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Thursday, March 31, 2011

“Ain’t Gon’ Lie Boy” - Tonight 2 Must Go

The drama is building. The tension is high. And that is just at Aunt Pearl’s House!  Just kidding! Not.  Seriously though, those tinkling keys at the intro made me think that I’d accidentally changed the channel to Lifetime Movie Network.

Last night Sir Elton John’s songs told us: Scotty is in a truck going home, Naima is feeling like a little kid, Paul is not the man we think at all, Pia doesn’t want to be losing everything, Stefano counts the headlights on the highway, Lauren is never knowing who to cling to when the rain sets in, James has had it with this discipline, Thia still feels the pain from a scar that won’t heal, Casey hopes we don’t mind that he put down in words, Jacob wants to know when lightening will strike him, Haley has electric boots and a mohair suit.

Random thought: if I was lucky enough to be in the Idoldome, I wouldn’t be one of those sign-carrying people. Especially one as lame as JUST GIMME A KISS STEVEN.

When they come on stage, Jen and ST laugh like they share a joke that Randy isn’t in on. And Beetlejuice pants - really Mr. Tyler?

55 million votes came in and half of those were for Ryan to change his hair back. You are not starring on Mad Men, SEACREST. Reminder number 1,748 - we have no more saves people. It’s on America now.

Our Top 11 Part 2, otherwise known as this summer's "touring group" come out to the great delight of the fans. They get to go sit on the couches for awhile and just chillax.

Fantasia will perform tonight as well as Jamie Foxx and one of the Black Eyed Pea guys. I expect vocal acrobatics and some auto-tuning, in that order.

No group song with all 11 contestants tonight and the crowd went Yay, I mean Aw!  Instead we will have Group Rounds but without the melodrama of Hollywood week.

First up, Scotty and Lauren do a duet. It’s the song that Carrie and Randy Travis did on the show a couple of years ago. Copy cat much producers? Lauren and Scotty do great solo but their voices don’t really blend well together, and she drowns him out more than a little. Can’t help but think – look it’s DJ Tanner and Richie Cunningham, to which My Kid says who?

Now it’s time to lock them doors and turn the lights down low. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) Scotty and Lauren are of course both safe as babies in their blankies. Two cute kids, and we're glad about these country teenagers.

Before the Ford video, the 11 plug a contest about finding icons on the website or some such. Finally the music vid song is one I’ve heard before, "Kryptonite." They have some kind of superhero thing going on. I love those comic book movies so this is a fun video for me.

Ryan tells us about another contest, some kind of scavenger hunt for a Ford. Who has time, really? What will all the blogging and whatnot. J

Then it’s "ask the contestants stupid questions" time. They chat about Casey’s nicely trimmed beard. James has a fake rasslin' belt as well as a MASSIVE fan base. Ryan hints that the Durbs needs to dial back a little bit; he is not a rock superstar yet.

Next Naima and Jacob do the old "Solid as a Rock" song from back in the disco day. Again, they sound fine separately but together it’s rather shaky. Contestants on So You Think You Can Dance are safe from these two. We do finally get the "pointy pose" though, which is worth the ticket price.

Dimming lights… Jacob is safe and in spite of getting a "boom shaka laka" from Steven last night, Naima is in the bottom three. At least Naima looks really pretty tonight on the silver stool of doom; she doesn’t seem surprised at all.

Now we have season four winner, Fantasia; she wants to "take Idol back old school" with a song called “Collard Greens and Corn Bread.” Southerners understand the appeal of the title of this song. Fantasia is sporting an odd blonde hairdo but she is shiny in the red dress. Her trademark raspy lisp is still evident when she sings the love song about soul food and sweet potato pie. I am really hungry now. I think I’ll go to Cracker Barrel for lunch tomorrow.

Fantasia ends the song with a gentle “Steven, I love you” which gets the audience to its feet. She cautions the current crop of contestants to keep themselves surrounded by people who really care about them, because success is not all peaches and cream. REALLY hungry now!

We have more group singing – Haley, Thia, and Pia. Ugh, they are doing a Katy Perry song. She’s a cute gal but her songs get on my last nerve. This is one of the worst, the one about getting "your hands on me in my skintight jeans" or some such slutfest mess. I have to take my puppy out of the room until this is over because it’s a bad influence!

At least all three girls look pretty tonight as Ryan gets to the “buzz kill.” Who is not safe out of these three? Based on last night’s performances, it will probably be Thia. When Ryan’s says Pia is safe, the camera flashes to the audience and we see Pia’ Family. Flashcard Fail, lolz. Thia is the one in the bottom three. Will the reign of Jasmine 3.0 and Ramiele 2.0 be over tonight?

In the audience - that cutie patootie Kris Allen and his equally gorgeous wife Katy. Remember when Simon kept telling Kris to hide her? I don't miss Cowell. 

Now it’s time for some behind the scenes footage. We get to see what the Idols have been up to these past few weeks. They did a charity event in Phoenix, met Muhammad Ali and Reba; they hob-nobbed with previous Idol winners Kelly Clarkson and Jordin Sparks.

The Idol mansion got flooded and the contestants had to move out. So much for all that “haunted” gossip, not that I believed it. Well maybe a little. They are being transferred to an ordinary ol' hotel. Bummer.

