May 22, 2007
It’s the showdown that we have waited four months for – the grand finale of AI 2007. Unless you have been living in a cave with the GEICO guys, then ya already know that the final two are Blake and Jordin.
Ryan is dapper in a 3-piece suit and he introduces the somewhat dressed up judges: Randy “it’s a throwback,” Paula “my hair extensions are not recycled,” and Simon “cleavage.” Much discussion about how Paula broke her nose when she tripped over her little doggie. Awww. Ryan tells us that “the bitch” is okay. Yep, family hour, this American Idol. Number one show in the country.
Flashback to the Seattle audition, where we first met both Blake and Jordin. Wow, I did not remember Blake having the sticky-uppy hair. He looks much better now. Jordin has always been cute and “sparkly.” She is honestly one of the most beautiful girls that has ever been on TV. Like Halle Berry, she got the best of both gene pools.
Another flashback (geez, I am beginning to feel like we’re watching an episode of Lost!) – this time to the coin toss from last week. It gets very confusing; Blake won but as a gentleman, he let Jordin choose so she gets to decide if she goes first or he goes second. Or something to that effect.
Anyways, Blake is up first and he will be in reprise mode. He is dressed nicely tonight, even though he’s doing the Bon Jovi song that everyone in the whole wide world liked except me. I don’t enjoy it anymore tonight than when he did it before. There is a motto on the rickey.org website – “Save the Beatboxer. Save the World.” This is ripped from Heroes, natch. I have to disagree with this motto; just wish the boy would SING, ya know?? It’s finally mercifully over, and judges get out the big guns. Randy says the singing was just aw'right, but Paula wishes she could give him more than a 10. Simon liked the energy, etc. something whatever. He kinda mumbles on and on. Been spending too much time with Paula perchance?
Jordin’s first song is a new one – a Christina A. song that starts out with the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. WTH? Heavy sigh on the song choice, but she looks great. This song is called “Fighter” and it is way too big for our lil’ gal Jordin. The song totally gets away from her in a big way. She loses her breath and her voice goes weak. My Hubby complains that the band is totally drowning her out. Judges disagree with us, but then again they have to. (They want a GIRL to win this year, as last year’s male winner just has not sold a lot of records.) Randy uses words like amazing and stellar, Paula repeats stellar and adds awesome, Simon likes that she chose a younger song BUT he adds the shrieky card. Round of boos from everyone. It never ceases to amaze me how Jordin looks like an Amazon standing next to Ryan. She is tall and smiling and pretty.
Commercials… does anyone else want to b*slap that little text messaging girl in the Cingular/AT&T ad? Can you say PREPAID? I can. But am digressing…
Blake talks about wanting a drum set when he was a kid but he never got one. This turns out to be a good thing, since that is why he became the awesomest beat boxer in the whole wide universe!! For his new song, Blake is doing another Maroon 5 song called “She Will Be Loved” and for once he does not stutter and putter or mutter any at all. It’s kinda nice for a change but average. My Hubby is annoyed at even having to listen to Blake but My Kid of course, thinks he is fantastic. He is back in argyle sweater mode, with the Oxford hanging out. This must be the absent-minded-prep-student look. Judges mostly dig Blake. Randy likes the natural and pure sound. After chastising Simon for teasing her in the KODAK Theater, Paula professes her devotion. Simon pronounces it good and safe but not good enough. More boos from the masses and then we have the STHU music. Ryan reminds us that Blake has never even WATCHED the show, so he does not know what to expect. Amazement and awe all around as Blake hams it up for the camera.
Jordin on the other hand, is an American Idol junkie. She has been singing since she was a teeny tiny girl and entered her first competition at age 12. For Jordin’s repeat-o song, she is doing “A Broken Wing,” which was marvelous on country night. She does an equally good job with the song this evening, even though the lyrics are really depressing. Guess that’s okay, though. Carrie sang the song about the mom offing the abusive dad, so Jordin singing about the runaway abused wife is pretty tame by comparison. Judges think that Jordin is wonderful. Randy reminds her that they have loved her since day one and even professes her version even better than the original. (Don’t tell Martina that!) Paula adds the looking adorable card and Simon simply says THAT was GOOD. Jordin miming her numbers is so cute; I don’t care what the AOL pundits say.
The winners of the American Idol songwriter contest are announced and they are from Seattle also. That must be a rocking city! My boss lives near there and he is way cool, so that makes it even better from a personal standpoint.
