March 13, 2007
Before you can blink, Voice-Over Ryan brags on the previous American Idol winners. Grammys, #1s, CMA awards. And still milking Jen’s Oscar win for all it’s worth.
Great big stage tonight with an awesome back-up band and a huge audience. Ryan is sporting some manly stubble. He is such a grown up sometimes.
The most exciting thing about the Top 12 is finding out what the AI stylists do with the contestants’ “makeovers.” Most of them look the same tonight, except Sligh is glasses-less and Haley has Pantene shampoo commercial hair. And geez, Sanjaya got caught in a light socket.
The judges chat about the changes in store for tonight on the bigger stage. Then Ryan introduces the montage of tonight’s coach - The Inventor of Diva, Diana Ross. Ms. Ross is before my time (ahem!) but I do remember watching the movie Mahogany when I was a kid and liking that “Do You Know Where You’re Going To” theme song.
Diana meets with the kids and gives a pep talk. She reminds them that she has had an ab fab career for 40 (count’em) FORTY years and y’all need to listen up. She is very encouraging and seems sincere with her comments.
First up, Brandon discusses his time with Diana. Poor guy sounds like he has a cold. She seems to like him and who wouldn’t – he smiles and it’s all over with. She tells him to sing from his “heart place.” Tonight he sings “You Can’t Hurry Love” and he does okay. They need to turn his mic up or something; it is hard to hear his vocal. He does a corny Elvis leg shake and then totally forgets the words. Ow. Kiss of death with a sealed coffin. And yep, the judges call him on this major faux pas. Randy tells him that he has “reverted back to a background singer.” Paula tries to soothe him by saying it’s not easy to do what they are doing. Simon says he was predictable with “no star quality.” The audience (and I) boo this, as Brandon is charming and has a great voice. The first performance spot cuts the deepest though, especially with a two hour show. So *fingers crossed* - am hoping the best for Brandon.
Lovely Melinda sits on the space-ship stool and chats with Ryan. She looks gorgeous all dressed up but she says she is uncomfortable. She does not like the high heels. Funny banter between Ryan and Simon ensues: “you’re gay, no YOU are gay, NO you are gay…” What are they, 12??
Video time for Melinda … Diana’s smile lights up the room as she talks to my #1 pick for this season. She realizes that she has found a jewel in this lady and believes that Mel has a bright future. Tonight, Melinda sings a song from The Whiz and as usual, she does not miss a single note. She is every level of awesome that exists on this planet. Heart sigh. I think I love her more than any other AI contestant EVER. Yes, even Mr. Daughtry, but do not tell My Kid. (She is unable to watch tonight due to trivial things like math homework and a research paper.) Randy tells Mel that she is HOT. Paula is squalling like a proud mama, to Simon’s amusement. Simon says that Melinda reminds him of a “young Gladys Knight.” For filler fodder, Ryan tries to get Mel to tell him how she felt on stage and they joke a bit more about her dress.
So Chris Sligh’s video is next, and it’s so weird. Diana says that her first impression of Chris is that he was “a little bit nervous,” then it shows Chris saying that he does not have a “nervous bone” in his body. Do whut Bubba? Together, they chat about their similar hairdos. He is practicing “Endless Love” and he wants to change it up a little. She advices him not to do that, but oh well... Tonight on stage, Chris has indeed changed everything about the song. While I personally give him credit for trying to put a modern spin on a yawner of a tune, it seems self-defeating for him to go so against the “mentor’s” wishes. Tonight, without his glasses, Chris looks like Hurley on Lost, only thinner. Chatter on the ‘net says that Sligh has lost a lot of weight since the show began, with the help of Chris R. As for tonight’s performance, Randy says that it was a “weird thing to do to the song.” Paula says that he “tries too hard to be ultra cool.” Simon says he turned the song into an “utter drone.” Oh, and to get your glasses. Chris blames the “arrangement not the vocal,” yo! He is getting a little bit big-headed methinks. Am wondering if he is the subject of Sundance’s “Bitter, party of one” tirade after all? Hopefully this is not the case; I have really liked him since the beginning.
