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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Queen LaKisha

All about Single Mom LaKisha...

She talks about her daughter on her official AI page:
“Q: What has been your proudest moment in life so far?
A: When I gave birth to my daughter (Brionne)”

A reminder of how much Simon loved her from the very beginning:
“Judge Simon Cowell so much as told the other 23 contestants to pack their bags and buy tickets home…”

From ET online interview:
ET: How do you feel about finishing fourth?
LAKISHA: All I can say is look at CHRIS DAUGHTRY!

True dat!!

Post Idol plans: “…focusing on two goals: a record contract and a new home.”

From her exit interview:
“…they asked all of us — if you go home, what song would you like to sing? And I said, ''Honey, 'Stayin' Alive!' 'Cause I'm gonna stay alive after American Idol.''”

Good for you Kiki!

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