Back to work at Interscope for recordings, then to the spa to get their "hair did" and whatnot. Then stage work with Marc Anthony, who appears to be giving them H E double hockey sticks.

Then it's practice, perform, results ... Casey needing a doctor, Casey crying and upset because he can’t look the others in the eye now. Then they all hug him and everything is okay. This show man. I need a Kleenex.

Next, we get to see the debut of the season 10 Idol "garage band" – Paul, Casey, Stefano and James. They are doing "Band on the Run," and it’s a good thing that they are all perusing solo careers. These guys DO NOT sound good together at all. It's a hot HOT mess from the first note to the last "ooh ooh ooh."

Both Ryan and Steven lie and say that Band Idol has a future in the music business. Now it’s serious business time. Ryan tells Casey that he would be impressed with how many votes he got and he is safe. He gets a bear hug from Jacob and I get a bear hug from My Kid. All is well. James is also safe, leaving Stefano and Paul. Will it be "Tiny Dancer" or "Rocket Man?" Surprisingly, Paul is the one to join Naima and Thia in the bottom three.

Jamie Foxx and collaborated on a song called "Hot Wings" for a movie called Rio. Wow, it’s a food themed episode tonight! They didn’t tell us that it was Jamie, Will and a hundred zillion backup singers and dancers. From the first two notes of this racket, count me out. My apologies to Band Idol, you guys were great, way better than these so-called superstars. We have here ladies and gentleman, an Oscar winner and a Grammy winner. And a headache-inducing cacophony. The movie looks good though; I am middle-aged but still love me some animation.

As Ryan says, "two of the faces on this stage" must leave. Faces? Haven’t heard it expressed that way before. Paul is the one who is safe. Naima and Thia are going home. Poor Lauren is crying her eyes out. I am surprised that Thia is leaving but expected that Naima’s time was up.

Their goodbye montages are blended together with the David Cook song, which makes it a bit confusing. These two gals are so different from each other - the teen pageant-bot and the mom of two. Naima has lightening and African drums. Thia has pretty prom dresses and smiles through sad songs. Both are lovely ladies who will continue to live their dreams. Holding on well to their dignity, they get hugs from everyone as Ryan says goodnight.

(Lauren tumbles down the stairs.) Lady: Are you all right? Lauren: No, but it’s definitely gonna be on TV. Lady: Good times, American Idol.

Next week, the final nine contestants will be performing songs from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Another tried and (hopefully) true theme that they always do. For now, I am planning my Idol-inspired lunch tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Elton, Bennie, Marilyn, and the Top 11 Redux

We are reminded for approximately one hundred years that last week’s results show was THE BEST EVER, and that Casey Abrams received the one and only Judges’ Save of the season. On one hand, the whole concept of “the save” seems to be the equivalent of the show saying to voters: “Your choices are stupid. We are now going to right your wrong, America.” However, since My Kid Tru and I adore the lovable "lumberjack" camp counselor bass-playing rascal, we are very glad that the save was used. Does that make me a hypocrite? Probably. Do I care? Nope. I just hope that Casey will take the judges’ advice to just shut up and SING. But I digress because there are …


The judges arrive and no one told Steven that it’s too early in the season for white slacks. The jolly ol' rocker doesn’t care. Ryan is sporting a new hairdo that makes him looks like a grown-up. I don’t think I like that!

Here comes Top 11 Night, the Sequel. The singers will be performing songs from the catalog of Sir Elton John Himself. When I was a little girl, I remember going to my cousin’s house and listening to Elton John albums. The pictures of him on the inside of the album liner were too confusing for my 12-year-old brain to comprehend back then, but I really did enjoy his music.

The Sir’s video montage explains to us that Elton John paved the way for other flamboyant artists, some who get a mention – Lady GaGa, as well as some who don’t – Boy George. Wait. Are they the same person? Anywho… in seasons past, we would have Mr. John here himself to provide a mentor/coach role to the contestants. However, that must not be in the budget this year because we have Jimmy I. and his team of super producers on hand instead. Allll season.

It is ridiculous how thrilled I am to see two of my favorite things combined – American Idol and Entertainment Weekly. I have subscribed to this magazine for years; they are the only celebrity rag that I will read. I like them because they are snarky and they don’t fawn over the rich and famous people that they cover. Plus they are great fans of the Whedon-verse, especially Buffy and Firefly, my two favorite shows of all time. (Next to Idol of course. But not really.)

So EW and AI got together and did a photo shoot with the top 11 contestants, then the editing folks had a field day doing the before-and-after “spin shots.” This is going to be great! I am such a sucker for this makeover stuff. Best of all, they look like they are having a blast.

The first one singing tonight in the fabled “spot of doom” is a safe choice – our hometown boy Scotty. The EW stylists give him a cool hairdo but it doesn’t last long. Scotty is thrilled that Elton had that one country song called “Country Comfort.” Jimmy mentions that some asshats call Scotty a “one trick pony” but when your pony is full of awesome, that is a-ok! I’ve never heard this song but Scotty does it well with his guitar. He gives a sweet shout-out to his grandma. Garner boys really do love their grannies; that is not fake. The crowd goes wild at that last low note and his family is rightfully proud of him. All of the judges like Scotty, his boots, his granny, and his performance. We learn his guitar is named Scarlett, and I learn that Scotty might just be the one to bring me back to listening to country.