Next, a “star struck” Gina meets with Diana. Gina tells about singing “Love Child” when she was a wee lass and not understanding what the song meant. Diana reminds her that this is a story-song and that Gina must ENUNCIATE. She promises that she will but… alas. You can tell right off the bat that she just plain forgot. The stage is bigger and evidently Gina thinks that she has to walk every inch of it in those stilettos. She is too plum give out of breath to sing. My Hubby thinks that she looks good tonight in those jeans; I just roll my eyes cuz I am jealous. Randy says that he didn’t “feel any excitement.” Paula says she was shouting at times. Simon says that it was a “little bit forgettable.” Gina does not seem to really care what they think and tells Ryan that she feels absolutely at home on the bigger stage, thanks. She is very pretty and something about her face reminds me of Jenna Elfman.
Commercials… HOW dorky is the Edy’s “why are they dancing” commercial? Almost bad enough to turn me against ice cream. Even ice cream that’s named after my favorite show! Yep folks, we have AI desserts now.
Speaking of icky sweetness, up now, it’s Sanjaya. Diana says that “Sanjaya is LOVE!” Oh God. She raves about how sweet and wonderful he is while he just smiles beautifully. Tonight he is all long arms, giant hair and big teeth. He attempts to sing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and while he is not howling-dog bad, it’s (as always) a very weak vocal. Am beginning to think that there’s not a mountain high enough to keep his fans away from the phone!! Randy can barely keep a straight face as he tells San that the song was “unlistenable” and the background singers carried him. Paula echoes Diana’s “pure love” comment. San pouts prettily and is confused as Simon tries to explain in his oh-so-British way that Diana is screaming at the TV right now. You know, because you butchered her first number one song? ¿Comprende? Poor San, the lights are on but nobody’s home. Thank goodness he’s pretty and has all that great hair.
Wow, Katharine is back! No wait. It’s Haley. Darn. She sits in the space-ship chair and talks to Ryan about how short her dress is and isn’t she showing a lot of leg tonight? Actually, that was what My Hubby and I were discussing. In the video, Ms. Ross says that Haley has a “studio voice” but not really a “live-in-front-of-an-audience” voice. That actually explains A LOT. Tonight, Haley sings “Missing You,” the song that Diana recorded after Marvin Gaye died. She is very very pretty and male people all over the country are enjoying the mini dress. But oops, it’s happened again. She totally misses the words and fumbles, recovers, then misses again. Since I am a singer myself (ahem!) I know what an awful feeling this can be. Randy is delicate with Haley and tells her that he is “surprised and shocked.” Paula says she looks lovely but her pitch was yi-yi-yikesy. Simon … are you ready for this? Simon says that he didn’t think it was “that bad” and makes a point to call her by her name. Naturally, just as he tells her that she needs to “hold it together” she has a meltdown. Ryan lets her sit down and she babbles about messing up her words. Flashbacks of last year’s Melissa McGhee come to mind. (Melissa bombed on her Stevie Wonder song and Simon gave her an unexpected kudo.) I am not sure if his comments are genuine or if he wants to avoid the pity vote... Is he using reverse psychology on the voters? It would not be the first time.
Very sweet moment with Ryan and his “nana” in the audience. He talks about the emotional evening that we’ve all been through so far. And yes, that would include the viewing audience, especially with that darn Edy’s commerical airing every five minutes.
