March 7, 2007
American Idol Season 4 winner, Carrie Underwood will be in da house tomorrow night!
Have been fighting a very bad cold and the cold won. Am high on Sudafed while watching the show tonight and the main thing my brain thinks is “wow, look at the pretty colors…” Thank goodness for DVR so that I can “enjoy” the show later in a more coherent state of mind.
It seems that Paula is MIA tonight and so is Ryan’s neck. At least we know the latter is hidden under yards of black cloth. The gals look pretty as usual tonight, most of them very stylish.
They found Paula, thank goodness! Randy and Simon joke that she was under the desk and Ryan reminds them that this is a family show, folks. And we are LIVE, ‘k?
So it’s the ladies’ turn to reveal something about themselves, and first up is sweet little Jordin. Oh how adorable she is when she talks about how much she loves football. Jordin sings “Heartbreaker,” one of my favorite songs when I was her age. Which means that this song is very very old, probably older than Jordin’s mom. While Jordin is no Pat Benatar, she does okay with this song. She commands the stage and seems more in her element with this type of music than last week’s glurge. She looks gorgeous tonight, with Latoya Jackson hair. The judges already like the gals better than the guys last night. Judge 3 says it was manic and shrieky but so is his man-cleavage, so heh. I love the way that Jordin does the “Justin Timberlake at the Golden Globe Awards imitating Prince” thing, what a hoot.
Ryan reminds us that the lovely Carrie will be on Thursday’s show, then chats with Gina and Sabrina. Both of these ladies look better than ever, which mewonders if the stylists are already on the scene? Last year, they did not show up until the Top 12 rolled out.
Next is Sabrina, who reveals that she wanted to be the next Katie Couric. They show cute footage of her “news reporting” days. Tonight, Sabrina looks more like a movie star than ever and sings some song that sounds familiar. She goes off the deep end on a couple of notes, but it might just be the meds playing tricks with my hearing. By the end, I realize that she is doing an En Vogue song from the 90’s. Randy and Paula are fine with Sabrina’s performance but Simon says she is robotic and gave a hotel resort performance. Funny moment when Paula says that she would go to that hotel and Simon says that he would send her. Ba da boom.
Antonella is up next, so it’s a good time to take a nap. She reveals that she is a violin player, and 30 trazillion people all over the world sigh and say PLEASE go back to that. Tonight, Antonbratla sings some song that I have never heard and even if I did, it would not be recognizable from the butchering that she gives it. This chick is not even good enough for the Pussycat Doll competition, even in that outfit. Snnnark. Judges one and two try to handle her oh-so-delicately. Even Simon wears kid gloves by telling her that she has handled her scandal well. Overbite Girl basically rants and raves about how she is just as good as the rest of the girls, blah blah blah and Ryan looks at her like she has cooties. Man, I love this show!
Now we have Haley and she talks about her gymnastics days. This is a very good thing to know, that she has something to fall back on. Okay, so her body is worn out and she can’t perform, but maybe teaching? Cuz, dawg. Singing is not her best thang. Tonight, Haley is very pretty in a generic Miss San Antonio kinda way. I think she is singing a country song, maybe Faith Hill? It is not very good, especially the last “yeah” at the end. But the good news is that she is a good wedding singer and people get married every weekend, so she will never lack for work. If the gym teacher thing does not work out. Judges do not have much good to say, and Simon puts the cherry on top by telling her that he doesn’t even know her name. Ouch.
We are ready for Stephanie, who tells us that she used to be really shy and would run and hide whenever her parents would axe her to sing in public. Tonight she does another shouty song that sounds exactly like all the other shouty songs that she has done so far. She is very fashionably beautiful and has the best wardrobe of any contestant on the show ever. I hope she sticks around just so we can she what she is going to wear next. Judges have mixed emotions about Steph’s performance tonight, but all of them call her on being cookie-cutter and copy-cat.
Ryan and LaKisha have an “oh get a room already!” moment and then she tells us (via video) that she is terrified of all animals. Tonight, she sings the song that Kat McPhee sang last year when her long yellow dress started coming apart and 30 crazillion fans got a glance at her undies. My God, I hope that doesn’t happen tonight with LaKisha and whew, we are safe. That was close. LaKisha looks lovely tonight in a black satin dress and she has the Paula/Sanjaya hairdo. And look, so does her mom. The judges love her even though this song has been done right to death on this show. Sweet moment when Simon tells her that she looks beautiful. And LaKisha is endearing when she says of her proud and cheering family, “I told them not to act up!”
