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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Looks Like This Story Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon..

Here are a series of tabloid covers for this week - they just don't want to let this go!

But of all places, the UK's DailyMail is trying to make some sense out of the story meaning they are trying to explain how they think the story is fabricated. For example...

THE HOTEL: The first encounter, she claims, took place at Le Parker Meridien hotel in Manhattan. She said Beckham was staying in a ‘junior’ suite. Beckham was in New York in August 2007. LA Galaxy were playing New York Red Bulls on the 18th of that month. Is there any proof either Beckham or Miss Nici were at the Meridien? The hotel declined to comment and Becks insists he stayed at the Waldorf Astoria.

BECKHAM’S HAIR: Nici says that when Beckham opened the door his hair was damp after a shower. Beckham — through his representatives — says this can’t be true because he was sporting a ‘grade one’ haircut at the time. In other words, his hair was so short it would probably have dried almost immediately. A photograph in the New York Times of Beckham on August 18 confirms he had a crew cut.

COPYING REBECCA LOOS'S STATEMENTS: Nici says Beckham has a distinguishing mark on an intimate body. Loos also spoke of Beckham’s ‘distinguishing mark’. Also, Nici said he ‘knew what he was doing’ in bed. Compare the wording with the description Miss Loos used in an interview six years ago. ‘He [Beckham] seemed to know what he was doing.’ Both women also describe taking part in the same act with him.

THE OTHER PROSTITUTE AND MADAM: Nici has refused to identify the mystery second call girl, referring to her only has Jess. But, Kristin Davis, who used to be known as the ‘Manhattan Madam’ says, "Jess will never meet or talk about it. She is out of the game, and not even in this state. She wants nothing to do with it. She will not talk for all the money in the world."

COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOUR: "He’s a little weird, a little OCD," Nici says of Beckham. "He even put the television remote controls in order." Under different circumstances, it might be easy to believe that the two had met but David's compulisveness is widely known after his wife spoke about his antics on national TV.

CLARIDGE’S: Nici says she met Beckham at Claridge’s in London in September 2007. She said: "His dad was sick or something and he was very upset." It was widely reported that Beckham flew into Heathrow on September 28 to visit his father, Ted, who had suffered a heart attack. "Why would David be calling out a prostitute when his father was seriously ill?" said a Beckham aide. "To add to this, Victoria had cancelled a trip to Japan and had flown home to London to join him."

PHONE RECORDS: A Sunday newspaper caught up with Irma Nici at the weekend. She had claimed to have phone records of Beckham calling her from Le Meridien. But when pressed she could not produce any. She offered to show reporters ­evidence of U.S. immigration stamps in her passport to prove she was in New York at the time she alleges she was with Beckham, but later claimed her handbag containing the document had been stolen.

Some things are not adding up here and for once, the DailyMail is actually being a bit useful.

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