May 23, 2004
For the last time this season, we hear Ryan say it: “This. Is American Idol.” Choking back tears of anticipation, I ponder how I am going to make it through this finale without losing my mind. For I am fighting a bad flu bug and am as incoherent as Paula on meds for a broken nose.
My Hubby asks me “why don’t you just go to bed” for heaven’s sake?? I give him the “are you crazy??” look – this is what we have waited 19 weeks for…
And so it begins… Ryan tries to divide the audience into Team Jordin and Team Blake. Then the judges are introduced and they are dressed for The Oscars Lite. More and more fashion talk, yawn.
The celebs are in the audience – Jeff Foxworthy, Uncle Jesse’s wife on Full House, Teri Hatcher, even Jerry Freakin Springer is up in the house tonight. Heh.
Chatter on the ‘net reveals that some of the Beatles catalog of songs will be used for tonight’s show. Blake and Jordin duet on “I Saw Her Standing There,” which opens prophetically with the line “well she was just 17.” My God, WE KNOW, okay? The final two actually don’t do a bad job with this song. Jordin is a bit breathless and Blake is so cute.
When they stand together at the end, it looks like she could fold him up and fit him right into her pocket. However, they have ZERO chemistry on stage together, a’la Katharine and Taylor, so hopefully this will be the last time they have to perform together ever.
So next, Ryan pretends that Gwen Stefani is actually “live via satellite” but chatter on the ‘net says that this performance was actually recorded for Idol Gives Back. Gwen breaks every fashion rule in the known universe and wears some weird dress that looks right out of the Bjork closet. Can not understand ONE WORD she is singing either.
Ryan promises more surprises are coming up. My Kid, Hubby, and I take bets that the rest of the special guests will be old folks. We’re thinking average age of about 66.
For the last time this season, we hear Ryan say it: “This. Is American Idol.” Choking back tears of anticipation, I ponder how I am going to make it through this finale without losing my mind. For I am fighting a bad flu bug and am as incoherent as Paula on meds for a broken nose.
My Hubby asks me “why don’t you just go to bed” for heaven’s sake?? I give him the “are you crazy??” look – this is what we have waited 19 weeks for…
And so it begins… Ryan tries to divide the audience into Team Jordin and Team Blake. Then the judges are introduced and they are dressed for The Oscars Lite. More and more fashion talk, yawn.
The celebs are in the audience – Jeff Foxworthy, Uncle Jesse’s wife on Full House, Teri Hatcher, even Jerry Freakin Springer is up in the house tonight. Heh.
Chatter on the ‘net reveals that some of the Beatles catalog of songs will be used for tonight’s show. Blake and Jordin duet on “I Saw Her Standing There,” which opens prophetically with the line “well she was just 17.” My God, WE KNOW, okay? The final two actually don’t do a bad job with this song. Jordin is a bit breathless and Blake is so cute.
When they stand together at the end, it looks like she could fold him up and fit him right into her pocket. However, they have ZERO chemistry on stage together, a’la Katharine and Taylor, so hopefully this will be the last time they have to perform together ever.
So next, Ryan pretends that Gwen Stefani is actually “live via satellite” but chatter on the ‘net says that this performance was actually recorded for Idol Gives Back. Gwen breaks every fashion rule in the known universe and wears some weird dress that looks right out of the Bjork closet. Can not understand ONE WORD she is singing either.
Ryan promises more surprises are coming up. My Kid, Hubby, and I take bets that the rest of the special guests will be old folks. We’re thinking average age of about 66.
I just noticed that Ryan’s suit is shiny, or it may be the meds I am taking. He seems to enjoy introducing Kelly Clarkson, who sings her latest hit. My Kid goes wild, as she is a big Kelly fan and loves the song “Never Again.” It is very Alanis and rocking in an angry-girl-sings kinda way. I can’t help but wonder if those are the boots that Pickler wore during Queen week last year? My Kid says for the millionth time to GET OVER last season. The song goes on and on and I read the Entertainment Weekly article in the issue that has Kelly on the cover. She comes off as a bit unhappy in this piece. Proof that with fame and fortune sometimes comes…
OOOH! Jennifer Hudson (wearing glasses) in the audience! Coolfulness!
Not so cool, is the awful time wasting Golden Idol awards. Greeeeeaaaat. They go on way way too long with the recaps of the “best” of the worst, with the winner being the crazy Big Bird lady. This woman is a window-licker from way frickin back. Get off my TV. Even The Shield guy is grossed out by the kiss she gives Ryan. Good thing I have to go barf and can leave the room. Ugh.
