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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shenanigans from Uncle Nigel?

Thursday night’s results show was a roller coaster ride for sure. Producer Nigel Lythgoe tweeted earlier that day that there would be a shocking outcome. Ryan told us more than once to expect the unexpected and at one point even said to be sure we kept watching until the very end of the show. Foreshadowing much?

Perhaps Ryan said that to encourage Casey fans to not turn off the TV when the announcement of the grizzled contestant’s ousting was made. As Idol fans now know, Casey received the one Judges’ Save of the year. The question now is – was this for real or an elaborate scheme to score ratings?

Because I am jaded, I want to immediately call bullshizz, however my “rose-colored glasses” side wants me to accept it and move on. Since I am one of those obsessed fans that reads everything about Idol that I can get my eyes on, I know that Casey has a huge fan base. The online polls have never shown him in the bottom three, much less the one leaving.

Additionally, since the results show, chatter on the ‘net has shown that about 75% of fans support the judges for their decision to give the save to Casey. Of this ¾ of the poll-voting population, half of them are Casey fans who said they just got complacent and didn’t vote because they felt he was a shoo-in. Call it the “Daughtry Syndrome.”

At any rate, Casey now has a chance to get back to the way he was when he was first introduced on the show. His renditions of “Georgia on My Mind” and the Jessica Rabbit song are proof that he is one of the most talented singers in the competition this year. He doesn’t need to do the faux-rocker sets that come across as unintentionally comical. Give him back his stand-up bass and let him do his thang.

As far as his looks go, a lot of fans are saying that they hope he gets a makeover. My Kid Tru and I have adored Casey from the beginning, and his looks have nothing to do with it. In his first audition, Casey said that he was compared to Seth Rogan a lot. I am sure that he was referring to the Knocked Up version of this actor. Perhaps he will surprise us with Seth’s re-made Green Hornet style. That would be many levels of awesome.

If "Uncle Nigel" did set us all up, that's okay. It was a great show from start to finish, from the surprise visit by Stevie Wonder to the One Save. We're not sure how they will top that episode, but one thing is for sure - we will be tuned in!

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