Next up is Naima and Ryan has already forewarned us that she will be turning a classic EJ song into reggae swag. Not sure what that means. Naima is a natural at the photo shoot; she has a supermodel figure and looks glamorous. She is glad to be doing “flashy funky” Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” because she by-golly can connect to the lyrics. Jimmy encourages her to incorporate that same “still standing” lyric and apply it to the entire world. Unfortunately, she decides to use a fake Jamaican accent during her intro. So now she’s like Madonna when she thought she was British that time. I am not digging this performance from Naima as much as her others, but you have to give her credit for being original. The judges don’t really get it either. Randy even thought it was corny but Naima doesn’t care. 

Ryan announces this year’s songwriting contest “Perfect Harmony.” The real British “hitmaker” Taio Cruz is “only gonna break break your break break your heart” with writing the lyrics and needs our help. I think we can do better, yes?  Ludacris!

We already knew that Paul is a seasoned performer and has been in bands for years. He talks about sharing a van with 14 other guys and being poor. He is so gorgeous in the face and when he smiles, yowsa! Paul is doing an acoustic version of “Rocket Man,” and we can only hope that it’s better than that "Pencil Salesman Guy" from season 3. For the first time since Paul sang the duet with Kendra in Vegas, I actually like his voice. However, he is wearing that Rose Garden suit again. Has he not heard the rule about celebrities not ever repeating an outfit? He promises to retire it, thankfully. (I read on the ‘net that he paid 4500 bucks for it.) The judges talk to him for approximately one hundred years about how not being on pitch is a good thing. Okay. And Ryan is the funniest guy on television next to Joel McHale.

At the photo shoot, Pia is a natural because she is already beautiful and they don’t have to do much make-overing with her. I cannot BELIEVE that she is doing another ballad, especially after last week’s beat down. However if the country boy can keep with his "one trick" then I guess our resident balladeer can do the same, yes? Stick with what you know. But what we know is that “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” has been covered on the show by everyone from Clay to Bo to Archuleta. (Sorry Iovine, neither Fergie nor Axel Rose would ever cover this song.) Pia does a great job as always, looks great as always, judges love her as always. The difference this time is that she gets the full choir onstage. Randy and ST almost come to blows over the whole “don’t do ballads” command that has now been renounced.

Ryan reminds us that yes, American Idol IS still the number one show on television. Take that Dancing with the D-list!

Next up is Stefano, and this is one young guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. He is funny during the photo shoot with the “tight pants.” Then in the studio, he is intense and focused on getting the song  “Tiny Dancer” just right. He performs worlds better than he did last week. When I hear this song I remember Kate Hudson on the tour bus with the young Cameron Crowe guy and they all started singing, including the guy who would eventually be Earl Hickey. Good movie! Then one of the funniest things ever on the show – Randy interrupting the “tender hand holding” of Stef and J.Lo. Jen has Jimmy Choos older than this boy so I suppose that makes it okay to flirt? They talk to Stefano forever and a day about how glad they are that he opened his eyes for once. Hopefully no more bottom three for this boy!

In the audience - Howie!  I liked him on Deal or No Deal and he was a great substitute judge for the Hoff on America’s Got Talent last year. He’s here tonight to promote his new show Mobbed. Howie does an amusingly hyper plug to Stefano’s dad who just happens to be his doppelganger. Mr. Langone is also a natural; I wonder if he is an actor. I don’t get the whole “flash mob” thing though. One more item to add to the list of Things I Just Don’t Get.

Pretty teenager Lauren was thrilled to do a professional photo shoot this week. I wonder why they used a dress from the Baby Hookers - R- Us closet though. That’s so Ho’wood. Tonight she is singing “Candle in the Wind,” the one about Marilyn Monroe, not Princess Diana. Her voice is beautiful, the best ever, but she doesn’t seem to connect to the lyrics or tragedy of the song. And Jimmy, Rodney, Tricky, Ricky Bobby, Tom Cruise, Oprah, SOMEBODY please tell these kids to NOT smile while singing sad songs! Thank you. Lauren’s wearing a dress that’s short in the front and long in the back – the clothing equivalent of a mullet. Teasing her about her short dress was cute and all, but hello. Hot Legs Haley 2.0 lost her entire PANTS last week but that was okay? They all love Lauren's performance, but she has a complex now.

There are many things to like about James  - he is energetic, funny and has an outgoing personality. His Asperger’s does not seem to affect his interaction with the other contestants and he definitely is not inhibited onstage. Tonight he is doing “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” and by-golly he is going to do it his way, JIMMY! He starts out in the audience, boogies on down Taylor Hicks style, then hits the stage. All while singing, mostly in tune. I like how he interacts with the guitar player. There is some mic stand tossing action and piano jumping, then the thing catches fire. Literally! He is also rocking a wild faux-hawk. Just like us, the judges felt like they were at a Durbin concert; it was one of the best rocking-out acts ever on the show. But poor James; his comment about a "Pepsi moment" almost caused a riot.

Teeny tiny Thia is embracing her “celebrity feel moment” and she enjoys getting dolled up by EW. She looks like a living doll already. Her Elton John choice is “Daniel,” the heartbreaking song about a young man coming home from Vietnam. Thia relates this song to when her brother left home for college. Okay. Jimmy tells her to stop being a pageant-bot for the love of Daniel! And stop smiling through sad songs. She starts singing and instead of dozing off, I go to youtube and watch one of her performances there. Thia has “the spark” but she is just not using it on American Idol for whatever reason. At least she is doing better than some of those auto-tuned girls who are getting their fifteen minutes of fame, as well as a taste of cyber-bullying. The judges seem to think that Thia’s time on the show is up. I doubt it but we shall see.