Commercials… A new show called The Wedding Bells is coming up next. I don’t really care about this type of show, but they have been showing the previews of it eleventy-five grazillion times for the past month, so I feel compelled. Brainwashed? Me? But I digress ...
It’s a pillow fight with Ryan and the girls (or was that redundant, ha ha.) Then Gina totally wins me over by talking about her lucky charms; she is precious in her video. But tonight she sings an Evanescence song. And unless your name is Amy Lee, then you should not do any Evanescence song. Amy is my very favorite female singer right now and there is just no one like her. To quote MC Hammer, Gina “can’t touch this.” My Kid loves Gina’s outfit but is very disappointed in her performance. The judges must not know Amy’s version or they surely would have ripped Gina a new one. I mean, that is what we hear ad nauseam if someone dares to do Whitney or Celine, right? Funny comment by Gina, that the rocker chick outfit she has on now is what she wears around the house. Including those fishnet gloves? Yep, My Kid likes those too. Figures.
Finally, the lady that I have waited for all night – Melinda! She talks about her OCD and that she considers it to be “equal opportunity.” It’s all very complicated. Tonight, Melinda proves once again that she stands head and shoulders above the rest of the contestants. She has already won this competition, bar none, with this rendition of “I’m a Woman.” Mel looks drop-dead gorgeous in a sexy dress; did not know girlfriend had it in her. Let’s hear it for “The Gayles!” My Kid says Melinda is awesome with a capital A.W.E.S.O.M.E. The judges love her as they should and Simon calls her a tiger, heart sigh. Very funny moment when Ryan tells Melinda to not be scared and she says she’s not but then looks at the camera like “EEEK!” She is so great.
Best in Show – Melinda by a country mile!
Going home – Haley and Antonella (Posh Spice is in the U.S. now - look her up.)
Now pardon me while I slip back into my Sudafed coma...
American Idol Season 4 winner, Carrie Underwood will be in da house tomorrow night!
Have been fighting a very bad cold and the cold won. Am high on Sudafed while watching the show tonight and the main thing my brain thinks is “wow, look at the pretty colors…” Thank goodness for DVR so that I can “enjoy” the show later in a more coherent state of mind.
It seems that Paula is MIA tonight and so is Ryan’s neck. At least we know the latter is hidden under yards of black cloth. The gals look pretty as usual tonight, most of them very stylish.
They found Paula, thank goodness! Randy and Simon joke that she was under the desk and Ryan reminds them that this is a family show, folks. And we are LIVE, ‘k?
So it’s the ladies’ turn to reveal something about themselves, and first up is sweet little Jordin. Oh how adorable she is when she talks about how much she loves football. Jordin sings “Heartbreaker,” one of my favorite songs when I was her age. Which means that this song is very very old, probably older than Jordin’s mom. While Jordin is no Pat Benatar, she does okay with this song. She commands the stage and seems more in her element with this type of music than last week’s glurge. She looks gorgeous tonight, with Latoya Jackson hair. The judges already like the gals better than the guys last night. Judge 3 says it was manic and shrieky but so is his man-cleavage, so heh. I love the way that Jordin does the “Justin Timberlake at the Golden Globe Awards imitating Prince” thing, what a hoot.
Ryan reminds us that the lovely Carrie will be on Thursday’s show, then chats with Gina and Sabrina. Both of these ladies look better than ever, which mewonders if the stylists are already on the scene? Last year, they did not show up until the Top 12 rolled out.
Next is Sabrina, who reveals that she wanted to be the next Katie Couric. They show cute footage of her “news reporting” days. Tonight, Sabrina looks more like a movie star than ever and sings some song that sounds familiar. She goes off the deep end on a couple of notes, but it might just be the meds playing tricks with my hearing. By the end, I realize that she is doing an En Vogue song from the 90’s. Randy and Paula are fine with Sabrina’s performance but Simon says she is robotic and gave a hotel resort performance. Funny moment when Paula says that she would go to that hotel and Simon says that he would send her. Ba da boom.
