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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sometimes Perfection Just Ain’t Enough

May 16, 2007

I have a bad feeling about tonight. Call it instinct of the very obsessed. Something is bound to happen, right? An event that will shake us all out of our collective comas. It’s just a bad feeling … I think Charlie is going to die. No wait – that’s Lost. Sorry.

Before we can get to Sawyer and Gang on the DVR, we must endure tonight’s results ep. Who will be “voted off the island?” Heh. I am so funny! (Not!)

In lieu of Ryan, Homer Simpson opens the show tonight, and it’s funny how he wants to vote for Fantasia. Doh!

Wow, flashback to some trash-lit that I used to read years ago – Jackie Collins is in the audience tonight. Is an American Idol type expose coming to a Barnes & Nobles someday soon?

Recap time… Jordin is adorable, Blake is hip, and Melinda “blew it out da box” as Randy says.

We are reminded that the tour is coming this summer. The only one that I would walk from here to the mailbox to see in person is Melinda. And maybe Jordin.

Ryan wants to chat about what the contestants do in between shows. Jordin gives a run down of her busy sked, and then we see highlights of her hometown visit. For no particular reason they play an old Lynard Skynard song as the background for her montage. The sweetest moment is when Jordin is reunited with her very BFF. We are all reminded that she is just SEVENTEEN!!!

Now Jordin, dressed in a pretty satin dress, stands on stage with Ryan who teases but gives no results.

The very last Dial Idol is finally mercifully shown; thank goodness that mess is over. Oh but it’s good to see pictures of the final three from last year again. Oh memories…

But now we have Ryan trying to sing while Blake bops him a beat. They chat about the big butt song, how sweet Mr. Lewis is, and then finally we see highlights of Blake’s homecoming. Another old song plays, I think by The Doors. I have to say that Blake’s enthusiasm is infectious and he shows more personality in this one montage that in the prior eleven weeks. And his dad really is this year’s Mr. McPhee.

Now Blake stands next to Ryan, wearing a dumb looking T-shirt over a shirt and tie combo. The tee looks like an inkjet cartridge blew up on him. Of course, we get no results yet. No surprise there.

In the house now… right up in the same AI house as he was last year… is one of my fave singers of all time – Elliott Yamin!!! He looks 100,000 times better than he did one short year ago. He has had some major dental work and has all three teenaged Brady Boys hair on his head. His voice is perfect on the song he does from his CD. Oh man I miss last year! Have I mentioned how much I miss last year?

This week’s Ford video-mercial features the Idols as kids dancing and singing in their rooms, then emerging as their current selves. It’s to the tune of “Everybody Wants You,” a song that will get stuck in your head for awhile.

Ryan talks to Melinda about the joys of sweet tea and why the heck is Simon so bored? We see highlights of Mel’s trip home and she is wonderful and sweet to the fans. As always, she’s a class act. Her visit seems to be a lot more low key; the editors did not piece it together in the frantic pace that the others had. Best moment is when she visits her church; this is where we see the REAL Melinda Doolittle.

Now, on stage with Ryan, Melinda is calm, cool and colleted in a shirt that says “Death Cheater.” Heathens have no idea that this is a Christian reference, even though there is a cross underneath the writing. As with the others, Ryan is giving nothing away. I mean, we still have like 20 minutes to go.

Commercials… FOX sure is pimping that On the Lot show. YAWN.

We are reminded that Idol is looking for the next great band. No age barrier! And you could be as big as the band playing next! Who are they? I have no idea so I consult My Kid. It’s Maroon 5, and again I say WHO? All I can say is, so this is what anorexic men look like. I have wondered about that.

Finally that is over and after about a thousand commercials we learn that… Jordin is safe!

Melinda is going home!! May we all have a moment of silence? Then there are lots of boos. And boy oh boy does Simon Cowell look pee-ohed.

But Blake is safe and his fans cheer for him.

By the first note of the “going home” song, I am in tears. Watching Simon tell Melinda at her very first audition, “You walk in with no confidence, no attitude, and yet you are a brilliant singer.” We go through her journey as she is reminded that she is NOT a back-up singer anymore. Mindy Doo is a superstar all the way.

Now I have to find a paper bag cuz I am hyperventilating. Thank goodness my DVR switches to Medium before Mel sings her very last song. I will have to catch it on the ‘net tomorrow when I’ve calmed down a bit.

Lordy Lordy, we love you Melinda so much!! Rock on? (she attempts the “rock horns.”) Yes girlfriend, ROCK ON!

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