Here to redeem himself in our eyes - it's Casey, everybody. Will he ever live that whole “save” thing down? I hope the heck so. Can this be the last week we talk about it please? Jimmy gives Casey a well-deserved beat down and one of the other producers, Rodney, tells him to shave that Big Foot beard off his face. So it’s off to the barber shop for Casey. Like he makes most things, this is a comical scene. He looks great too; I was hoping that he would get the “Seth Rogen in Green Hornet” makeover and they came pretty close! Tonight Casey sings “Your Song” and it’s beautiful, gentle, humble, and restrained. He seems to be thrilled with himself for getting through an entire song without growling or spazzing. The judges are proud of him and glad he is still on the show. My Kid Tru and I say thank you to the judges and to Casey.

So it must be said folks - Jacob is a diva. He has a Tyra-like quality to him that just makes me giggle. He enjoyed the photo shoot and I hope they let him keep that watch. He is going to do “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word” which is a song he knows from Mary J. Blige. And wow look who just happened to pop by the studio?  The “Family Affair” matriarch herself. As Mr. Lusk says, that was “bananas.” Now there will "no hateration in this dancery," even though poor ousted Robbie Rosen just did this song a few weeks ago. Producer Tricky tells him not to add “drama” but that is telling the sun not to shine in July. Has anyone noticed that Jacob looks like Rerun, only much skinnier? The judges are “slayed” as they always are with “the reverend.” Randy wants even more “gas in the tank.” Premium or unleaded?

At the photo shoot, Haley is more gorgeous than ever as she adorably squees over red nail polish. Her “dreams are coming true” and she is delightful during the interview. In the studio, she sounds good singing “Bennie and the Jets.” Jimmy wants her to take all of the parts of Haley, put them in the car and drive them to the show. Okay. Tonight on stage, she is like a little girl doing an impression of Michelle Pfeiffer in the Fabulous Baker Boys. She starts off lounged across the piano, then somewhat awkwardly wiggles down. There is nothing clumsy about her singing though; she is spot on, doesn’t miss a note. And for once I can understand the words she’s singing. The judges are thrilled with her, finally! Randy called it the “best performance of the night” and it was pretty close. Am glad she got the pimp spot tonight.

Recap time and Ryan gives a shout out to the piano player. He and the judges remind America to VOTE. “Do the right thing now!” Randy advises.

Ryan: So what do you have to do?   Taio Cruz: Not much as usual.
Jimmy: He’s not going to get away with just his smile tonight.
Randy: The next elevator of love!
Jennifer: These guys, don’t even listen to ‘em, don’t look at ‘em.
Steven: You keep singing like that and you’ll be able to afford the rest of that dress.
James: That was my face. That was pretty awesome!
Steven: You go where no man can go, just don’t be up there too long, or you’ll end up like me.
Jimmy: You know what was wrong with that performance? Everything!
Casey: Thanks for holding me up.  Ryan: It’s my job.

As the night progressed, I remembered that there was an Elton John theme back during Fantasia’s season, and The Sir was the mentor. I wonder if he will make a surprise appearance tomorrow night. We know that Fantasia will be in the Idol House. Somebody else is coming too but I only care about her, really. Idol Alumni for the win!

Faith Hill Show: Google Advertising Programs

Being the part of Music industry every singer is looking for the chance to promote their music. But if the cause is for charity so we have lot of name of actors and singers in current industry.  Faith Hill is a famous singer in music industry. Faith Hill gave famous songs Like Breath, Cry, I need you and lot of other songs is availing this opportunity. No doubt Faith Hill is a fabulous singer she is performing in up coming Symphony Sprint Fashion Show 2011 on 26th April. So Faith Hill fans want this hot news to advertise as everyone knows that Advertisement is a big source of fame and Google Advertising Programs are no doubt on top of all. Every person related to media knows about the Google Advertising Programs importance. This is the time Google advertising programs to promote this event as this is a good cause social responsibility as well..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jackie Chan The Entertainment book Dead or Not??

Hollywood Film industry is full of rumors and gossips about famous stars. Every one is looking for hot news about upcoming and famous stars .We Jackie chin consider as the entertainment book and action hero.  So being the part of this industry he cannot safe himself from rumors. 28th March come up with the news the The Entertainment book Jackie chin died due to heart attack. This news was shocking for his fans who loved him a lot and now ever after his recent release “The Karate Kid” he became more famous among his fans.. So far all of them this must be a good news that there The Entertainment book and loving hero Jackie chin is alive and will come up more entertainment for his viewers very soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shenanigans from Uncle Nigel?

Thursday night’s results show was a roller coaster ride for sure. Producer Nigel Lythgoe tweeted earlier that day that there would be a shocking outcome. Ryan told us more than once to expect the unexpected and at one point even said to be sure we kept watching until the very end of the show. Foreshadowing much?

Perhaps Ryan said that to encourage Casey fans to not turn off the TV when the announcement of the grizzled contestant’s ousting was made. As Idol fans now know, Casey received the one Judges’ Save of the year. The question now is – was this for real or an elaborate scheme to score ratings?