Antonella is up next, so it’s a good time to take a nap. She reveals that she is a violin player, and 30 trazillion people all over the world sigh and say PLEASE go back to that. Tonight, Antonbratla sings some song that I have never heard and even if I did, it would not be recognizable from the butchering that she gives it. This chick is not even good enough for the Pussycat Doll competition, even in that outfit. Snnnark. Judges one and two try to handle her oh-so-delicately. Even Simon wears kid gloves by telling her that she has handled her scandal well. Overbite Girl basically rants and raves about how she is just as good as the rest of the girls, blah blah blah and Ryan looks at her like she has cooties. Man, I love this show!
Now we have Haley and she talks about her gymnastics days. This is a very good thing to know, that she has something to fall back on. Okay, so her body is worn out and she can’t perform, but maybe teaching? Cuz, dawg. Singing is not her best thang. Tonight, Haley is very pretty in a generic Miss San Antonio kinda way. I think she is singing a country song, maybe Faith Hill? It is not very good, especially the last “yeah” at the end. But the good news is that she is a good wedding singer and people get married every weekend, so she will never lack for work. If the gym teacher thing does not work out. Judges do not have much good to say, and Simon puts the cherry on top by telling her that he doesn’t even know her name. Ouch.
We are ready for Stephanie, who tells us that she used to be really shy and would run and hide whenever her parents would axe her to sing in public. Tonight she does another shouty song that sounds exactly like all the other shouty songs that she has done so far. She is very fashionably beautiful and has the best wardrobe of any contestant on the show ever. I hope she sticks around just so we can she what she is going to wear next. Judges have mixed emotions about Steph’s performance tonight, but all of them call her on being cookie-cutter and copy-cat.
Ryan and LaKisha have an “oh get a room already!” moment and then she tells us (via video) that she is terrified of all animals. Tonight, she sings the song that Kat McPhee sang last year when her long yellow dress started coming apart and 30 crazillion fans got a glance at her undies. My God, I hope that doesn’t happen tonight with LaKisha and whew, we are safe. That was close. LaKisha looks lovely tonight in a black satin dress and she has the Paula/Sanjaya hairdo. And look, so does her mom. The judges love her even though this song has been done right to death on this show. Sweet moment when Simon tells her that she looks beautiful. And LaKisha is endearing when she says of her proud and cheering family, “I told them not to act up!”
Commercials… A new show called The Wedding Bells is coming up next. I don’t really care about this type of show, but they have been showing the previews of it eleventy-five grazillion times for the past month, so I feel compelled. Brainwashed? Me? But I digress ...
It’s a pillow fight with Ryan and the girls (or was that redundant, ha ha.) Then Gina totally wins me over by talking about her lucky charms; she is precious in her video. But tonight she sings an Evanescence song. And unless your name is Amy Lee, then you should not do any Evanescence song. Amy is my very favorite female singer right now and there is just no one like her. To quote MC Hammer, Gina “can’t touch this.” My Kid loves Gina’s outfit but is very disappointed in her performance. The judges must not know Amy’s version or they surely would have ripped Gina a new one. I mean, that is what we hear ad nauseam if someone dares to do Whitney or Celine, right? Funny comment by Gina, that the rocker chick outfit she has on now is what she wears around the house. Including those fishnet gloves? Yep, My Kid likes those too. Figures.
Finally, the lady that I have waited for all night – Melinda! She talks about her OCD and that she considers it to be “equal opportunity.” It’s all very complicated. Tonight, Melinda proves once again that she stands head and shoulders above the rest of the contestants. She has already won this competition, bar none, with this rendition of “I’m a Woman.” Mel looks drop-dead gorgeous in a sexy dress; did not know girlfriend had it in her. Let’s hear it for “The Gayles!” My Kid says Melinda is awesome with a capital A.W.E.S.O.M.E. The judges love her as they should and Simon calls her a tiger, heart sigh. Very funny moment when Ryan tells Melinda to not be scared and she says she’s not but then looks at the camera like “EEEK!” She is so great.
Best in Show – Melinda by a country mile!
Going home – Haley and Antonella (Posh Spice is in the U.S. now - look her up.)
Now pardon me while I slip back into my Sudafed coma...
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