The name of the song is “This is My Now” and it is not the song that I voted for, darn it. It is kinda okay though, for a coronation song. Blake has to perform it first though, and he is so way out of his element with this hot mess. He goes badly off-key a couple times and does not seem to care at this point. Can not help but wonder if he is TRYING to lose?? He has been quoted on the ‘net as saying that he wants Jordin to take home the title. Must be true, cuz he ain’t even trying to do right by this. Judges try to take it easy on him. Randy says it was just aw’right, Paula (on meds for nose breakage) thought it was great. Simon calls it correctly and for once does not get booed. Funny moment when he recants the comment made back in January about Seattle having no talent. Big belly laughs are had by all. Isn’t it just a relief to laugh sometimes?
Now it is Jordin’s turn to sing the award winning coronation song, “This is My Now.” Last year, Kat and Taylor got different songs, but oh well. Jordin looks glamorous in a black cocktail style dress; she should always wear clothes like this, she looks like a movie star. Have already started praying that the well-oiled and sadistic Hollywood machine does not try to turn this sweet young girl into another Christina Aguskankyho, Lindsay Hohan, Bratney Smears, Messica Pimpson, or Gwen Slutfani. What a horrible thing that would be. And there is no doubt at all that she is the Winner after hearing her sing this song. It seems to be made for her and even though she seems nervous and a bit breathless, she does a fine job with it. Judges agree. Randy reminds us that we are looking for a SINGER y’all! And we have found the best one right up in here tonight! Paula is proud and gives a shout out to Jordin’s equally proud parents. Simon announces that he was wrong to think that Jordin was less than deserving and that she “wiped the floor” with Blake on that song. Hmmph, she had him wiped by the first note tonight.
Recap time and it’s evident that “This is JORDIN’S Now” and they might as well go ahead and proclaim her the victor. Blake will still have a decent career ahead of him; his beat boxing hook will carry him far in the contemporary music world.
Ryan polls the judges and 2 out of 3 admit they believe Jordin will take the crown, but as Simon says, they are all winners. And as Daughtry says, “It’s Not Over.” Two hour finale tomorrow night. And speaking of Daughtry, OH MY GOSHIE!!! There he is!
Chris and the Band perform the “going home” song live on stage. My Kid and I are as gleeful as the Little Crying Girl. Highlights from the show play in the background but we don’t care about that… we want more Chris. MORE CHRIS!!!
So now we have to watch the very last ep ever of Veronica Mars. So sad that TIIC of CW cancelled that wonderful show. It beats Grey's and Housewives right ta’death. Of course, we have to rewind the last 5 minutes of tonight’s AI a couple dozen times, because…
It’s the showdown that we have waited four months for – the grand finale of AI 2007. Unless you have been living in a cave with the GEICO guys, then ya already know that the final two are Blake and Jordin.
Ryan is dapper in a 3-piece suit and he introduces the somewhat dressed up judges: Randy “it’s a throwback,” Paula “my hair extensions are not recycled,” and Simon “cleavage.” Much discussion about how Paula broke her nose when she tripped over her little doggie. Awww. Ryan tells us that “the bitch” is okay. Yep, family hour, this American Idol. Number one show in the country.
Flashback to the Seattle audition, where we first met both Blake and Jordin. Wow, I did not remember Blake having the sticky-uppy hair. He looks much better now. Jordin has always been cute and “sparkly.” She is honestly one of the most beautiful girls that has ever been on TV. Like Halle Berry, she got the best of both gene pools.
Another flashback (geez, I am beginning to feel like we’re watching an episode of Lost!) – this time to the coin toss from last week. It gets very confusing; Blake won but as a gentleman, he let Jordin choose so she gets to decide if she goes first or he goes second. Or something to that effect.
Anyways, Blake is up first and he will be in reprise mode. He is dressed nicely tonight, even though he’s doing the Bon Jovi song that everyone in the whole wide world liked except me. I don’t enjoy it anymore tonight than when he did it before. There is a motto on the rickey.org website – “Save the Beatboxer. Save the World.” This is ripped from Heroes, natch. I have to disagree with this motto; just wish the boy would SING, ya know?? It’s finally mercifully over, and judges get out the big guns. Randy says the singing was just aw'right, but Paula wishes she could give him more than a 10. Simon liked the energy, etc. something whatever. He kinda mumbles on and on. Been spending too much time with Paula perchance?
Jordin’s first song is a new one – a Christina A. song that starts out with the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. WTH? Heavy sigh on the song choice, but she looks great. This song is called “Fighter” and it is way too big for our lil’ gal Jordin. The song totally gets away from her in a big way. She loses her breath and her voice goes weak. My Hubby complains that the band is totally drowning her out. Judges disagree with us, but then again they have to. (They want a GIRL to win this year, as last year’s male winner just has not sold a lot of records.) Randy uses words like amazing and stellar, Paula repeats stellar and adds awesome, Simon likes that she chose a younger song BUT he adds the shrieky card. Round of boos from everyone. It never ceases to amaze me how Jordin looks like an Amazon standing next to Ryan. She is tall and smiling and pretty.