Video time… Phil meets with Diana and he fakes enthusiasm. She is clever enough to know that he is not really into her, the vibes are just not connecting. She tells him to “look at the audience” cuz you know, they are just ordinary people. Tonight, he sings “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” and as usual, he starts rough and gets better, then soars into greatness. At least tonight he is hat-less, but then again… this sounds terrible because I really like Phil. He seems like a nice guy, and he’s a military man and all that. I better recognize! But the entire time I am watching him, I think “my preciousssssss.” I know, so wrong! ... Huge, cute poster of his baby in the audience. Randy says that the “vocals were hot.” Paula says the song should have been “more up tempo.” Simon disagrees and says that he was “shouting in his ear” at some times during the song. Then the others backpeddle. The judges are weird sometimes, so wishy washy. “Sneaky hobbiteses!!”
Queen LaKisha is next and is delighted to meet Diana Ross because she is not just a star, she is a “Superstar!” True dat. LaKisha tells Diana that her mom calls her Kiki, which is just adorable. Diana says that she looks forward to Kiki’s performance. LaKisha sings one of my favorite old songs, “God Bless the Child,” and she looks gorgeous in a long white gown. I have never heard this song performed as well as she is doing it tonight. She is wonderful and does not miss a single note. Man, it’s hard to decide who I love more tonight, Kiki or Mel. There is something a little bit off-putting about LaKisha sometimes though – she has this look when she hits some notes; it looks like she is angry. “I AM Going to KNOCK You OUT.” Scares me a little. I would not want to make this chick mad, even when she does the nice “thank you” at the end. Randy says that it’s the “perfect song choice.” Paula says her “heart comes through” when she sings. Simon says she’s GOT IT. LaKisha is like, I know right? Simon goes on and on about how LaKisha and Melinda are a thousand times better than anyone else competing this season. Besotted Ryan gives his biggest smile of the evening as he calls out her number.
It is finally Blake’s turn. He chats with Ryan a bit about his favorite musical artists and since I am very old, none of these names are recognizable to me. Except MJ, ewww. In his video with Diana, he talks about wanting to take one of her songs and “mix it up a little bit.” You can tell by the look on her face that she’s like dude noooo. He is quite frank about making the song his own and she is still puzzled about him wanting to make an old song “fresh.” Tonight he performs “You Keep Me Hanging On” in a techno-pop-disco style. I think it’s pretty good, but My Hubby does not like it at all. There is something just so cool about Blake, even when he does the “open my jacket” move and hits a couple of rough notes. Randy says that he shouldn’t be messing with no classic and not to “Blake-ize” every song he sings. Paula says that he could have a hit with that. Simon does not “get it” and if we heard it on the radio you would not like it. Y’know, one of the most frustrating things about these judges, is that they tell the contestants every year to mix things up, be original, step out of the box. And THEN when they DO, they get nailed to the wall. It’s a never-win sitch and surely the contestants feel like yo-yos!
We get back from commercial break and for some reason, Paula is sitting in Ryan’s lap while Simon picks lint or something off his jacket. Okaaaay. Creepy much?
Still pondering the strangeness of it all as we get ready for Stephanie’s video with Diana. She is a big fan and will be singing “Love Hangover.” Diana tells Steph that she needs to be sexy and Steph promises to bring it on. Stephanie gets more gorgeous every time she’s shown on this show. Her voice is very good tonight but this song is kinda boring and repetitive. It doesn’t sound like I remembered it from when Diana had it on the radio. Stephanie is way too classy to really be sexy, but since I am a straight female, it’s hard for me to tell if she is “sexy” per se. One thing for sure, the big “Whoo! I’m-so-great” at the end was too much. Steph has a habit of doing that. Randy asks her why didn’t she go for the up-tempo part and then I realize that THAT is what was missing. Paula calls her on that as well. Simon says she “teased” everyone with the intro and she was outsung by the other divas tonight, sorry. The music cuts him off before he can finish; must be pushed for time. Steph explains to Ryan that she basically just didn’t want to do the disco part of the song tonight, so hmmmph.