All clad in white, the Top 6 Guys perform the Linda Ronstadt classic, “Ooh Baby Baby” and they don’t do too terrible a job with it, especially Chris Sligh and Phil. Sligh has lost a lot of weight (in body and in hair) and Phil is almost as white as his suit. Never realized how much I missed Sligh until tonight. Unfortunately, am also reminded of the awfulness of Malakar and Richardson, yikes. And who is that cute black guy? Oh yeah, Brandon – we hardly knew ye. Actually, this is deemed to be not a Linda number, but a Smokey Robinson song, since The Man himself walks out on stage. He performs “Being With You” with the group as back-up. By the time they break into a third tune, “Tears of a Clown,” My Kid is bored and goes to make popcorn.
Commercials… weird how the winner of the Harris Teeter Jingle contest is cuter and better than some of this year’s AI contestants. At least says so My Kid.
Next we have a performance by Blake and two other rappers/beatboxing dudes. Greeeeaaat. Just what my hurting head needs. Some DJ dude and Fresh guy comes out with a triple dose of nonsense. Not into this stuff at all. Would rather have Simon sing! Buncha ribbits and fart noises and this is called music? Sounds like they’re moving furniture around. Even Mr. Lewis looks confused.
We go from WTH? to WTH??? when we have more fake awards to give out. I loathe this section of the finale. It is a disgrace, especially when they bring the winning guy out to sing in the Kodak Theater and he actually sounds better than some of the finalists. Oh snap! I am not sure if it is my fever or if the realization has finally hit me… this show SUCKS sometimes.
But things get better when the top 6 girls come out, all dressed in white. Gina has lost weight and has a fab haircut, but she is wearing a white sack for no reason. Jordin is in a tent and LaKisha looks like she has a sheet wrapped around her. Haley, of course, is wearing a white hankie. Melinda and Stephanie look marvelous and they all sound pretty good on “I Heard it Through the Grapevine.”
And then! Gladys Knight comes out and joins the ladies on stage. At first My Kid murmurs something about another old person, but quickly gets into the song and likes Ms. Knight’s singing. They are not called CLASSICS for nothing, y’all. This is the good stuff. Almost makes up for the silliness from before. The six gals surround Ms. Knight as she sings a couple of her hits, including one that Kiki did earlier this year, “Midnight Train to Georgia.” Whoo whoo! And Justin G. and The Hoff are in the audience. No tears yet though.
“The biggest show in the world” Ryan says, and he is not wrong. Number one show in this United States at least. Tony Bennett sings next and he gets a standing ovation. I am not into the standard stuff at all but at least we can understand the words. And he is not making poot sounds so it works for me. Would have been scads more interesting if he had a couple of the guys – you know the actual contestants from this season – to perform with him. Am in a coma now though, from the meds.
When I wake up, Ryan is announcing the Best Friends mock award and we get to see the odd duo, Big Boy and Bush Baby. Last year, we got Brokenote Mountain. This year we get BFFs Romping On The Beach. Ryan and Simon have their best “closet” quips repeated too, but they don’t win. The award goes to Jonathan & Kenneth who talk about lots of red carpet and being called names but they are famous now so it’s ALL GOOD. So lighten up! And let’s go to the zoo. Simon even gives them a standing ovation, so maybe the tree huggers and ACL-freakin-U will STHU.
Next up is my fave girl Melinda, performing with CeCe and BeBe Winans!! Mel does the Whitney part on “Hold Up the Light.” They are doing GOSPEL on American Idol, y’all! Somebody call the cops!! They might send a POSTIVE message out, perhaps offer enlightenment or encouragement, and we can’t have THAT on TV!! Somebody might hear about GOD!! (Yes this is my sarcastic voice on meds.)
Melinda and the Winans sound wonderful and I am dancing and shouting, proclaiming “in God we trust!” YAY! I love this. I want Melinda’s CD right this very minute. Even Paula is grooving, and Simon just looks annoyed. Too bad British Boy. “Hold up the light! Save the world from darkness!” This song ain’t about Heroes.
Our requisite Ford video has all 12 finalists singing “Time After Time,” set to outtakes of the other videos they did this season. They seem to be having loads of fun, so this is the best one yet.