Because I am jaded, I want to immediately call bullshizz, however my “rose-colored glasses” side wants me to accept it and move on. Since I am one of those obsessed fans that reads everything about Idol that I can get my eyes on, I know that Casey has a huge fan base. The online polls have never shown him in the bottom three, much less the one leaving.

Additionally, since the results show, chatter on the ‘net has shown that about 75% of fans support the judges for their decision to give the save to Casey. Of this ¾ of the poll-voting population, half of them are Casey fans who said they just got complacent and didn’t vote because they felt he was a shoo-in. Call it the “Daughtry Syndrome.”

At any rate, Casey now has a chance to get back to the way he was when he was first introduced on the show. His renditions of “Georgia on My Mind” and the Jessica Rabbit song are proof that he is one of the most talented singers in the competition this year. He doesn’t need to do the faux-rocker sets that come across as unintentionally comical. Give him back his stand-up bass and let him do his thang.

As far as his looks go, a lot of fans are saying that they hope he gets a makeover. My Kid Tru and I have adored Casey from the beginning, and his looks have nothing to do with it. In his first audition, Casey said that he was compared to Seth Rogan a lot. I am sure that he was referring to the Knocked Up version of this actor. Perhaps he will surprise us with Seth’s re-made Green Hornet style. That would be many levels of awesome.

If "Uncle Nigel" did set us all up, that's okay. It was a great show from start to finish, from the surprise visit by Stevie Wonder to the One Save. We're not sure how they will top that episode, but one thing is for sure - we will be tuned in!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Taking a Week Long Hiatus

Hi everyone,

I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.

I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).

I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.

The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.

Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It’s Results Night - “Where You At?”

Some random thoughts that I had while waiting for the show to begin tonight… the songs on last night’s performance show made me nostalgic enough to break out my Linda Ronstadt collection of Greatest Hits. She did some great Motown covers. Linda was my singing Idol when I was growing up and I love her to this day. One of my best childhood memories was seeing her in concert when I was fifteen. But I digress because …

“No one is safe…  Expect the unexpected.” Nice intro with the records. Some younger folks won’t know what those things are. I can hear it now… “Mom, why are those CDs so big and how do I get a cool label like that?”

Last night we saw some Motown… Casey knows that a man ain’t supposed to cry, Thia feels this burning pain, Jacob threw his pride away for us, Lauren just wants to make a new start, Stefano wonders where we are and what we do, Haley doesn’t like you but she loves you, Scotty can go unafraid where life leads him, Pia thinks love’s a crazy game, Paul might be laughin’ loud and hearty, Naima is ready for a brand new beat, James was born in hard-time Mississippi.

Hark the judges’ arrival to the stage… Is Cleopatra J.Lo the prettiest person on this or any other planet? I am thinking yes.

Ryan tells us that country super group Sugarland will be performing tonight as well as “Idol’s own” Jennifer Hudson. He says to expect lots of shocking surprises this evening.  As we all know, tonight determines which ten singers will participate in the summer tour.

The top 11 come out and they are dressed like they’re at Idol Gives Back. All of them are as gorgeous as can be. This is just a night for eye candy all the way around. Lauren is rocking the cocktail dress /cowgirl boot combo.

We find out that Jen’s husband Marc Anthony worked with the contestants this week, to help them learn how to sing better live. He explains to them (and to us) how to use the in-ear monitor. Since the singers sounded 99% better last night than they did last week, then hurray to Mr. Anthony for his help. They should totally let him stick around. 

For the group sing-a-long the top 11 do “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and I’m more impressed each week by these kids. The choreography is still corny but that is what these things are made of. Reverend Lusk takes everybody to church.

Then! The big Idol door opens and the contestants make way for … a surprise visit from Stevie Wonder!  He sings “Signed Sealed Delivered,” then everyone joins in for a “Happy Birthday” surprise for Steven T. Now I want cake. (Hopefully someone tells the 63-year-old that he doesn't look "a day over fabulous!") ST seems blown away by the festivities, and he and his mis-matched scarves are “speechless!” I have to admit this show is bringing a tear to my eye. So much love for it!!

So I read on the web that the contestants have had to vacate the Idol mansion because it’s “haunted.” There have been reports of flickering lights, floating sheets, and a spider invasion. (Of course the source is shaky; I won’t say who but it starts with a T and ends with a Z with an M in the middle.)

The Ford music video is for the Hybrid and for the third week in a row, they do a song I’ve never heard before "All this Beauty," set in the rain. They make this one a combination of car commercial/PSA for recycling/rain gear ad.

Now for the "tough part" with some dimming lights … Lauren, Pia, and Scotty are called to center stage first. Ryan teases them about packing bags, but it’s all good and they are all safe. Somebody gets a bleep.

Sugarland is up next and I don’t know much about country music anymore; they’re doing a song called “Stuck Like Glue.”  I have a friend whose little grandson adores them. The lead singer is blonde and pretty and wears every neon color of the rainbow all together in one outfit. Did she borrow from Olivia Newton-John’s aerobics-wear closet circa 1981? She has a great voice and there's an interesting interlude in the middle of the song. Must google them ... I like this one better.

