May 15, 2007
Hard to believe that we are down to only three. Seems like only yesterday that we were just meeting cute curly-haired Jordin, stylin’ beat boxer Blake, and sweet shy Melinda.
Tonight each of our contestants will perform three songs: one song chosen by a judge, one by the producers, and one of their own choice. Not sure why Clive is not participating this go around. Perhaps he is as bored as we have been this year?
First up is the Judge’s Choice and we see the video of Jordin in Glendale, AZ during her hometown return. The Mayor reads the fax from Simon that he has chosen some old song for her called “Wishing on a Star” by Lexus. Er, I mean Rolls Royce. Maybe it’s Rose Royce. Never mind, Jordin has no idea either. Tonight she looks gorgeous and sounds great but it is evident that she has just learned this song. In spite of this, she gives a wonderful performance. Judges somewhat agree. Randy compares her to Beyonce. Paula congratulates Simon on a good song choice, but Simon did not like the jazzy arrangement. Young Jordin pantomimes almost every word Ryan says and it is equal parts adorable and annoying.
Blake is back home in Botthel, WA when he gets the fax from Paula. The Mayor (who looks younger than Jordin) reads it to the cheering crowd; the song choice is “Roxanne” by The Police. Okaaaay. Great song choice Abdul, for the so-called Family Hour. (That was my sarcastic voice.) All of the little kiddies watching are asking mom and dad - what is a red light? Blake does a reasonably good job with the song but does not bring anything special to the melody. Just call it “Sting Lite.” Judges have a mixed reaction. Randy gives him an A and he makes Paula proud. Of course Simon thought it was not earth shattering. I have to agree with the Brit on this one; it was not fantastic. Ryan takes Blake’s side, especially since they have the same hair color again. Boy Divas gotta stick together ya know.
The Mayor of Nashville, TN reads his fax to Melinda while in private, not in front of a crowd like the others. This is the first time I have seen them do it this way. Randy has chosen a Whitney Houston song “I Believe in You and Me.” Poor Melinda says, “Thank you Randy Johnson.” Lordy, where has she been?? It doesn’t really matter, because as usual she performs her heart out and does a fabulous job with a somewhat boring song. However, I don’t like her fish-scale-looking dress and wonder what are her stylists thinking? The judges don’t care what she looks like, they love her. Randy is delighted to be able to drop Whitney’s name, and Paula deems it her best performance this season. Simon declares that Melinda gets the first round. Then Ryan says YO YO YO and Simon asks him if he is drunk. (Hello Pot, The Kettle called…)
Jordin gets a viewer question about her favorite song and she shows her age again by saying it’s “MMMBop” by Hanson. This was my angel daughter’s favorite song also, so I get a little teary. This darn show!
For no apparent reason at all, TIIC has chosen the old Donna Summer song “She Works Hard for the Money” for little biddy Jordin’s next song. WTH are they thinking? I have always thought of Ladies of the Night whenever I’ve heard this song in the past, or maybe I just have a dirty mind. Shame on me. Jordin looks cute and stylish and does an okay job, it’s just that the song goes nowhere and the lyrics are mostly repetitive. She seems to have a hard time prancing around in the disco platforms. (Open letter to the producers - Dear Powers That Be: Please do not start the slutting up of our sweet Jordin this early in the game. Please. Okay? Thanks! Love, Aunt Pearl.) Judges mostly love all things that Spark-le. Randy says she worked it out and Paula adds the hard for the money part. Simon liked it too after LHAO at Paula.
A spastic Blake answers fan mail next; someone wants to know who would play him in the story of his life. He says Jim Carey (???) and the title would be Organized Chaos.
The producers’ choice for Blake is a Maroon 5 song called “This Love.” Even though I don’t know much about today’s music, even I have heard this song. He does an okay job with it, nothing really special. His voice seems to give out about midway, but that’s all right. My Kid is still singing right along and does not miss a beat. Have to admit that this tune is kinda catchy; it will still be stuck in my head all day tomorrow. Judges over praise him for some reason. Randy tells him that this is what he needs to put on his album. Paula proclaims it to be a good night for Blake. Simon thinks that he was comfortable and good. Ryan teases that it takes a whole lot out of the British Brat to offer a compliment.
Ryan introduces Melinda’s grandparents and then she gets a fan question. Who was her idol growing up? She says her mommy. Awww.
Melinda’s next song is one I have never heard of – an old Ike & Tina Turner song, not sure of the name. It is a rocking out song and Mel proves that she can rock it as good as Tina. Not sure why TIIC chose this particular song for her, but man she is awesome. Judges all agree that she is wonderful. Randy echoes what he said to Blake – that she should put this type of song on her album. Paula loves her triply. And Simon pronounces her brilliant. Have to agree with him there. Ryan forces him to choose a winner for the second round of songs and he says it’s a tie. I have to disagree; I think Melinda took both rounds so far.
Commercials… I can not WAIT to see Shrek the Third. Am taking My Kid and her three best friends to see it this weekend. It’s part of her birthday present; can not believe that she will be FIFTEEN!
Anyways, back to the show… Ryan has to break up a make out session between Simon and Paula. Ewwwww.
More footage of Jordin’s trip back home. She is shown at the mall where she used to work, where she got a “star.” This kid is so adorable and infectious. For her song choice, she is repeating “I Who Have Nothing,” which she did during British week. It is one of her best performances and she does even better this go around. The judges have to give her props. Randy says it was a hot way to close it out. Weird Paula says something about it sat well in her voice (?). Simon is annoyed that she is 17!! And doing such an old old song. Sorry. Jordin just giggles with Ryan and then jokes about Simon’s choice being old too, so SNAP!! Ryan reels it in since he is well aware that Simon has NO sense of humor and we just do not go there with him. Oh Lordy. Hopefully this will not mess up Jordin’s chances of getting to the finale.
Next we see Blake in his hometown doing the beat boxing with some rapper dude. It’s the stupid big butt song that I hate with the fiery passion of Hades. Tonight Blake is more low key with his personal song choice. He is doing something he has never done on the show before. Have never heard this one but it’s by one of the celebs that guested on the show earlier this season, Robin Thicke. It must be called “When I Get You Alone,” cuz that is repeated a lot. I can’t help but wonder if Robin is related to the Growing Pains Dad so after consulting wikipedia, I discover in a flash that he is indeed the progeny of one Alan Thicke. (That web site rocks so hard but I digress.) Judges are mixed about Blake’s performance. Randy says it was awright; Paula mumbles something about it being great. Then Simon does a soliloquy of the wonderfulness of Blake. ‘K, whatev.
Melinda’s footage of hometown visitage is much more subdued than the others. We see her get a street sign named after her which is so well deserved. For her song choice, she is doing a repeat of the fabulous theme song to Enjoli cologne – “I’m a Woman.” Even though I love my Mindy Doo more now than ever, there are a couple things I would have done differently while performing this song. She is back in full librarian-outfit mode; it would have been better to wear a hot sexy dress. And where did the long hair go? For some reason, she has removed the cool extensions. And folks, here we have it… for the first time ALL season, the ab-fab Melinda Doolittle flubs a line. She makes up for it of course, especially by bringing the back-up singers out with her. The judges don’t care about the flubbed line. Randy says she could sing the phone book. Paula reminds her that she is in the spotlight now. Simon basically says that she deserves to win this darn thing. And he is correct.
Recap time and the best one tonight is Mindy Doo. Jordin and Blake did well too though, so it is anyone’s game right now. The American voters have proven that they can be complete idiots when it comes to making a decision.
Best quote of the night by Simon: “I want to see my girl Melinder in the final.” I second that motion!!
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