Jordin looks superb in a fuchsia and pink dress and Blake is donned in all black when Ryan presents them with Ford mustangs.
And now for the THIRD time this season, we have Carrie Underwood. She sings “I’ll Stand By You” again but it loses the effect without the little kids in the charity ep video. She takes the dress-with-jeans outfit a step further by wearing an evening gown with jeans. Carrie Doll is so pretty it doesn’t really matter what they dress her up in. And look, pull her string and she even claps for herself.
The Man With the Golden Ears is next – Mr. Clive Davis himself. He goes on and on for a zillion years about the awesomeness of Chris Daughtry. Ha! Talk about having the last laugh. Then it’s another crazillion years of thanking everyone who has ever been on the show ever. Shout out to how they crafted and designed their Country Idol into What She Is Today. Then Carrie speaks! I didn’t know she could do that. Cool.
The African Children’s Choir returns to the Idol stage without Josh Groban this time. They sing in their own language and it’s adorable but goes on forever. Even cuteness gets old when it lasts a billion years.
Speaking of cuteness – a tribute to Sanjaya is next. Good thing I have already lost my dinner. Twinkle Toes Malakar; here he is performing with Joe Perry from Aerosmith. Dang, Joe must need some crack money or something. He sings “You Got Me Going” and of course, we see Crying Girl again. This show is like a roller coaster. Sanjaya is breathless and now he’s caught in a wind tunnel. Hope his fans are happy. In one year, it will be – Sanjaya who?
To the great delight of My Kid, the next guest to perform is Green Day. They are singing a John Lennon song from a charity album, called “Working Class Hero.” It is all political and deliberate and there are no “shadows walking beside” anyone. My Hubby does not like this band because of the making-fun-of-Jesus song that they have on American Idiot. Our Kid argues that it’s not ridiculing Jesus per se, it’s about a guy named Jimmy or something and then the Green Day song is finally over. All I can say is punk rockers need to be introduced to some Lever 2000 cuz they’re nasty.
Without further ado, no intro needed – it’s Taylor Hicks! He is cool and styling in brown leather. He looks good and fit, sounding exactly like we remember him. Singing “Heaven Knows” which is supposedly his latest single. Taylor even gets to toot the harmonica for a little while before he has the trademark spastic fit.
Next we have Jordin doing a duet with Ruben. Yeah, that Ruben. Well, it’s only half of the Ruben that we knew in season two. Everyone in the world is losing weight except me and Rosie. Heh. They sing “All I Need to Get By” and it seems that the background singers get most of the goods on this song. Ruben sounds really good and they harmonize well. This is so much better than that hot mess of Kat & Meat Loaf last year. Oh memories…
Commercials… quick question from an old fogie – have the Axe ads gone too far? They showed a very provocative one at the movie theater this weekend. At the premiere of SHREK for pete’s sake. “Bom Chicka Wahwah” indeed.
Back to the show … Raymond’s brother sits in Paula’s seat at the judges’ table as Ryan introduces Bette Midler. She looks great for her age but black leather past age 60 is just ooky somehow. Tonight she sings a croaky version of “Wind Beneath My Wings” from the Beaches movie. I did a better recording of this at a Carowinds studio 15 years ago. Have always preferred the Gary Morris version of this song anyways. Almost worth it though, to see Randy and Paula slow dancing. And then “flying.” “Thank God for you” and now it’s finally mercifully over.
A tribute to Sgt. Pepper is next and My Kid wonders if this is a new soda? I just wait for Kelly Clarkson to do the explaining as she rocks out with the sole member of the Lonely Hearts Club Band. She sounds awesome; I would buy this CD today. She jumps up and down too much though; she almost loses her low riders.
Then it’s Taylor again in a shiny silver shirt. He is in full Joe Cocker palsy mode as he sings the song that starts “I read the news today, oh boy.” Not sure of the name of it, but the lyrics are timely even now.
Next it’s Carrie again, wearing one of Haley’s mini-dresses. Just to prove she can. We are all left to wonder where the heck did they hide THIS YEAR’S contestants??? Carrie singing a Beatles song just does not work. Have no idea what this song is, something about somebody leaving, bye-bye. Foreshadowing much? At last, we have the gals from this season doing back-up. They’re in the shadows but at least they are there.
