Victoria went back to longer locks this year which was quite a surprise. She started the year with her hair being in that awkward growing out stage and then she stunned us all when she arrived in the South of France sporting long flowing waves.
My favorite hairstyle of the year was the chic ponytail she wore to the Women's Conference. I just loved how it was simple and elegant. I honestly didn't really like when she wore her hair down (in the long style) because I feel that it is a bit limp and makes her look even thinner. But this ponytail was perfect. It complimented her gorgeous cheekbones! My least favorite of the year was the sloppiness from the British Fashion Awards... the photo simply says why.
My favorite hairstyle of the year was the chic ponytail she wore to the Women's Conference. I just loved how it was simple and elegant. I honestly didn't really like when she wore her hair down (in the long style) because I feel that it is a bit limp and makes her look even thinner. But this ponytail was perfect. It complimented her gorgeous cheekbones! My least favorite of the year was the sloppiness from the British Fashion Awards... the photo simply says why.
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