Now we have Chris R., who is giddy with joy over Diana Ross. He is hoping that she is going to like his version of “The Boss.” He is adorable in a “cute but nerdy” kinda way. As always, I am not into his singing at all. Do not understand the fascination with his voice, even though he is cute and adorable in a less moron and male version of Pickler way. But some folks still compare him to My Sweet Man Elliott and that is just wrong. He can not touch a single song that E-Double did last year. Chris is young and has potential but he is not there yet. Randy says that it was “half good half bad.” Paula says that it reminded her of the song “Instant Reply.” (Thanks Paula, now THAT song will be stuck in my head all night.) Simon says the vocal was “dreadful” and once again they cue the STHU music.
The last performer tonight is beautiful Jordin, who is delightful in her video with Diana. Ms. Ross says that Jordin has star quality and the teen gal proves it tonight. She is more dazzling than ever with a song from one of my favorite movies, The Land Before Time. As she sings, I think of Littlefoot and friends trying to find the Great Valley. (Run Ducky, it’s Sharptooth!) Awww, Jordin is bringing back memories of when My Kid was little and it’s making me cry. I try to avert my eyes so that My Hubby does not see and tease me, then I notice that he is a bit misty, too. Randy says that he is “so so very impressed” with her. Paula says she is a “natural gift.” Simon says it was “gooey” BUT her vocal was good enough to put her in the finals. Jordin is delighted and I can’t help but worry that if she wins, The Powers That Be will try to popsicle-stick-skinny her down and slut her up. That would be sad.
But no sad thoughts right now, because it’s recap time. Upon review, it is my humble opinion that everyone did well at some point this evening. Maybe I am just feeling nostalgic and generous but there was something good in everyone’s performance tonight.
My favorites in this order… Melinda, LaKisha, Jordin. Least fave by a country mile was itty bitty teeny tiny Sanjaya. Everyone else was in between and I won’t remember them tomorrow. (Unless I go to rickey and listen again.)
The contestants are all lined up on stage again and whew, everyone is glad that the 2 hour “supreme” edition is finally mercifully over.
Now it’s time to go help a certain teenager with a research paper. Oooh maybe it’s on American Idol! Nah, but a mom can hope.
Before you can blink, Voice-Over Ryan brags on the previous American Idol winners. Grammys, #1s, CMA awards. And still milking Jen’s Oscar win for all it’s worth.
Great big stage tonight with an awesome back-up band and a huge audience. Ryan is sporting some manly stubble. He is such a grown up sometimes.
The most exciting thing about the Top 12 is finding out what the AI stylists do with the contestants’ “makeovers.” Most of them look the same tonight, except Sligh is glasses-less and Haley has Pantene shampoo commercial hair. And geez, Sanjaya got caught in a light socket.
The judges chat about the changes in store for tonight on the bigger stage. Then Ryan introduces the montage of tonight’s coach - The Inventor of Diva, Diana Ross. Ms. Ross is before my time (ahem!) but I do remember watching the movie Mahogany when I was a kid and liking that “Do You Know Where You’re Going To” theme song.
Diana meets with the kids and gives a pep talk. She reminds them that she has had an ab fab career for 40 (count’em) FORTY years and y’all need to listen up. She is very encouraging and seems sincere with her comments.
First up, Brandon discusses his time with Diana. Poor guy sounds like he has a cold. She seems to like him and who wouldn’t – he smiles and it’s all over with. She tells him to sing from his “heart place.” Tonight he sings “You Can’t Hurry Love” and he does okay. They need to turn his mic up or something; it is hard to hear his vocal. He does a corny Elvis leg shake and then totally forgets the words. Ow. Kiss of death with a sealed coffin. And yep, the judges call him on this major faux pas. Randy tells him that he has “reverted back to a background singer.” Paula tries to soothe him by saying it’s not easy to do what they are doing. Simon says he was predictable with “no star quality.” The audience (and I) boo this, as Brandon is charming and has a great voice. The first performance spot cuts the deepest though, especially with a two hour show. So *fingers crossed* - am hoping the best for Brandon.