Now it’s Ruben singing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Thanks, TIIC, for introducing yet another generation to the “ode to LSD” song. Since the Beatles were before my time, the version I heard growing up was from Elton John. Poor Ruben looks pained but at least the guys seem to be having fun singing back-up on the ledge. They even have the kaleidoscope colors in the background. Or is it my meds?
Finally! Our current crop gets to sing the theme song from The Wonder Years. They sure could have used some more practice; the choreography is a mess and most of them flub or stumble or stick their tongue out inappropriately or something. Am beginning to realize why TIIC has trotted out special guests and past idols so much tonight. At least the black and silver outfits are stylish.
After “getting by with a little help from their friends,” Blake and Jordin finally get to take the stage to prepare for the results. It is already 10:00 PM and TiVos and DVRs all over the country are finished recording. There are going to be some MAD folks when they sit down to watch this show. Thank goodness I have mine set for 15 minutes over. You live and learn.
Jordin is dressed in a long orangy colored evening gown and Blake is just well … Blake. The independent tabulator guy is there to give the envelope to Ryan. Even though we are already into OT, Ryan polls the judges. Paula mumbles and wrestles with Simon. Blake reaches waaaay up to whisper in Jordin’s ear as Ryan finally pronounces Jordin the winner. Blake seems to be genuinely delighted, probably because he will not have to perform that icky coronation song.
The crowd cheers the youngest AI winner ever, even though some folks can not seem to spell her name right. Smokey gives Mr. Sparks a hug as her mama cries proud tears. We are reminded (again) that Jordin is just a girly-girl teenager as her emotions get away from her, especially toward the end of “This is My Now.”
We finally get the sparkles and confetti as the credits start to roll. Then she gets hugs from the other eleven contestants and the worst grand finale in AI history is finally mercifully over.
Good thing I am already crying, cuz I have a feeling these waterworks will continue when watching the Lost season finale. (What will the Hobbits fans do if Charlie dies?)
But I digress… will have to watch this ep of AI again when I am not on meds and am more coherent. But then again… no. Once is enough.
Oh yeah. Average age of guest stars? Not counting the African kids’ choir and the Beatles, it’s 45. So me and the fam’ were way off. Who’da thunk it?
OOOH! Jennifer Hudson (wearing glasses) in the audience! Coolfulness!
Not so cool, is the awful time wasting Golden Idol awards. Greeeeeaaaat. They go on way way too long with the recaps of the “best” of the worst, with the winner being the crazy Big Bird lady. This woman is a window-licker from way frickin back. Get off my TV. Even The Shield guy is grossed out by the kiss she gives Ryan. Good thing I have to go barf and can leave the room. Ugh.
All clad in white, the Top 6 Guys perform the Linda Ronstadt classic, “Ooh Baby Baby” and they don’t do too terrible a job with it, especially Chris Sligh and Phil. Sligh has lost a lot of weight (in body and in hair) and Phil is almost as white as his suit. Never realized how much I missed Sligh until tonight. Unfortunately, am also reminded of the awfulness of Malakar and Richardson, yikes. And who is that cute black guy? Oh yeah, Brandon – we hardly knew ye. Actually, this is deemed to be not a Linda number, but a Smokey Robinson song, since The Man himself walks out on stage. He performs “Being With You” with the group as back-up. By the time they break into a third tune, “Tears of a Clown,” My Kid is bored and goes to make popcorn.
Commercials… weird how the winner of the Harris Teeter Jingle contest is cuter and better than some of this year’s AI contestants. At least says so My Kid.
Next we have a performance by Blake and two other rappers/beatboxing dudes. Greeeeaaat. Just what my hurting head needs. Some DJ dude and Fresh guy comes out with a triple dose of nonsense. Not into this stuff at all. Would rather have Simon sing! Buncha ribbits and fart noises and this is called music? Sounds like they’re moving furniture around. Even Mr. Lewis looks confused.
We go from WTH? to WTH??? when we have more fake awards to give out. I loathe this section of the finale. It is a disgrace, especially when they bring the winning guy out to sing in the Kodak Theater and he actually sounds better than some of the finalists. Oh snap! I am not sure if it is my fever or if the realization has finally hit me… this show SUCKS sometimes.
But things get better when the top 6 girls come out, all dressed in white. Gina has lost weight and has a fab haircut, but she is wearing a white sack for no reason. Jordin is in a tent and LaKisha looks like she has a sheet wrapped around her. Haley, of course, is wearing a white hankie. Melinda and Stephanie look marvelous and they all sound pretty good on “I Heard it Through the Grapevine.”