I realize it’s filler, but I like the segment on results night that features the contestants being interviewed. This week it’s all about James being a wrestling fan. Then there’s a clip of James and Paul having a fake wrestling match, with Naima as emcee and Pia as either referee or another opponent. It’s hilarious and nice to see them having fun, and good to see Pia come out of her shell a little. James says “eat your heart out Hulk Hogan” and Paul body slams him. LOLz!

Fun time is over as they dim the lights again and bring Paul and James to the stage. Ryan says that neither of them are safe. And he is dead serious. Because! The big Idol door opens again and it’s Hulk Hogan! Challenge accepted Durbs!  Hulk tells James and Paul that they are indeed safe, but poor Ryan gets a faux punch and toss into the audience. I don’t even want to think about Hogan’s shirt ripping; that was just too gross.

This was a fun and entertaining skit, but the only thing that bothered me about it is that Stefano also mentioned in his interview that Hogan was his favorite. He’s over on the bench though, probably thinking “where’s my tee shirt?”

Next to come to the front are Jacob, Thia, and Stefano. Jacob is sent to the top ten right away, yes Lord! Thia and Stefano are both in the bottom 3. The crowd is not pleased with this news.

Now Naima, Haley, and Casey come on down. Naima and her gigantic ring are safe, yay! I know I've said it a thousand times - her iTunes downloads are awesome. Haley has already accepted the fact that she’s getting a stool. (Remember Kristy Lee Cook and her sticky note? Good times.) But! Ryan reveals that it’s actually Casey in the bottom 3. Surprise. Gasp. Dismaying moans from the crowd. So the “shock” that Nigel tweeted about earlier today is actually happening. Yikes.

While we ponder this mystery, the amazing Jennifer Hudson is up next. Ryan reminds us that she is an Oscar winner, SIMON!  She was terrific in one of my favorite movies The Secret Life of Bees, and she is coming this-close to inspiring me to join WW. Tonight she looks gorgeous and is doing her new single “Where You At?” (which is a very common text message question, I do believe.)  JHud proves that you CAN sing a slow song without being a snoozefest. (Thia and Pia, please take notes.) After her performance, we learn that George Huff is one of her back-up singers. He was one of my favorites in season three.

Speaking of texting, I quickly text My Kid Tru that she needs to come to the living room please, because I need moral support! Why? Because Thia has been sent to safety and the bottom 2 are Casey and Stefano. 

Tru says that she hasn’t been this p.o’d about a TV show since Chris Daughtry was voted off in season 5. I remember that episode and what happened afterward. (Looking back it all worked out best for Chris though.)

But that was then and here we are now and Ryan says words that I don’t believe. “The person with the lowest number of votes is ... Casey.” WTH for a million years, show?  Stefano hugs Casey for so long that Ryan has to tell him to go sit down. And now Casey has to do the obligatory Sing for Your Life song and hope for a Judges' Save.

Casey opts to sing the song that he did for his first audition, something about needing a doctor, or not needing one, or something like that. Dang, I need one. Before he can get more than a few lines of the song in, Randy interrupts the band and they tell him to stop.

Holy shizz! The judges tell Casey that they know who he is; they don’t need to hear anymore. They realize that he has pulled some shenanigans over the past couple of weeks and maybe he’s alienated a few fans. But they are going to use their ONE save this season on him.

At this point, Casey is bowled over with astonishment and gratitude, plus I think he threw up in his mouth a little bit. I just about had a heart attack my own self. Casey thanks the judges and Ryan and a lot of bleeping ensues. When Casey goes to hug his mom and she says she loves him, that’s it for me. I am a sobbing mess! 

Tru and I adore Casey and are still appalled that he was voted off. I follow at least a dozen AI websites and he has been at or near the top of all the online polls since the beginning. What is it with these “interwebs?” This data does not compute.

I almost want to call BS on this whole thing, but whether it’s truth or staged, the mission has been accomplished. Hopefully Casey will listen to the advice that mama Jen so lovingly provides and dial it down a notch. They want him to bring back the musician they heard back in Hollywood week when he was at his most awesome. We just hope that he doesn’t change his Fraggle Rock meets Fozzy Bear level of adorableness. That would be a shame.

Next week, the bad news is that there will be two folks going home. The good news is that the tour this summer will consist of the Top 11. So they all get to go, and based on their work last night, this is great news.

Best quote from tonight:

Marc (when Jen told a contestant that she is not usually speechless):  That’s the biggest truism she has ever uttered… just kidding.

I am going to de-stress by listening to Dr. Dre’s “I Need a Doctor” about a zillion times. If I’m still living, I’ll be watching next week. Chatter on the 'net says that the theme will be Elton John songs. But that 'net is not trustworthy as we learned tonight!

Britney spears World: 1 stop travel

 Britney spears new video "till the worlds ends" will be released on 29th march its her seventh studio album. Its been the expectations that this video will strike the entertainment world with full blast so it is considered to be the future forecasting video for Britney now  and in my perceptions it will take 1 stop travel for Britney to become more popular in the world. As in her previous videos she had the same 1 stop travel towards her current standings in the entertainment world.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Top 11 Keep Us Hanging On as They Track through Motown City

It’s been a sad few days here on the home front because we lost a beloved pet. Rest in peace to our German Shepherd, Soldier - ten years was not long enough. My Kid Tru is still broken-hearted and not really into Idol right now.

Ryan starts the show in black and white then it quickly morphs like the wonderful land of Oz into color. It’s Motown Night, wow surprise. I don’t think they’ve done this one. (I need a sarcasm font.) Expect lots of repeat-o songs because they do Motown every season.