Lovely Melinda sits on the space-ship stool and chats with Ryan. She looks gorgeous all dressed up but she says she is uncomfortable. She does not like the high heels. Funny banter between Ryan and Simon ensues: “you’re gay, no YOU are gay, NO you are gay…” What are they, 12??
Video time for Melinda … Diana’s smile lights up the room as she talks to my #1 pick for this season. She realizes that she has found a jewel in this lady and believes that Mel has a bright future. Tonight, Melinda sings a song from The Whiz and as usual, she does not miss a single note. She is every level of awesome that exists on this planet. Heart sigh. I think I love her more than any other AI contestant EVER. Yes, even Mr. Daughtry, but do not tell My Kid. (She is unable to watch tonight due to trivial things like math homework and a research paper.) Randy tells Mel that she is HOT. Paula is squalling like a proud mama, to Simon’s amusement. Simon says that Melinda reminds him of a “young Gladys Knight.” For filler fodder, Ryan tries to get Mel to tell him how she felt on stage and they joke a bit more about her dress.
So Chris Sligh’s video is next, and it’s so weird. Diana says that her first impression of Chris is that he was “a little bit nervous,” then it shows Chris saying that he does not have a “nervous bone” in his body. Do whut Bubba? Together, they chat about their similar hairdos. He is practicing “Endless Love” and he wants to change it up a little. She advices him not to do that, but oh well... Tonight on stage, Chris has indeed changed everything about the song. While I personally give him credit for trying to put a modern spin on a yawner of a tune, it seems self-defeating for him to go so against the “mentor’s” wishes. Tonight, without his glasses, Chris looks like Hurley on Lost, only thinner. Chatter on the ‘net says that Sligh has lost a lot of weight since the show began, with the help of Chris R. As for tonight’s performance, Randy says that it was a “weird thing to do to the song.” Paula says that he “tries too hard to be ultra cool.” Simon says he turned the song into an “utter drone.” Oh, and to get your glasses. Chris blames the “arrangement not the vocal,” yo! He is getting a little bit big-headed methinks. Am wondering if he is the subject of Sundance’s “Bitter, party of one” tirade after all? Hopefully this is not the case; I have really liked him since the beginning.
Next, a “star struck” Gina meets with Diana. Gina tells about singing “Love Child” when she was a wee lass and not understanding what the song meant. Diana reminds her that this is a story-song and that Gina must ENUNCIATE. She promises that she will but… alas. You can tell right off the bat that she just plain forgot. The stage is bigger and evidently Gina thinks that she has to walk every inch of it in those stilettos. She is too plum give out of breath to sing. My Hubby thinks that she looks good tonight in those jeans; I just roll my eyes cuz I am jealous. Randy says that he didn’t “feel any excitement.” Paula says she was shouting at times. Simon says that it was a “little bit forgettable.” Gina does not seem to really care what they think and tells Ryan that she feels absolutely at home on the bigger stage, thanks. She is very pretty and something about her face reminds me of Jenna Elfman.
Commercials… HOW dorky is the Edy’s “why are they dancing” commercial? Almost bad enough to turn me against ice cream. Even ice cream that’s named after my favorite show! Yep folks, we have AI desserts now.
Speaking of icky sweetness, up now, it’s Sanjaya. Diana says that “Sanjaya is LOVE!” Oh God. She raves about how sweet and wonderful he is while he just smiles beautifully. Tonight he is all long arms, giant hair and big teeth. He attempts to sing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and while he is not howling-dog bad, it’s (as always) a very weak vocal. Am beginning to think that there’s not a mountain high enough to keep his fans away from the phone!! Randy can barely keep a straight face as he tells San that the song was “unlistenable” and the background singers carried him. Paula echoes Diana’s “pure love” comment. San pouts prettily and is confused as Simon tries to explain in his oh-so-British way that Diana is screaming at the TV right now. You know, because you butchered her first number one song? ¿Comprende? Poor San, the lights are on but nobody’s home. Thank goodness he’s pretty and has all that great hair.