And then! Gladys Knight comes out and joins the ladies on stage. At first My Kid murmurs something about another old person, but quickly gets into the song and likes Ms. Knight’s singing. They are not called CLASSICS for nothing, y’all. This is the good stuff. Almost makes up for the silliness from before. The six gals surround Ms. Knight as she sings a couple of her hits, including one that Kiki did earlier this year, “Midnight Train to Georgia.” Whoo whoo! And Justin G. and The Hoff are in the audience. No tears yet though.
“The biggest show in the world” Ryan says, and he is not wrong. Number one show in this United States at least. Tony Bennett sings next and he gets a standing ovation. I am not into the standard stuff at all but at least we can understand the words. And he is not making poot sounds so it works for me. Would have been scads more interesting if he had a couple of the guys – you know the actual contestants from this season – to perform with him. Am in a coma now though, from the meds.
When I wake up, Ryan is announcing the Best Friends mock award and we get to see the odd duo, Big Boy and Bush Baby. Last year, we got Brokenote Mountain. This year we get BFFs Romping On The Beach. Ryan and Simon have their best “closet” quips repeated too, but they don’t win. The award goes to Jonathan & Kenneth who talk about lots of red carpet and being called names but they are famous now so it’s ALL GOOD. So lighten up! And let’s go to the zoo. Simon even gives them a standing ovation, so maybe the tree huggers and ACL-freakin-U will STHU.
Next up is my fave girl Melinda, performing with CeCe and BeBe Winans!! Mel does the Whitney part on “Hold Up the Light.” They are doing GOSPEL on American Idol, y’all! Somebody call the cops!! They might send a POSTIVE message out, perhaps offer enlightenment or encouragement, and we can’t have THAT on TV!! Somebody might hear about GOD!! (Yes this is my sarcastic voice on meds.)
Melinda and the Winans sound wonderful and I am dancing and shouting, proclaiming “in God we trust!” YAY! I love this. I want Melinda’s CD right this very minute. Even Paula is grooving, and Simon just looks annoyed. Too bad British Boy. “Hold up the light! Save the world from darkness!” This song ain’t about Heroes.
Our requisite Ford video has all 12 finalists singing “Time After Time,” set to outtakes of the other videos they did this season. They seem to be having loads of fun, so this is the best one yet.
Jordin looks superb in a fuchsia and pink dress and Blake is donned in all black when Ryan presents them with Ford mustangs.
And now for the THIRD time this season, we have Carrie Underwood. She sings “I’ll Stand By You” again but it loses the effect without the little kids in the charity ep video. She takes the dress-with-jeans outfit a step further by wearing an evening gown with jeans. Carrie Doll is so pretty it doesn’t really matter what they dress her up in. And look, pull her string and she even claps for herself.
The Man With the Golden Ears is next – Mr. Clive Davis himself. He goes on and on for a zillion years about the awesomeness of Chris Daughtry. Ha! Talk about having the last laugh. Then it’s another crazillion years of thanking everyone who has ever been on the show ever. Shout out to how they crafted and designed their Country Idol into What She Is Today. Then Carrie speaks! I didn’t know she could do that. Cool.
The African Children’s Choir returns to the Idol stage without Josh Groban this time. They sing in their own language and it’s adorable but goes on forever. Even cuteness gets old when it lasts a billion years.
Speaking of cuteness – a tribute to Sanjaya is next. Good thing I have already lost my dinner. Twinkle Toes Malakar; here he is performing with Joe Perry from Aerosmith. Dang, Joe must need some crack money or something. He sings “You Got Me Going” and of course, we see Crying Girl again. This show is like a roller coaster. Sanjaya is breathless and now he’s caught in a wind tunnel. Hope his fans are happy. In one year, it will be – Sanjaya who?
To the great delight of My Kid, the next guest to perform is Green Day. They are singing a John Lennon song from a charity album, called “Working Class Hero.” It is all political and deliberate and there are no “shadows walking beside” anyone. My Hubby does not like this band because of the making-fun-of-Jesus song that they have on American Idiot. Our Kid argues that it’s not ridiculing Jesus per se, it’s about a guy named Jimmy or something and then the Green Day song is finally over. All I can say is punk rockers need to be introduced to some Lever 2000 cuz they’re nasty.