The judges are lovely as always and take forever to walk from stage to judges' table. Jennifer is a pretty ballerina Barbie doll come to life.

Ryan reminds us that this summer there will be a tour but only ten can go. Tonight is very important because the last one standing will not get to go on the tour and will miss out on a lot of cool things like making money and having panties thrown at them.

We see a background about Motown and Berry Gordy who started this legacy with 800 bucks and a dream. A blend of R&B and soul, awesome music with real singing. Not an autotune in sight for this musical era.

Ryan teases Randy about being old, but thankfully he doesn’t call Jen out on her blue eyeshadow. (J.Lo, 1970s called and said thank you for the comeback.)

The crowd goes completely wild for Steven Tyler to his delight. His lovely daughter Liv is in the audience. Always and forever known to us as the lovely elvin Arwen.

Okay Top 11. “Here we are now. Entertain us!” (Yes the Nirvana song is still stuck in my head from last week.) They sure are dapper-looking tonight indeed.

Casey looks less like Yukon Cornelius with his hair slicked back. They show him working with the producer and he sounds really good in the studio. He is doing that California Raisins song. Almost from the start we notice two things - he has lost a lot of weight, and he is not taking advice about dialing back the growl. The thing with Casey is that he is IN the moment and he feels it; he is a true performer. This is worlds better than the performance last week. This song has been done great (Fantasia) and poorly  (that Chicken Little guy.) Casey works the crowd and has a complete orchestra backing him up on stage. ST loves his crazyass "out of control ego," Jen says he’s THE GUY and Randy says his YOU is great. Ryan teases him about the gal in the audience. (She looks 12.) It’s a fun, energetic way to start the show.

Shout out to some old Aerosmith dude, then Ryan introduces Thia. I found out this week that she was on America’s Got Talent a couple of years ago, so I watched some clips. She showed 1000 times more spunk and personality than she has on American Idol so far.  Her performance of “I Am Changing” on AGT was excellent, resulting in Sharon Osborne giving her a standing ovation.  Tonight she’s doing “Heat Wave” and though she’s not Linda Ronstadt, she has certainly stepped up her game. Compared to JHud and the fabulous Vonzell she is lacking though, and she noticeably flubs the lyrics a bit. The judges are thrilled that she is taking more chances, and it was very nice to see that she has had a “loosen up” chip installed. Yes I know I should STHU. Thia did fine tonight which is good because we are stuck with her.

In the audience - the actress who played in Bring it On and that vampire movie when she was a little girl, what is her name? Will google later.

I really do adore Jacob and am proud of him for freely admitting that he is a church-going boy. Jimmy is concerned that Jacob is going to go all melismatic on a Marvin Gaye song. We have to give props to the backup singers as they start the “All I Need to Get By” part gently. Jacob brings all of his tricks to this performance but he keeps it simple, for him. Jen is bouncing in her seat. This is definitely the best that I remember him doing, and I like his low-then-one-high note at the end. When he’s done, ST goes on stage to give him a hug and calls him Baby Luther. Randy loved it more than anything in ten years. It is really nice that he reeled it in and they are delighted. It’s especially sweet when he gets a hug from his grandma, then in a WTH moment, Ryan tells the whole front row to come up and hug him. Girls only!

Country gal Lauren is up next and she still lacks energy during her interview, but she's a goofball in the studio. Her producers picked “You Keep Me Hanging On,” and she relates this to how she’s not gonna let the negative chatter bring her down. Anti cyber-bullying. Reminder to America that she is just a child. And a very gorgeous one tonight - she looks like DJ Tanner at the prom. Lauren starts the song slowly then revs it up. Not as original as the Blake Lewis spin but good. She struts right out to sing to Randy but ignores ST completely. I guess she really does read the message boards and is listening. Thank you internet. This is the best I remember her doing and she is singing her heart out to those haters. Jen likes her attitude and Randy reminds us that the girl they loved in Nashville has her "swagger on high" tonight.

Ryan is on the chat stools with Stefano, or as he says SteFAno. The cute singer talks about his mom cooking for the group, and Ryan even gets garlicky leftovers. Watch out Ms. Langone, that mean cooking show guy is in the audience. Stef is thrilled at doing Motown as that is his niche, but why is he doing a song that’s brand new to him? Jimmy is concerned that Stef is going to go all Broadway on “Hello.” They should have retired this song after David Cook did it back in his very good day, as Ryan reminds us. He also reminds Stef to keep his eyes open. Stef stays true to the Lionel Ritchie version but he puts a boy-band spin on it. This guy has a great voice for sure, but it’s coming across as shallow as his chin hair. The judges notice this too (the disconnection, not the peach fuzz.) Jen lectures him for a thousand years about it.

Indeed, Ryan jokes with the British cooking show guy who is an asshat. Thankfully we quickly segue to a legend in a ball cap named Otis, who is impressed with the festivities so far.

We are reminded that Haley is a habitual bottom 3-er, but she says “young'en” in her interview clip and I am won over. In the studio she sounds great singing the Smokey Robinson song “You Really Got a Hold on Me.” Hopefully her confidence will be up since she is comfortable with this genre. I don’t recognize Haley at first because her hair is straight. Before the contemplation of hair irons, we must assess the outfit; it’s like a combination of head waiter and hooker. This is most definitely the best we’ve heard her sing; it was her “wheelhouse.” Randy is glad that she has finally got the growly-bluesy sound back and compares her to Janis Joplin. ST gives us an impromptu concert much to everyone’s delight. Jen says that she is the girl version of Jacob. Haley is thrilled with the praise and has a cute Sally Field moment.