Wow, Katharine is back! No wait. It’s Haley. Darn. She sits in the space-ship chair and talks to Ryan about how short her dress is and isn’t she showing a lot of leg tonight? Actually, that was what My Hubby and I were discussing. In the video, Ms. Ross says that Haley has a “studio voice” but not really a “live-in-front-of-an-audience” voice. That actually explains A LOT. Tonight, Haley sings “Missing You,” the song that Diana recorded after Marvin Gaye died. She is very very pretty and male people all over the country are enjoying the mini dress. But oops, it’s happened again. She totally misses the words and fumbles, recovers, then misses again. Since I am a singer myself (ahem!) I know what an awful feeling this can be. Randy is delicate with Haley and tells her that he is “surprised and shocked.” Paula says she looks lovely but her pitch was yi-yi-yikesy. Simon … are you ready for this? Simon says that he didn’t think it was “that bad” and makes a point to call her by her name. Naturally, just as he tells her that she needs to “hold it together” she has a meltdown. Ryan lets her sit down and she babbles about messing up her words. Flashbacks of last year’s Melissa McGhee come to mind. (Melissa bombed on her Stevie Wonder song and Simon gave her an unexpected kudo.) I am not sure if his comments are genuine or if he wants to avoid the pity vote... Is he using reverse psychology on the voters? It would not be the first time.
Very sweet moment with Ryan and his “nana” in the audience. He talks about the emotional evening that we’ve all been through so far. And yes, that would include the viewing audience, especially with that darn Edy’s commerical airing every five minutes.
Video time… Phil meets with Diana and he fakes enthusiasm. She is clever enough to know that he is not really into her, the vibes are just not connecting. She tells him to “look at the audience” cuz you know, they are just ordinary people. Tonight, he sings “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” and as usual, he starts rough and gets better, then soars into greatness. At least tonight he is hat-less, but then again… this sounds terrible because I really like Phil. He seems like a nice guy, and he’s a military man and all that. I better recognize! But the entire time I am watching him, I think “my preciousssssss.” I know, so wrong! ... Huge, cute poster of his baby in the audience. Randy says that the “vocals were hot.” Paula says the song should have been “more up tempo.” Simon disagrees and says that he was “shouting in his ear” at some times during the song. Then the others backpeddle. The judges are weird sometimes, so wishy washy. “Sneaky hobbiteses!!”
Queen LaKisha is next and is delighted to meet Diana Ross because she is not just a star, she is a “Superstar!” True dat. LaKisha tells Diana that her mom calls her Kiki, which is just adorable. Diana says that she looks forward to Kiki’s performance. LaKisha sings one of my favorite old songs, “God Bless the Child,” and she looks gorgeous in a long white gown. I have never heard this song performed as well as she is doing it tonight. She is wonderful and does not miss a single note. Man, it’s hard to decide who I love more tonight, Kiki or Mel. There is something a little bit off-putting about LaKisha sometimes though – she has this look when she hits some notes; it looks like she is angry. “I AM Going to KNOCK You OUT.” Scares me a little. I would not want to make this chick mad, even when she does the nice “thank you” at the end. Randy says that it’s the “perfect song choice.” Paula says her “heart comes through” when she sings. Simon says she’s GOT IT. LaKisha is like, I know right? Simon goes on and on about how LaKisha and Melinda are a thousand times better than anyone else competing this season. Besotted Ryan gives his biggest smile of the evening as he calls out her number.