Without further ado, no intro needed – it’s Taylor Hicks! He is cool and styling in brown leather. He looks good and fit, sounding exactly like we remember him. Singing “Heaven Knows” which is supposedly his latest single. Taylor even gets to toot the harmonica for a little while before he has the trademark spastic fit.
Next we have Jordin doing a duet with Ruben. Yeah, that Ruben. Well, it’s only half of the Ruben that we knew in season two. Everyone in the world is losing weight except me and Rosie. Heh. They sing “All I Need to Get By” and it seems that the background singers get most of the goods on this song. Ruben sounds really good and they harmonize well. This is so much better than that hot mess of Kat & Meat Loaf last year. Oh memories…
Commercials… quick question from an old fogie – have the Axe ads gone too far? They showed a very provocative one at the movie theater this weekend. At the premiere of SHREK for pete’s sake. “Bom Chicka Wahwah” indeed.
Back to the show … Raymond’s brother sits in Paula’s seat at the judges’ table as Ryan introduces Bette Midler. She looks great for her age but black leather past age 60 is just ooky somehow. Tonight she sings a croaky version of “Wind Beneath My Wings” from the Beaches movie. I did a better recording of this at a Carowinds studio 15 years ago. Have always preferred the Gary Morris version of this song anyways. Almost worth it though, to see Randy and Paula slow dancing. And then “flying.” “Thank God for you” and now it’s finally mercifully over.
A tribute to Sgt. Pepper is next and My Kid wonders if this is a new soda? I just wait for Kelly Clarkson to do the explaining as she rocks out with the sole member of the Lonely Hearts Club Band. She sounds awesome; I would buy this CD today. She jumps up and down too much though; she almost loses her low riders.
Then it’s Taylor again in a shiny silver shirt. He is in full Joe Cocker palsy mode as he sings the song that starts “I read the news today, oh boy.” Not sure of the name of it, but the lyrics are timely even now.
Next it’s Carrie again, wearing one of Haley’s mini-dresses. Just to prove she can. We are all left to wonder where the heck did they hide THIS YEAR’S contestants??? Carrie singing a Beatles song just does not work. Have no idea what this song is, something about somebody leaving, bye-bye. Foreshadowing much? At last, we have the gals from this season doing back-up. They’re in the shadows but at least they are there.
Now it’s Ruben singing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Thanks, TIIC, for introducing yet another generation to the “ode to LSD” song. Since the Beatles were before my time, the version I heard growing up was from Elton John. Poor Ruben looks pained but at least the guys seem to be having fun singing back-up on the ledge. They even have the kaleidoscope colors in the background. Or is it my meds?
Finally! Our current crop gets to sing the theme song from The Wonder Years. They sure could have used some more practice; the choreography is a mess and most of them flub or stumble or stick their tongue out inappropriately or something. Am beginning to realize why TIIC has trotted out special guests and past idols so much tonight. At least the black and silver outfits are stylish.
After “getting by with a little help from their friends,” Blake and Jordin finally get to take the stage to prepare for the results. It is already 10:00 PM and TiVos and DVRs all over the country are finished recording. There are going to be some MAD folks when they sit down to watch this show. Thank goodness I have mine set for 15 minutes over. You live and learn.
Jordin is dressed in a long orangy colored evening gown and Blake is just well … Blake. The independent tabulator guy is there to give the envelope to Ryan. Even though we are already into OT, Ryan polls the judges. Paula mumbles and wrestles with Simon. Blake reaches waaaay up to whisper in Jordin’s ear as Ryan finally pronounces Jordin the winner. Blake seems to be genuinely delighted, probably because he will not have to perform that icky coronation song.
The crowd cheers the youngest AI winner ever, even though some folks can not seem to spell her name right. Smokey gives Mr. Sparks a hug as her mama cries proud tears. We are reminded (again) that Jordin is just a girly-girl teenager as her emotions get away from her, especially toward the end of “This is My Now.”
We finally get the sparkles and confetti as the credits start to roll. Then she gets hugs from the other eleven contestants and the worst grand finale in AI history is finally mercifully over.
Good thing I am already crying, cuz I have a feeling these waterworks will continue when watching the Lost season finale. (What will the Hobbits fans do if Charlie dies?)
But I digress… will have to watch this ep of AI again when I am not on meds and am more coherent. But then again… no. Once is enough.
Oh yeah. Average age of guest stars? Not counting the African kids’ choir and the Beatles, it’s 45. So me and the fam’ were way off. Who’da thunk it?
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