots of school kids and poor folks got food, medicine, even books to read. The funds helped with emergency evacuations also. This news makes me proud to be a fan, I don’t care what the naysayers proclaim. The next IGB will be April 9th; mark your calendar and keep the Kleenex handy.
Last B3 placement… Ramiele and her off-the-shoulder 80s style are safe. Will it be Jason or Kristy Lee? Dang. The devil is having a snowball fight right now in hell. For the first time in forever, KLC is not in the B3, which means that our dreaded Jason is sent to the stools. This is so messed up. We hear that Lee Greenwood liked Kristy’s version of his song. Whatever. Hopefully they will send her on a USO tour. Tomorrow.
Before Jason can even get started on how he just KNEW that this was going to happen, Ryan sends him to the couches. Whew! Unfortunately this still leaves two wonderful performers, neither deserving to get “celebrated home” tonight.
Syesha and her long scarf are safe and my man Chikezie is going home. He seems resigned to that fate and gives Syesha a big hug. His farewell montage reminds us of his sweet/sassy personality, his unique fashion sense, his enthusiastic mother, his husky soulful voice and the overall greatness of all things Eze. He performs the Luther song again and it is completely flawless.
Once again, America got this wrong. This show should be called Desperate Idol.
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