It is finally Blake’s turn. He chats with Ryan a bit about his favorite musical artists and since I am very old, none of these names are recognizable to me. Except MJ, ewww. In his video with Diana, he talks about wanting to take one of her songs and “mix it up a little bit.” You can tell by the look on her face that she’s like dude noooo. He is quite frank about making the song his own and she is still puzzled about him wanting to make an old song “fresh.” Tonight he performs “You Keep Me Hanging On” in a techno-pop-disco style. I think it’s pretty good, but My Hubby does not like it at all. There is something just so cool about Blake, even when he does the “open my jacket” move and hits a couple of rough notes. Randy says that he shouldn’t be messing with no classic and not to “Blake-ize” every song he sings. Paula says that he could have a hit with that. Simon does not “get it” and if we heard it on the radio you would not like it. Y’know, one of the most frustrating things about these judges, is that they tell the contestants every year to mix things up, be original, step out of the box. And THEN when they DO, they get nailed to the wall. It’s a never-win sitch and surely the contestants feel like yo-yos!
We get back from commercial break and for some reason, Paula is sitting in Ryan’s lap while Simon picks lint or something off his jacket. Okaaaay. Creepy much?
Still pondering the strangeness of it all as we get ready for Stephanie’s video with Diana. She is a big fan and will be singing “Love Hangover.” Diana tells Steph that she needs to be sexy and Steph promises to bring it on. Stephanie gets more gorgeous every time she’s shown on this show. Her voice is very good tonight but this song is kinda boring and repetitive. It doesn’t sound like I remembered it from when Diana had it on the radio. Stephanie is way too classy to really be sexy, but since I am a straight female, it’s hard for me to tell if she is “sexy” per se. One thing for sure, the big “Whoo! I’m-so-great” at the end was too much. Steph has a habit of doing that. Randy asks her why didn’t she go for the up-tempo part and then I realize that THAT is what was missing. Paula calls her on that as well. Simon says she “teased” everyone with the intro and she was outsung by the other divas tonight, sorry. The music cuts him off before he can finish; must be pushed for time. Steph explains to Ryan that she basically just didn’t want to do the disco part of the song tonight, so hmmmph.
Now we have Chris R., who is giddy with joy over Diana Ross. He is hoping that she is going to like his version of “The Boss.” He is adorable in a “cute but nerdy” kinda way. As always, I am not into his singing at all. Do not understand the fascination with his voice, even though he is cute and adorable in a less moron and male version of Pickler way. But some folks still compare him to My Sweet Man Elliott and that is just wrong. He can not touch a single song that E-Double did last year. Chris is young and has potential but he is not there yet. Randy says that it was “half good half bad.” Paula says that it reminded her of the song “Instant Reply.” (Thanks Paula, now THAT song will be stuck in my head all night.) Simon says the vocal was “dreadful” and once again they cue the STHU music.
The last performer tonight is beautiful Jordin, who is delightful in her video with Diana. Ms. Ross says that Jordin has star quality and the teen gal proves it tonight. She is more dazzling than ever with a song from one of my favorite movies, The Land Before Time. As she sings, I think of Littlefoot and friends trying to find the Great Valley. (Run Ducky, it’s Sharptooth!) Awww, Jordin is bringing back memories of when My Kid was little and it’s making me cry. I try to avert my eyes so that My Hubby does not see and tease me, then I notice that he is a bit misty, too. Randy says that he is “so so very impressed” with her. Paula says she is a “natural gift.” Simon says it was “gooey” BUT her vocal was good enough to put her in the finals. Jordin is delighted and I can’t help but worry that if she wins, The Powers That Be will try to popsicle-stick-skinny her down and slut her up. That would be sad.
But no sad thoughts right now, because it’s recap time. Upon review, it is my humble opinion that everyone did well at some point this evening. Maybe I am just feeling nostalgic and generous but there was something good in everyone’s performance tonight.
My favorites in this order… Melinda, LaKisha, Jordin. Least fave by a country mile was itty bitty teeny tiny Sanjaya. Everyone else was in between and I won’t remember them tomorrow. (Unless I go to rickey and listen again.)
The contestants are all lined up on stage again and whew, everyone is glad that the 2 hour “supreme” edition is finally mercifully over.
Now it’s time to go help a certain teenager with a research paper. Oooh maybe it’s on American Idol! Nah, but a mom can hope.
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