March 14, 2007
Sure enough, the song that they’re playing at the opening of tonight’s show is “I’m Coming Out.” Very fitting, given the witty exchange of dialogue between Ryan and Simon last night.
But enough about THOSE divas – tonight the spotlight is on the Original Diva Herself, Diana Ross. I was impressed with the work she did with the contestants and look forward to her performance tonight.
Ryan has a cool purple tie and Simon is sexy as heck in a white shirt that actually has a (gasp) collar.
Recaps show Brandon and Haley blowing the lyrics. Phil and Gina “ignite a love fest.” Chris and Blake “changing the Motown sound.” Steph has a sweet hangover; Chris is the boss. Sanjaya has great hair and that’s it. LaKisha and Jordin bring out their sensational “soft sides.” Melinda brought it all “Home” yeah!
The group sing out is a medley of Diana Ross songs and here is what we are in for when the tour comes around this summer… they should never put dorky Chris and nerdy Phil side-by-side; it’s like a Weird Al video. Blake has great and smooth moves, unlike Sligh who is very awkward. You can almost see him counting the beat in his head. Melinda is a SUPERSTAR already. Stand back everybody else. For a big gal, LaKisha got some moves too, though. Gina just wants everyone to get out of her way.
Now it is time for the faux-Ford commercial, which is about weird hair and even more bad dancing. The gals are even more photogenic on film. Tonight while they watch it, the kids are tickled silly over the video.
Now it is time to get down to some bizness. LaKisha and Gina are safe but then Brandon is in the bottom three. Jordin is safe, as well as Chris R. Melinda gets more shout out from the audience than anyone and is of course safe. Phil is in the bottom three. Sligh, Stephanie, and Blake are safe. This leaves us with Sanjaya and Haley; one of these will round out the bottom three but first…
I take a catnap during the “text message your answer” to blah blah blah segment. Have never text messaged in my life and have no intention of starting now.
Diana Ross, dressed in a beautiful flowing red gown, sings “More Than Yesterday” and while she seems like a perfect pro, we can not help but think that this is a little pitchy, yo. However, it is inspiring that she still takes joy in her work after all these years. She looks like she could be Paula’s older sister, especially when she ad libs a bunch of “hey heys.” I enjoy her interaction with the kids and she has glowing remarks about how much she loves American Idol. Funny moment when Ryan asks her who is going home and she says “Me!”
The moment of truth is drawing near and my DVR says that we have 3 minutes left. Which means that it will run out and I won’t catch the end, darn it.
Sanjaya is the last one in the bottom three. Phil sits back down, he is safe. I make a bet with My Hubby that Brandon will be the one to go. And sure nuff, Brandon is the one going home tonight. Weird, but San looks disappointed that he is staying.
My DVR runs out before I get to see much of Brandon’s “going home” montage but I will always remember him as the handsome and confident background singer with the wonderful smile.
So now we have six whole days to find out what songs San and Haley will murder next…
Sure enough, the song that they’re playing at the opening of tonight’s show is “I’m Coming Out.” Very fitting, given the witty exchange of dialogue between Ryan and Simon last night.
But enough about THOSE divas – tonight the spotlight is on the Original Diva Herself, Diana Ross. I was impressed with the work she did with the contestants and look forward to her performance tonight.
Ryan has a cool purple tie and Simon is sexy as heck in a white shirt that actually has a (gasp) collar.
Recaps show Brandon and Haley blowing the lyrics. Phil and Gina “ignite a love fest.” Chris and Blake “changing the Motown sound.” Steph has a sweet hangover; Chris is the boss. Sanjaya has great hair and that’s it. LaKisha and Jordin bring out their sensational “soft sides.” Melinda brought it all “Home” yeah!
The group sing out is a medley of Diana Ross songs and here is what we are in for when the tour comes around this summer… they should never put dorky Chris and nerdy Phil side-by-side; it’s like a Weird Al video. Blake has great and smooth moves, unlike Sligh who is very awkward. You can almost see him counting the beat in his head. Melinda is a SUPERSTAR already. Stand back everybody else. For a big gal, LaKisha got some moves too, though. Gina just wants everyone to get out of her way.
Now it is time for the faux-Ford commercial, which is about weird hair and even more bad dancing. The gals are even more photogenic on film. Tonight while they watch it, the kids are tickled silly over the video.
Now it is time to get down to some bizness. LaKisha and Gina are safe but then Brandon is in the bottom three. Jordin is safe, as well as Chris R. Melinda gets more shout out from the audience than anyone and is of course safe. Phil is in the bottom three. Sligh, Stephanie, and Blake are safe. This leaves us with Sanjaya and Haley; one of these will round out the bottom three but first…
I take a catnap during the “text message your answer” to blah blah blah segment. Have never text messaged in my life and have no intention of starting now.
Diana Ross, dressed in a beautiful flowing red gown, sings “More Than Yesterday” and while she seems like a perfect pro, we can not help but think that this is a little pitchy, yo. However, it is inspiring that she still takes joy in her work after all these years. She looks like she could be Paula’s older sister, especially when she ad libs a bunch of “hey heys.” I enjoy her interaction with the kids and she has glowing remarks about how much she loves American Idol. Funny moment when Ryan asks her who is going home and she says “Me!”
The moment of truth is drawing near and my DVR says that we have 3 minutes left. Which means that it will run out and I won’t catch the end, darn it.
Sanjaya is the last one in the bottom three. Phil sits back down, he is safe. I make a bet with My Hubby that Brandon will be the one to go. And sure nuff, Brandon is the one going home tonight. Weird, but San looks disappointed that he is staying.
My DVR runs out before I get to see much of Brandon’s “going home” montage but I will always remember him as the handsome and confident background singer with the wonderful smile.
So now we have six whole days to find out what songs San and Haley will murder next…
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