On the chat stools with Ryan, we learn that Scotty can make a basketball shot from the 3rd floor window of the mansion. They have the footage to prove it. What in the world will Scotty do with Motown? Why he will do himself some Stevie Wonder and it will have a twang, but that is okay. Scotty is very mature in his interviews, such a likable young guy. Jimmy thinks that we will enjoy Scotty’s version of “For Once in My Life.” He starts out on the stairs and looks dashing in all black. He definitely puts a country spin on classic R&B, but he pours his heart into the song. The crowd goes wild at the last couple of low notes. ST compares him to Glen Campbell. Jen and Randy don’t think it was his strongest vocal; Randy is funny with his “lady killer note.”  Ryan’s teasing goes over Scotty’s head, but that’s okay, he’s just a boy.

The Flashdance lady is in the audience. Then it’s time for Pia. I have been trying to figure out what it is about her that is just “off.” She is gorgeous, sings perfectly, she’s not bot-like, dresses well, she has a nice attitude. The whole package is wonderful, so why can’t I remember her from one minute to the next? Maybe I will get the answer tonight because she is doing a slow song, “All in Love is Fair.” On the plus side, she performs more heartfelt that Kat McPhee did back in her day. On the other hand, it’s a ballad. Again. By the time she sings that last note, it hits me that we are missing a key ingredient – she is not living the words that she’s singing. Steven is literally yawning. The judges really want more than BALLADS from her also, and they have confidence that she can bring it. I do also because I really like her.

We are reminded again how much we love Seacrest when he is all adorable with a little girl. Then he tells us that Paul will be playing guitar during his performance tonight. I am really glad that for one night there will be no two-step chicken-arm combo. Paul is doing “Tracks of My Tears.” I have always loved the Linda Ronstadt version of this best. With the guitar, Paul is definitely a sexier performer but his voice is still not growing on me yet. I keep going back to his website and listening to his original songs. The backup singers don’t really blend with him either. Maybe someday he can come back and visit the show with the Grand Magnolias. Randy admires Paul’s guitar more than anything but still thinks he’s cool. Dial down the quirk and bring us more tender. ST is reminded of everyone from Dylan to Nelson.

Ryan is thrilled that Randy hasn’t said the word “pitchy” yet tonight. They’ve all done really well, but we still have Naima. She is going to put an African spin on “Dancing in the Streets.”  My favorite version of this is the Jagger/Bowie cheese fest. I have high hopes for Naima tonight and really hope she does well. Her recordings have sounded so much better than what she brings on stage. You can tell that she is concentrating more on staying in tune and she sounds better. Even in the horrid bell-bottom pantsuit, she brings pizzazz and is a natural performer. She saves her “look at me I’m dancing crazy” to the end when the African drums join her on stage. The judges are loving them some exciting Naima. Ryan compares it to a mash-up of Idol and Nigel’s dancing show. (Not the one with Kirstie Alley, the other one.)

James does a funny Dr. Evil “million dollars” face which makes me like this guy more. He gives his all while recording and working with the producers. His version of “Living for the City” by Stevie Wonder makes us forget that Taylor Hicks ever did this song. We’re glad that they saved this for last because James is a real showman. He brings just the right amount of soul, screech, and swagger to the stage. Jen OMGs for a hundred years as the crowd goes crazy. ST has the look of “wow that was me 100 years ago.” James really is "serious business" as Jen says. Then she and Randy argue about “pockets” or some such. ST likes that James is crazy because that is what it takes to nail this competition sometimes. Go Durbs!

The recap reminds us that it was forever and a day ago that the show began. I do believe that this was one of the best episodes I’ve ever seen of American Idol. Not a single contestant totally blew it. I can tell it was good because my puppy did not flee the room in terror even once! Jennifer gave excellent and useful critique to everyone tonight. And not a single Paula-ish "seal clap."

Quotes galore from tonight:
ST (about Motown music): It made me want to make out with girls.
Randy: The great Berry Gordy is somewhere saying “oh my God!”
ST: You ripped that song another beauty mark didn’t ya?
Ryan: I’m on a picnic.
Randy (to Stefano): Ryan and you, you know…
Ryan: Randy with all due respect we're gonna cut your mic off at this point.
ST: You don’t look a day over fabulous.
Ryan: Is the voice inside your head that low as well?
Ryan: It’s important that you see the couture, Randy.
Ryan (re Paul's pin): Cougar vote!

Based on tonight’s performances, there’s no one that should really go home tomorrow, plus they each have something special to bring to the tour. Even Ryan thinks so… I’m off to vote vote vote for my favorite folks!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shakira Donation Program

Shakira Donation Program: The top singer and bale dancer Shakira has now a days looking forward for her Donation program. As Shakira was honored by Harvard University for her artistic and humanitarian work. After receiving her award she talk about her donation program about child of poor country and their education. The waka waka girl Shakira is therefore these days talking about her donation program. And for her donation program she is taking good expectations from the people and that's why she is making her fans and followers aware about her donation program.