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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beckham Serves Call Girl with a Lawsuit!

That's right... David Beckham isn't going to take this one lying down! The soccer superstar wasted no time in getting a lawsuit ready and served to the woman who claims she had an affair with him.

The above photo is of call girl Irma Nici as she is served the legal documents yesterday at a hotel in New York. The lawsuit, filed at Los Angeles Superior Court, alleges libel, slander and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Below are scans of the documents...

In related news, David and Victoria Beckham have said they will not keep a penny of the £16million he is suing prostitute Irma Nici for. Instead, any money paid out in damages will be given directly to the couple's children's charity, the Victoria and David Beckham Charitable Trust. A friend of the couple said: "Any cash retrieved from this liar will help sick kids."
source: DailyMail

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