Commercials… does anyone else want to b*slap that little text messaging girl in the Cingular/AT&T ad? Can you say PREPAID? I can. But am digressing…
Blake talks about wanting a drum set when he was a kid but he never got one. This turns out to be a good thing, since that is why he became the awesomest beat boxer in the whole wide universe!! For his new song, Blake is doing another Maroon 5 song called “She Will Be Loved” and for once he does not stutter and putter or mutter any at all. It’s kinda nice for a change but average. My Hubby is annoyed at even having to listen to Blake but My Kid of course, thinks he is fantastic. He is back in argyle sweater mode, with the Oxford hanging out. This must be the absent-minded-prep-student look. Judges mostly dig Blake. Randy likes the natural and pure sound. After chastising Simon for teasing her in the KODAK Theater, Paula professes her devotion. Simon pronounces it good and safe but not good enough. More boos from the masses and then we have the STHU music. Ryan reminds us that Blake has never even WATCHED the show, so he does not know what to expect. Amazement and awe all around as Blake hams it up for the camera.
Jordin on the other hand, is an American Idol junkie. She has been singing since she was a teeny tiny girl and entered her first competition at age 12. For Jordin’s repeat-o song, she is doing “A Broken Wing,” which was marvelous on country night. She does an equally good job with the song this evening, even though the lyrics are really depressing. Guess that’s okay, though. Carrie sang the song about the mom offing the abusive dad, so Jordin singing about the runaway abused wife is pretty tame by comparison. Judges think that Jordin is wonderful. Randy reminds her that they have loved her since day one and even professes her version even better than the original. (Don’t tell Martina that!) Paula adds the looking adorable card and Simon simply says THAT was GOOD. Jordin miming her numbers is so cute; I don’t care what the AOL pundits say.
The winners of the American Idol songwriter contest are announced and they are from Seattle also. That must be a rocking city! My boss lives near there and he is way cool, so that makes it even better from a personal standpoint.
The name of the song is “This is My Now” and it is not the song that I voted for, darn it. It is kinda okay though, for a coronation song. Blake has to perform it first though, and he is so way out of his element with this hot mess. He goes badly off-key a couple times and does not seem to care at this point. Can not help but wonder if he is TRYING to lose?? He has been quoted on the ‘net as saying that he wants Jordin to take home the title. Must be true, cuz he ain’t even trying to do right by this. Judges try to take it easy on him. Randy says it was just aw’right, Paula (on meds for nose breakage) thought it was great. Simon calls it correctly and for once does not get booed. Funny moment when he recants the comment made back in January about Seattle having no talent. Big belly laughs are had by all. Isn’t it just a relief to laugh sometimes?
Now it is Jordin’s turn to sing the award winning coronation song, “This is My Now.” Last year, Kat and Taylor got different songs, but oh well. Jordin looks glamorous in a black cocktail style dress; she should always wear clothes like this, she looks like a movie star. Have already started praying that the well-oiled and sadistic Hollywood machine does not try to turn this sweet young girl into another Christina Aguskankyho, Lindsay Hohan, Bratney Smears, Messica Pimpson, or Gwen Slutfani. What a horrible thing that would be. And there is no doubt at all that she is the Winner after hearing her sing this song. It seems to be made for her and even though she seems nervous and a bit breathless, she does a fine job with it. Judges agree. Randy reminds us that we are looking for a SINGER y’all! And we have found the best one right up in here tonight! Paula is proud and gives a shout out to Jordin’s equally proud parents. Simon announces that he was wrong to think that Jordin was less than deserving and that she “wiped the floor” with Blake on that song. Hmmph, she had him wiped by the first note tonight.
Recap time and it’s evident that “This is JORDIN’S Now” and they might as well go ahead and proclaim her the victor. Blake will still have a decent career ahead of him; his beat boxing hook will carry him far in the contemporary music world.
Ryan polls the judges and 2 out of 3 admit they believe Jordin will take the crown, but as Simon says, they are all winners. And as Daughtry says, “It’s Not Over.” Two hour finale tomorrow night. And speaking of Daughtry, OH MY GOSHIE!!! There he is!
Chris and the Band perform the “going home” song live on stage. My Kid and I are as gleeful as the Little Crying Girl. Highlights from the show play in the background but we don’t care about that… we want more Chris. MORE CHRIS!!!
So now we have to watch the very last ep ever of Veronica Mars. So sad that TIIC of CW cancelled that wonderful show. It beats Grey's and Housewives right ta’death. Of course, we have to rewind the last 5 minutes of tonight’s AI a couple dozen times, because…
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